Anyone use caffeine to help with focus? My 13 year old does like the taste of coffee so we did a little experiment as a psychologist suggested and she said it was helpful. Mild inattention probably does not require meds, but wonder if coffee or some sort of caffeine supplement would work as a daily thing. Any thoughts?
Caffeine?: Anyone use caffeine to help... - CHADD's ADHD Pare...

I assume your daughter is not taking any medication, becuase they do not recommend mixing the 2.
But if while she is doing her homework she has a cup of tea/coffee with caffeinee in it, I think this is a great idea. Of you find it works, then you can introduce it in caffeine form. I would just recommend this not be to close to bed time so she is full of energy. I would be curious if there are any "official" research papers written on this subject.
Best of luck on finding something that helps
My nephew uses Mountain Dew or Coke for a short term boost after his medication wears off.
You could try green tea or caffeinated water if your child is open to that. I've seen different types of water sold on amazon, but have kit tried it with my child. I've using Good Day Chocolates Energy supplements. They are like giant sized m&ms, but with caffeine in them. I have my 8year old take four in the morning. This is equivalent to a cup of coffee. These chocolates are sold directly on their site or you can also get them at whole foods. This has help my son to better attend in class.
I actually just spotted them and bought them tonight! Tiny box though and I’d have to actually regulate those I bet (she’s 13 and would normally be able to regulate it herself). Have you noticed ho long it takes to kick in and long long the effects might last?
helsiu - I found these online but cannot find anywhere that it gives caffeine information. I looked on Amazon and their website. We are desperately searching for a caffeine pill or something to give my 4 year old.
The only thing working for him right now is coffee each morning - but it's getting hard to get him to drink it!
Any help would be great!
My little box states 20 mg per little chocolate drop (regular adult serving size is 4 pieces.
Thank you! This is what you get, right?
Ah, I think I found the wrong one. You get this one, right? Makes more sense. Sorry... AHDH mommy brain happening over here!
Helsiu has used it with her child. I bought a small box and basically ate it all myself before my daughter had a chance to try it! It’s tasty. Today I was sleepy-tired and decided to take 4 before working out (it was work out or nap!) boy did that do the trick. Ha ha! Wish they sold it in a bigger container like the calm one in your other link.
This is the direct link to the site. There should be a nutritional chart with the breakdown of vitamins and stimulants in the chocolates.
This past weekend there was a discount code for 20%off. If you order directly from the company worth giving this code a try.
By the time we do homework after school (3:00 pm) to me I feel like it wearing off. I have given him an extra 4 to take around 12:15ish to last to the late afternoon/early evening. He takes the first four 7:30 am in the morning.
I've noticed an ounce or two of my coffee really helps my 6 year old son w/ ADD. (He's currently not on medication.)
I don't do it regularly due to his young age, and I'm not sure how it affects his behavior at school when it wears off. Plus he was recently diagnosed w/ Tourette as well, which caffeine can worsen tics.
We do for my 15 year old who has mild ADHD mostly in focus and hyperfocus issues. Definitely helps some for him. We use Genius Caffeine pills - same caffeine amount as a cup of coffee but no sugar. This is important as sugar is bad for the ADHD brain and so giving a soda or something us countereffective. No treatment is a cure all, but this does help with no side effects. Best of luck to you!!!
There have been studies that suggest that caffeine can help with ADHD.
Caffeine works great for me. I actually mix my first 2 doses of ritalin with 200 mg of caffeine but I was also an avid coffee drinker of the type that is super unpleasant and moody without it so that is a bit of a high dose for purely therapeutic use. I switched to caffeine pills a while ago for ease and accuracy of dosing - and so that I can actually enjoy coffee as a drink when I want the flavor rather than it simply being a constant. The pills are also cheaper.
And yes, my doctor is aware that I mix them in this way. I'm also in my 40's and we've arrived at a "whatever works, works" sort of take on it all. Ultimately that's where you want to be but I understand the need to be more careful and regimented at a younger age.
I think I am confused. Wouldn’t caffeine make those with ADHD even more hyper? What is the mechanism?