I thought there would be professionals on this site to give advice and respond to some of these posts...
Professional doctors, lawyers and advocates - Action on Pain
Professional doctors, lawyers and advocates
Five months without a response. Odd. Hoping you're doing well
I am assuming there are no professionals in the area of Heath care that are affiliated with this site...
Thank you for your concern, I appreciate that. Wearing a soft collar 2 to 3 hours a day, neck & back has been in traction and physical therapy has made me feel better...They said they know they can't fix me but will do their best to make me feel better. I will take temporary relief any day all day! I am not a candidate for neck surgery due multi-level Degeneration... Orthopedic surgeon said he would not perform surgery on me because I would be less mobile than I am now! He was rude and unprofessional, however, he had said enough! Let me stop venting...Again thank you for replying after 5 months of nothing from no one! Lol...Peace & Blessings to you.
Gotta love those doctors without a blush of empathy nor bedside manner. Sorry you're in such a pickle physically, wears you down. Venting is about all there is anymore.
For some reason Pain Concern has a lot more participants than here. Try posting there or on the Fibromyalgia forum for advice on benefits ect.
What a great idea huh? If you happen to find a site like that plz let me know too