Hi, my name is Cristina and I am 17 years old. For some years I have been in bad mood for no reason and I mean every day! By bad mood I mean: being mean with everybody, wanting to be alone, not wanting to talk and sometimes not even responding to someone. It's strange because with my friends, I am always smiling and being nice but as soon as I come home or meet my family I start to behave like I said before. I tried to be more nice and joyful around them but I just can't. My parents had tried to help me but they don't really know what is happening to me and to be fair, neither do I. I don't really have an excuse for being so. They are always nice, especially with me, and I am so rude. I have tried to meditate but it didn't help... What is happening with me and how can I change?
What should I do?: Hi, my name is... - Young Adult Stres...
What should I do?

Hi there Iliescristina
Welcome to our Community.
So this 'bad mood' only happens around your family?
Personally, if neither you nor your parents understand why this is happening, I would attend family therapy, you could ask your Doctor for a referral but that may not be necessary where you live. This will give you a great opportunity to get to the root of your issues. You seem very determined to get this sorted out and I really wish you all the best.
Please stay in touch and let us know what you decide and how it goes.
Take care
Have you considered that it might not be anything related to your family? Often when people have an external or internal turmoil they tend to let out their anger and frustrations on those who love them most. It also may be because you are looking for answers that unfortunately they cannot give you which may create an even bigger frustration for you. Also how do you truly feel around your friends? Because often when people feel as if they need to be someone else, they begin to create this unnecessary anger within themselves that is often let out on those who know them best. Or it could simply be something with your family that needs to be worked out. Just one more thing. A lot of people may consider this ridiculous, but I believe in astrology so I'll just put it out there. It is currently a mercury retrograde period from march 22 to April 15, meaning certain difficulties may come about during these days. Hope this comment is somewhat helpful..
So that anger may be resulting from me not being myself? Because for some time, I have tried to become a different person and maybe that is the cause of my anger. I also don’t believe in astrology but if it makes a difference, I am an aries and I heard that they tend to have anger issues.
It could be the issue but this isn't something I can confirm for you. At the end of the day you know yourself best, however, if nothing seems to be working, try and see someone, a professional for instance that will hear you out. If however this is the case than you need to start accepting yourself and if someone you know or in general people do not accept you for the way you are than so be it, unless of course what they don't accept is you harming someone even if it is yourself. If you are to change, always change for the better, but if the change you are creating for yourself is making you act out than clearly it isn't right for you. It is very important that you know how you decide to react to things that are out of your control is what makes you you. There are certain things in life that we can't always control ourselves, but what you can always control is how you decide to react to things. It isn't the first thought that counts, but the second. We all may have a first instinct, but it is how we choose to approach matters that makes us different.