About - Weight Loss Surgery Info | HealthUnlocked

Weight Loss Surgery Info

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About Weight Loss Surgery Info

WLSinfo is a registered charity (no 1103151) set up and run entirely by volunteers and maintained by donations from members.

Aims and Objectives of the Charity

To become the premier UK source for information on Weight Loss Surgery.

To provide an unbiased, clear presentation of facts on treatment choices.

To inform the community of obesity and WLS related items in the popular media and professional publicationsquality weight loss surgery information

To facilitate a user led support network, where users can provide mutual support and share information

To empower people and allow them to become informed consumers of health care.

To enable users to track other users' progress, through the use of journals, forums and chat.

To make some of the web content available in other accessible formats

Achieve high presence in search engine results.

Moderation team

KenCl profile image
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