Hi. My grandson is in 8th grade with an iep. The school is using A hybrid teaching model because of the pandemic using schoology. I am working with him to complete assignments on time and bring his grades up. The software allows me to see his grades but I have no access to review the graded assignments. Any suggestions on a solution?
Work around with schoology due the so... - CHADD's ADHD Pare...
Work around with schoology due the software’s limitations

Can you look at this video and see if it helps you? They make it sound like if the teacher grades it and puts in comments, that then the student can see it.
Can you ask if the school is they also using Google Classroom, it is very easy to see all graded assignments in this platform.
The other option is to ask the professional to do a weekly summary (which is always to late, but better than nothing) and send it to you.
Check this out and see if it helps
Hope this helps you!
I have not found a work around for this other than logging in as my child. When I inquired with the school IT department I was given no other options ("just get your son's password"). I definitely feel it is a shortcoming of the program.
Thanks. That is my experience too. The problem is for me is not when he is working on an assignment but after it is submitted and graded. Some tests will give you the grade and a view of the test but even with his login he cannot see all his graded tests and assignments.
How are you to help them if you cannot see what they got wrong.
Hello! I've logged in to schoology as my kids (both ADHD one and normal one) to see or even print out assignments, notes, etc. Once something is submitted, I don't think that even the kids can retrieve their work? My kids have been given the opportunity to redo assignments for better grades - maybe you could ask the teachers about this? Know this is a later reply, but thought it would be helpful.