Hi There,
I have been recently diagnosed with Prostrate and would like to get some guidance. The doctors have put me on medication & injections .
Hi There,
I have been recently diagnosed with Prostrate and would like to get some guidance. The doctors have put me on medication & injections .
Can I know how will be the journey like , I want to fight & live for the love of my life & my son...
Hi Forunidhu
Please elaborate more so our audience on this site can gauge what is going on.
I'm assuming that you've had a PSA test and a biopsy (that's where a urologist extracts bits of tissue from your prostate gland with a needle like device and sends them to a pathologist to be evaluated.) Can you tell us what your PSA and Gleason score are? Your doctor's office will have the numbers if you don't remember them. Also, can you tell us what medications and injections you've been given.
If you didn't have a biopsy then perhaps you were not diagnosed with prostate cancer but with prostatitis - an inflammation of the prostate that can be painful but is not generally dangerous.
Forunidhu,you are going to be around a good long time to see your kids grow and turn into adults ..then grandkids...you can take care and probably rid yourself of PC. I personally know two guys that permanently beat PC with radioactive beads implanted in prostate never to have a return .with your youth and #2 you will have options to halt and reverse ...This is by no means anything near a death warrant for you. Rather an opertunity to live as healthy as possible and get rid of cancer..sorry for the news. But you can ,and will do this. The kids are your reason ..There will be advances in the near future ...Be positive and ask any questions that you like. These folks here care and are informed..Enjoy these holidays with your family. They grow up so fast.