How often in the week do you manage to head out ... - Active 10
How often in the week do you manage to head out for a walk?
In the average, how many times per week do you manage to fit in a walk?
Please select one:
Taking the dog for his walks
walking is my medicine- well, on top of prescription ones. Maybe it’s a supplement then …. Sometimes I walk slow, sometimes I push it … sometimes on the flat and often up and down hills and mountains. I just can’t get it enough ..
at the moment i cycle 50 miles a week and walk on non cycling days with my wife
I work 7 days a week. M-F 3 PM - midnights and 2 8 hour days on the weekends. Unfortunately I feel like crap when I wake up. I don’t go out for walks.
That sounds tough. Hope you get some physical activity into your daily routines, maybe at your work? It must be so tough when work exhausts you so greatly.
dog walking every day
since Active 10, arrive at work early enough to fit in 40 mins. Then lunchtime fit in another 20. Weekends go out early.

I work around at my job a lot.
Like many here, it's dog walking that keeps me on the straight and narrow! Though, it's hard sometimes to motivate myself when it cold, windy and rainy lolBut, as they say "A dog's got to do what a dog's got to do🐶"
🤣🐶 (yes, as someone who doesn’t own a dog, I am quite jealous of those who do! Dog on!)