Talking About Pot with Cancer Patients - Advanced Prostate...

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Talking About Pot with Cancer Patients

4 Replies

4 Replies

I live in a state that has approved medical marijuana. Cancer is a qualifying condition to get a MM card. I can use Leafly and other resources to learn about the various strains, methods, etc. Medical school, to my knowledge, provides no education on marijuana. We're on our own and we (me at least) like it that way. All things in moderation is the key. I don't need to involve my doctor in this matter.

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Beermaker in reply to

But if you can educate your care givers, more people would be able to obtain and use the herb. I will continue to try to educate my doctors and nurses.

Beermaker profile image

Anecdotal comment: I am having cataract surgery tomorrow. I use medical MJ available here in FL for insomnia and for pain. The admissions nurse wanted to know how "clean" my MMJ was. She did not understand that all of the products are tested for purity here. When I told her about the products and testing, and my ability to sleep much more soundly, she was impressed and wanted more info. My PCP was dubious but seemed happier when I said it was medical grade. No one in the PCa field seems to have a clue, but most are open to being educated.

I continue my self medication (actually have a prescription the would leave me incoherent most days) and I do get more done now, and enjoy life more than I used to. We need to educate more care givers if we can. (My wife was not happy when I used street MJ, but is happy with the legal stuff and how I look, act, and feel since I started on it.)


in reply to Beermaker

Right. My wife wasn't that thrilled with me using the now legal medical M stuff but she's coming around. I seem to be a better and more attentive person when I use this stuff. I don't think my medical caregivers would do anything other than scold me on my use.

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