My father has just finished his 40 radiation sessions 2 weeks ago and doctor asked to visit after 3 weeks for follow up.. 1 more week to go to visit doctor.. Suddenly he got diarrhea since two days... He has medication prescribed by the doctor for this.. But my question is during radiation and even after 2 weeks everything was smooth.. No diahrea.. But why now? Is it okay to have it at this point?
After effects of radiation - Advanced Prostate...
After effects of radiation

I had 38 rounds of radiation. It was not until close to the end that I got diarrhea. For me it took about a month to get better. However, about 16 months after the last round I still get the occasional bout of diarrhea, sometimes with blood. I was told that that was normal. Listed below is some information on side effects of radiation.
Hopefully the diarrhea will be short lived.
Thank you for the quick reply.. Also PSA before starting radiation got under control from 38 to 0.1 but dumping radiation it increased.. Doctor said it will not be considered as it's during radiation.. So usually how long it takes to come back to 0.1 like before radiation.. He has to go for follow up session after a week
Please know that my comments are from a grumpy retired chemist not an MD.
Radiation turns your insides to mush. The goal it to slowly stress the area radiated every day. Cancer cells, unlike normal cells, have a harder time to recover. The goal is to slowly kill them over the course of the treatment. What that means for PSA is that during the slow killing of cancer cells some PSA could be released. What you need to look for is over the next couple of months does it go down.
Is he on any other therapy, like hormonal? Could you share more I formation about his cancer? That way you can get more detailed information.
Please know that your whole family are now part of our family. You will never be alone again. That is because people like us we have to stick together!
Thank you for the positive words.. My father got his testicles removed in Aug 2017 since then on Zytiga +calcium...along with radiation doctors started some vitamin supplements +medicines to control vomit, diahrea, urine, fatigue +Blood pressure was getting towards higher side so also started medicine a month ago for that
From what you say, it looks to me that you and your father live in India!! Our doctors hastily remove the testicles when they hear the C word. They did it to me. I do not think that was necessary, not at least at the very start. My PCa does not appear to be very androgen dependent, and I can not understand all this hunt to shoot down what little testosterone there is! Is he on any ADT like Calutamide or Lupron?
He is on Zytiga.. I stay in Singapore, parents in India.. Doctors were not removing it but suggesting injections for 6 Months but my cousin did research and insisted doctor with testical removal they said this option can be opted too and then did it.. I spoke to other patients there none of them had testicle removed as doctors there suggest and prefer for 6 monthly injections.. Finance was not an issue but we thought to opt for testicle removal hoping it can make the growth very slow
I was half right about your location! For the benefit of other patients (I am not a medical doctor, but of Engineering) I would suggest Lupron first. By talking to fellow wretches and there are many at hand, I understand Lupron can control PSA initially for about three years. My Orchidectomy did not achieve anything better. I am on Abiraterone Acetate now (Zytiga in the US), but have not checked PSA. Waiting for three months. I am not so sure why Dr is hunting for the few drops that the Adrenaline produces a week, when the primary factory is already shut down. But once again, Kshiprakapoor, based on my experience, ask your father to travel wherever he wants to go, only have a toilet ready at hand (not an easy demand here in India!)!! I am joking, it is not so bad as all that.
Zytiga attacks the other sources of testosterone, from the adrenal gland (why you have to take it with prednisone) and even from mutated cancer cells. No since for Lupron since he had his testicles removed.
Praying for an end of the radiation side effects.
Walt (not a MD)
It was normal for me i got it towards the end and still after 7 years everything is not back the way it was before radiation. He should come around in time.
Yea,,,,, the new normal.
Traveling on vacation is possible outside the country.. Can it be a welcome change or more inconvenient
Normal is a moving target.


Greg! Was that a double entender?! I appreciate your sense of gallows humour!!
I myself get all my business done in the morning and the rest of the day is ok. Changing my diet to oatmeal in the morning and salad with grilled chicken in it for lunch and dinner stopped the need to go asap when i got vertical in the morning. Yea its boring but helped me lose the weight i put on from HT.
So oats and salads are okay.. Bcoz as of now doctor asked to avoid uncooked food due to side effects of radiation.. May be they will have some other advise in a week's time in followup session.. Yes weight control is required
Yea this is down the road maybe. While getting RT i didnt change my diet at all.
I didnt change anything when having radiation i think they said dont eat nuts. Id give a call to your oncologist office to be sure because what do i know! LOL. Heck i drank beer on occasion so i wasnt the best follower of rules.
Radiation has a cumulative effect, The side effects start showing up towards the end and peak a few weeks after the radiation is done. The good news is that the side effects are usually mild (like diarrhea that resolves with medicine) and transient.
Here's a description of what he can expect:
I finished treatment number 29 yesterday - and, met with the RO afterward (we do so once a week, as is MSTI's protocol). While I seem to be withstanding the assault pretty well, he advises me it will take months to recover (and, no PSA for at LEAST 3 months, due to conditions Dr. Who notes...). So, unless this is prolonged, it may be ok - could dad have "picked up a virus"? A confounding condition going to and from hospitals...
May be.. Will check with doctor.. Actually he traveled to nearby city for some urgent official work for 2 days but he stayed in a good hotel... Is it okay to work at this situation,?
I had the same effects . I believe its just side effects and they wil go away. RT does have some lasting side effects for me I put my fatigue on that list. That radiation is hard on our immunity. Take extra good care of him. Things should improve. Unfortunately he’s not experiencing anything out of the ordinary. Sorry to say. Hang in there baby!

Atleast good to see positive replies from all the people.. It really gives strength in difficult time
Negativity will kill us! It’s life with the big “IF” in the middle. We pray and do our best, that all that we can do. We must deal with the cards that we are dealt. With love and support good things are possible. It’s kinda like getting hit in the head with a brick. Takes time to get back in the saddle.. Lots of love and support. You reamain strong for him so that he can lean on you.
Hello. I am afraid this may only be the beginning. I also had 40 radiation in Aug 2016. I have had constant problems with what dr calls Radiation Proctitis. There is constant pressure, but it is no ordinary diarrhoea. I doubt is medicines for diarrhoea will help. He has to get used to the idea... it is a nuisance, but if his Prostate shows no problems, just thank god and be happy.
So was radiation the right decision.. Bcoz before radiation lymph nodes came clear in the MRI but doctor said it's not visible but Zytiga can only he'll in controlling it till 2 yrs with radiation 60% patients help staying quality life till 6 years
How is the proctitis now?
After 30 months, Proctitis is still present, but at a tolerable level. I doubt if it will ever clear off completely. In spells when particularly bothersome Mebevereine 130 three times a day 20 mins before food is helpful. Mebevereine is used for irritable bowel syndrome, and is over the counter, at least here in India.
It all comes down to the skill and care taken by the radiologist. I had my prostate and several nodes treated not long after my DX of stage 4, G9 cancer about 4 years ago. I recall fatigue (it seems like almost every PCa treatment causes fatigue- aka "new normal") and some minor stomach distress but that was it. I had two well respected medoncs tell me it was an excellent decision. One because it wiped out the primary tumor preventing further mets from being generated by it and reducing tumor burden, the other said it helps prevent the spread of cancer to hard to treat areas like the bladder and urinary track. Of all the treatments I've been through it was one of the easiest, I'd do it again in a heartbeat.
One more cast...
From my experience with 37 days of RT I think I beat the diarrhea with a good Probiotic twice a day to bring back the gut flora and fauna. Radiation and antibiotics both kill the gut beasties which keep your digestion working properly.
On days when it was bad a took couple tablespoons of Kaopectate to bring things under control .
Worked for me.
Good luck.
I received 39 sessions of radiation after my RPD and never had a problem with diarrhea or any other symptoms. However years later I've had issues with my Kidney and Urinary tract. To quote my urologist "maybe from kidney stones or radiation?"
Good Luck and Good Health.
J-o-h-n Sunday 02/25/2018 6:56 PM EST
p.s. If you're Hindu then 🙏 "u-must-stay" and 🙏 "I must-go".
To: Kshiprakapoor, To answer your question.
Size: 12.3 cm in longitudinal dimension
note below: The difference in the size (smaller) of my left kidney (atrophied) to my right kidney listed above.
Left kidney:
Size: 8.9 cm in longitudinal dimension
Appearance: Atrophic with increased echogenicity. No mass. Mild to
moderate hydronephrosis, new since the prior ultrasound. No
shadowing calculi.
Urinary bladder: Unremarkable.
1. Duplicated right renal collecting system with moderate
hydroureteronephrosis of the upper pole moiety. Fullness of the
lower pole moiety without frank hydronephrosis.
2. New mild to moderate hydronephrosis of the left kidney.
3. Atrophic left kidney.
I will be going in on March 7th for an operation (procedure) to remove any blockage(s) where my left ureter meets my bladder. and to place a stent in my left urinary tract as well as remove a kidney stone from my right kidney and to place a stent on my right side also.
I've had many many stents in and out of my left urinary tract, with no pain at all.
So if all of these problems are due to the 39 sessions of radiation to the prostate bed or they were caused by kidney stones, it's God's call. And He/She ain't telling.
I hope this answered your question.
🙏 "u-must-stay" and 🙏 "I must-go".
Good Luck and Good Health.
j-o-h-n Sunday 02/25/2018 9:08 PM EST
P.S. You don't happen to be related to the Kapoor family? LOL
Haa.. No not related to the bollywood Kapoor family and thankyou for the reply
To: Kshiprakapoor
Sorry but forgot to include some pertinent information:
RPD September 2002.
Radiation was performed during February, March and April of 2005 at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York City (39 sessions/treatments).
First indication of problem concerning my left kidney was January 2008, that's when Urologist started with the "in and out" stents.
Good Luck and Good Health.
j-o-h-n Monday 02/26/2018 8:35 AM EST
p.s. So maybe you're related to Rajkumari Dubey? LOL