Disability?: HELP! I need to start the process of... - ABDA


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Theresa40 profile image
7 Replies

HELP! I need to start the process of disability, which is difficult for me, but I have no clue where to start. I am hearing nightmare stories. Is there someone who knows a lot about this and can you help me?

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Theresa40 profile image
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7 Replies
gundy03130 profile image

I applied a couple weeks ago. Taking it one day at a time. Start here:


They will then email you the link for the next step a couple days later which is for the doctors you've seen. I've then had to mail them back the release to get my records. I just received a couple days ago a work form to fill out. so this is where I'm at. Good luck. I'm told after you get denied the first time to get a lawyer.

mrshall28 profile image

I would also suggest finding an attorney. Mine was so valuable. i don't think I would have won with her. Mine gave me a lot of information that was important and that really helped.

For me, I collected all my own medical records, my attorney said that the government sometimes can pick and choose what they think is relavant. Send in the imortant stuff yourself.

I had a letter from my dr that helped to sway the judge. It made a huge difference. He pointed out not only how Behcet's affects me but how the meds make it hard to work.

Make sure when you see any drs, stress how bad you are doing. I know I am terrible at not always being as honest as needed. I don't lie, but I may not say how bad things are. It is very important that the info gets out into your medical file.

Also, if you haven't already been to that website listed above and filled out the forms, use your bad days. I know if you are like me, you go up and down the cycle. I wasn't sure how to answer the questions. My attorney said answer the questions for when you are in a flare. When your disease is active. That is the info they need.

I hope I was able to be of some help. Be prepared for a wait. I was denied once, appealed, was denied again. Then we went to court. I was approved there. Most cases go to court. It can be frustrating, which is why having an attorney to help navigate the waters is so important. It will really help with your stress levels. :) You pay nothing up front, they just take some money out of your back pay.

Theresa40 profile image
Theresa40 in reply to mrshall28

I would love to hear more about your up and down cycle. I feel ok and try to live normally and think, "hmm, I may be going into remission." Then, boom, out of no where I get sick again. It is a roller coaster ride.

smcelgunn profile image

Winning Social Security Disability is really hard, sometimes it's got a lot to do with what state you live in... My name is Sandy McElgunn, President of the ABDA. It took me seven very long years to win my disability case. Besides being diagnosed with Behcet's Disease, I also have a severe deformity from years of scoliosis,and have had a complete spinal fusion -w- two harrington rods inserted in my spine. Even with all these health issues, plus a few more choice ones, I was denied, denied denied! I had two appeals hearings and one hearing with the Appeals Council and lost all three! I thought I was at the end of the road with my battle when I met a wonderful, caring attorney that took my case to Federal court & won!!! :D I live in Michigan, what state do you live in? I'd like to help you. Sandy

Theresa40 profile image
Theresa40 in reply to smcelgunn

I live in Michigan! I would love to speak with you! Theresa

steffiej profile image

I second the opinion of the person that suggested an attorney. I went through a firm, and they did a lot of the footwork for me. They even filled out forms on the phone for me, got records for me, etc. Also agree with making sure you describe your worst day, because we never know when those worst days are going to happen, and how long they will last. Those worst days are what often keep us from being able to keep a job, after all. I honestly believe my attorney was what helped me win my case on the first attempt, 3 years go. Some people say not to go with the attorney until you've been denied the first time, but I went with the attorney from day one, and I will never regret it.

gundy03130 profile image

I have officially been denied twice now. I have a lawyer so the next step is to see a judge. Hope you are having some luck!

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