Anyone here have experience with CBD oil and ADHD? I am currently on Adderal.....
CBD oil?: Anyone here have experience... - CHADD's Adult ADH...
CBD oil?
I use it occasionally, takes the edge off my anxiety, which gives me a little more 'thinking space'. I'm not on any medication for my ADHD as I'm just recently diagnosed, but have taken the Canabidol on and off for about 6 months. One side affect for me is it can cause vivid dreams, which I also experienced with SSRI antidepressants. So I only use it on occasion. I believe some others will have had different experiences to my own.
How long did u take CBD before u started feeling the effects? The store where I got mine said 8-10 days, but I’ve been taking it for three days and I think I can feel effects. Could this happen this soon?
I understand that some people get a reaction fairly quickly and I wouldn't be surprised if some takes a few days to build up. For me it was as quick as having a strong black coffee - 1-3 hrs....
I’m feeling a little calmer and didn’t “shut down” yesterday like I usually do toward the end of the workday. Also my hands tend to tremor a tiny bit and I feel like that is less also.
Just started using CBD oil this week. I take it before bed. The first night I took it, I slept great, and during the day it seems to have helped with anxiety, dramatically. I had a deadline this week and I'm usually super stressed but I stayed calm. It was pretty amazing. We'll see if it lasts. FYI I also take 18mg of Concerta every morning.