My lifting partner was asking about going to the gym the following morning. I told him I was unsure since I was still feeling pretty sore. He asked if that mattered and I gave him the standard response I'd given myself over the years:
When you lift you tear your muscle down, you need to give them the appropriate amount of time to rebuild before doing it again.
As soon as I had said it aloud I thought, 'really?' So, I decided to do what anyone would do- google it.
Turns out, my assumption may not have been right. According to what I read in a Men's Health article, The Truth Behind 7 Muscle Myths (here: 'active rest,' which includes light lifting, can actually be good for soreness since it increases blood flow and can clean out waste products.
The article advised doing high rep sets at about 30% of your one rep max.
Needless to say, we went to the gym.