I have been taking Targinact and Oxycodone for years, along with various other pain medications for CRPS and Fibromyalgia.
Now the Pain Specialist want me to get off these drugs, as they could now be doing more harm than good. However, I am expected to do this on my own, with no medical intervention.
I have only made modest doseage reductions and am struggling to reduce them any further due to knock on pain effects.
Yes, I am tolerant and dependent on them and my body is also probably addicted to them.
Has anyone experienced a similar situation where you cannot get help to do this?
Also, can anyone suggest alternative meds to ease me off these medications?
I turned to my local drug detox centre, where I told them that I felt street addicts received more help. They were unable to help me.
Please help with detox plans, alternative medications or therapies.
Love you guys.