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Radiotherapy Cancer Treatment

Welcome to our community

6 Replies

At Action Radiotherapy we are often approached by radiotherapy patients and their friends and families who would like to share their experiences with others. We have created this community in the hope that you can use it to simply connect with others or to ask advice, share tips, voice concerns or discuss strategies.

Why not leave a short comment below and introduce yourselves. Give as much or as little information as you like about your circumstances and experiences.

Feel free to ask your own questions if there is anything you would like other people's opinions or advice on. This is your community!

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6 Replies
raglewis profile image

I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer on December 23rd 2014, I had an op, 6 sessions of chemo and 4 weeks of radiotherapy, now on tamoxifen and loving life x

Lorraineam profile image

I was diagnosed with breast cancer in August 2015. Had chemo, surgery and radiotherapy. I finished my treatment in April. On tamoxifen for 5 years

Jennymary profile image

Lumpectomies for breast cancer October 2013, no chemo, radiotherapy January 2014, discharged from Oncology March 2014, just taking tamaxofen now, and had 2 clear mammograms, 😀😀😀😀

Steve49 profile image

Hi, I had Steriotactic Radiosurgery (SRS) in 2005 for my Brain AVM. The surgery wasn't very well administerd so the following day I had Chronic Pain on my right hand side starting from the SRS surgery site at the base off my brain/top off my spinal cord. To top things off the Raidiation spreaded to healthy Brain Tissue (Radiation Indused) This caused me more Damage & after the 3yr timescale it hadn't worked meaning further unplanned Brain Surgery for me. The Chronic Pain is 24/7 with no respite & there seems no medications to help me so it looks like it is with me too my ending day's. "Great"

Joseph84 profile image

Hi, my storey is quite long I was diagnosed with oesophageal cancer 25 years ago had the operation to remove tumour clear margins no chemo or radiotherapy. In 2009 I was diagnosed with breast cancer had mastectomy chemo, radiotherapy, unfortunately I was diagnosed with oesophageal cancer again after 18 years, I couldn’t have an operation so had radical chemo radiotherapy. In 2013 I was diagnosed with breast cancer again I had mastectomy did not need chemo or radiotherapy, I am on Tomoxifen. I have just been diagnosed again with oesophageal cancer again the consultant says I can’t have the operation which I knew but he also said radiotherapy is not a option as I’ve had my limit, I have a pet scan on Monday and I’m waiting for an appointment with the oncologist to find out what is going to happen.

paintpots profile image

Hi.I had in the past year had SCC skin cancer that migrated to my lymph node in my neck and my saliva gland. I had a parotidectomy surgery to remove the cancer and now face 6 weeks of radiotherapy. I am rather anxious about the treatment, the side effects seem brutal. I wonder if anyone has any advice on skin lotions, mouth wash, protein drinks, any advice at all would be welcome.

Thank you


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