What do you consider to be the most h... - Weight Loss Support
What do you consider to be the most helpful aspects of this forum? Please tick all that apply and feel free to comment and make suggestions
Please select all that apply:

Forum where we find honest commentary, with normal people, sticking to a common goal
The mutual support is what l find most helpful
Not really sure how to get around the different posts but that's because l'm not very good with technology
Have you looked at the FAQ's and the header of the Newbie Club thread, Mardri?
Well done to all who administer
Well done who all those people administer.
Well done to all those who administer.Thank you.
Well done to all those who administer. Thank you.
Completed the Poll moreless , not sure where I am supposed to specify other, so I shall do it here. Even though I dont use it every day, the ‘what’s happening today’ thread is a great place to catch up with forum friends.
I find the mutual support priceless also the knowledge other people can give at the touch of a button any time of the day or night.
I’ve told lots of people about this site and how it’s helped and continues to help me I dread to think where I would be now if I hadn’t found it.
Long may it continue❤️
I have completed the poll, all topics are helpful to individual members
The mutual support is second to none
I find the blogs very useful to share how I am doing as well as what others are up to

I like the weigh ins as a means of gaining mutual support - awkward aren't I? The other thing I like are the links and ideas shared by other members as to what helped them.
Hi moreless . I love the mutual support, weigh ins, recipes and badges.
I have been losing and gaining weight for 30+ years. This site is the reason I am losing weight on a healthy eating plan and without it I would have given up. I love the weigh in day and the great support from all who post and I like sharing my story whether it be good or bad. The badges give a great sense of achievement. I look at the DD and recipes for different ideas and have taken a lot of them on board. I follow the What's Happening thread and occasionally chip in and I love to see how everyone is doing on their weigh in days. I have been on the forum for 6 months now and set myself a target of 3 stone off in that time. I have lost 1.5st, half of what I had planned but hey ho it really doesn't matter how long it takes as this is for life. I still have 4.5st to go and this time I know I will succeed. I sometimes suffer from low mood while coping with my husband's illness but this forum has been a massive confidence booster for me. I look forward to reading everyone's posts and I'm often giggling at the banter which is priceless.🤣🤣 I feel have gained a heap of new friends.🤝 I would like to thank all admins and fellow forum members who have helped me feel the way I feel today - fabulous - .💟👏😊💐💟
Oh Kazzi!! What a fabulous response!! Thank you so much!!
It's my pleasure!😊 moreless

Great response Kazzi, I think you speak for many of us. This forum works wonders for many aspects of our lives.
Well said Hidden i think you have summed up the forum beautifully. Thank you for saying everything I think we all feel. When my husband had 2 major operations last year I was really down and the wonderful people on here gave me so much support. It’s good to know people really do care. My weight loss is not great but I never ever feel condemned on here. I love this site. Again I thank all you lovely people for being here for everyone 🌺🌺💕
Thank you. I hope your hubby is keeping well now Cockneyblue
I think the challenges are very interesting - not that I have managed to take part yet!!

Well Done
Hi and welcome, Spanishlady
As this is the first time I've met you, I'd like to invite you to join our Newbie Club, which we hope will be a good place for you to connect with members, who are also just starting out. If you just post a few words to introduce yourself and respond to others there, you'll soon break the ice. Here's the link
You'll find all the information you need to navigate the forum in the header, so please take the time to read it carefully.
Wishing you all the best
mutual support is what I find is excellent. But also the e
daily diary and challenges and what's happening are all great and enjoy to being part of it all. I like to think I have made some good friends here.

I find all of these aspects helpful. I don't necessarily use all of them but I appreciate how helpful they are to others. For example I don't use the Daily Diary as my menus would probably make your hair curl but I still pop in and pick up ideas.
wa2un7 you have me intrigued now - I would love to see one of your DD menus

The mutual support. Someone is always there for you in every need not just weight loss. I particularly find the challenges entertaining. Thank you to all the admin people who are fantastic

The mutual support is endless,and many of us just need to offload at times.
It's non judgemental ,and without it where would many of us be?

Top support from all of the admin staff and those hosting .prompt replys and support always.
If I could only choose one selection it would be the mutual support
Hi and welcome, 1966spring
I'd like to invite you to join our Newbie Club, which we hope will be a good place for you to connect with members, who are also just starting out. If you just post a few words to introduce yourself and respond to others there, you'll soon break the ice. Here's the link
You'll find all the information you need to navigate the forum in the header, so please take the time to read it carefully.
Wishing you all the best

This site is just the support I've always wanted - I feel like part of something which is great - thank you.
Most important for me is, there is always some one who will listen.
Hi and welcome, Afaghieh
That's very true, you're never alone here.
I'd like to invite you to join our Newbie Club, which we hope will be a good place for you to connect with members, who are also just starting out. If you just post a few words to introduce yourself and respond to others there, you'll soon break the ice. Here's the link
You'll find all the information you need to navigate the forum in the header, so please take the time to read it carefully.
Wishing you all the best
Voting done 😊
i tried

Moreless - you are the most helpful aspect of this forum.
Hi there I have completed the vote for you. I love the mutual support we receive on here and without this I don’t think I would have got anywhere, although most of the options here are really important in different ways. Best weight loss I have ever done and I will be with this now for life.
The daily diary is a fav, keeps me focused and gives me ideas. Means I sit down and work out meals for the day/week and not eat on the fly.
Hi and welcome, eleymay
Age is no barrier and there's help and support for all.
I'd like to invite you to join our Newbie Club, which we hope will be a good place for you to connect with members, who are also just starting out. If you just post a few words to introduce yourself and respond to others there, you'll soon break the ice. Here's the link
You'll find all the information you need to navigate the forum in the header, so please take the time to read it carefully.
Wishing you all the best
The top answer is the excellent support on the group forum.
The Admin Staff have a great deal to do and I appreciate the time that they all put in.
Self motivation is the plan for myself as a few hurdles on the medical and medication side of things.
I'm thankful for the lovely people who are on the group forum.
Good luck to everyone.☺️
George 56
I am new to this forum & I have been over whelmed with ALL the lovely people I have met, I have had many helpful replies from everyone & they ALL mad me feel so welcome & NOT ALONE
You’ll never be alone whilst you belong to this forum kaffi 😊
Good luck with your journey.
Hi kaffi and welcome to the weight loss forum.
Glad to hear that you have met lots of lovely people and you are enjoying the forum.
You are invited to join our Newbie Club, where you can meet other new members who are just beginning their weigh loss journeys too. Here's the link for all the information you will need to find your way around the forum:
Write a brief note to introduce yourself to other newbies and I'm sure you'll be making friends, in no time.
Good luck with your first week.
Hello again I have NOT yet joined the weight loss group because I have recently had a lot of my meds changed, before they were changed I was with Slimming world I had lost one half stone but since meds been changed I had to stop going as I was not in a good place now the new meds have made me put weight on!! so fighting a bit of a battle at mo, once meds are sorted I shall join weight loss group forum.
That's your choice, kaffi, but you would be very welcome to join us, so that you're not struggling alone
Hi moreless , my favourite aspect of all the ones I ticked is mutual support. For other, I also like What's Happening Today. Hope you get lots of helpful info. This is just a fantastic forum to be part of, and it is the lovely people, especially the hard working admins, who make it so great. Thank you all very much.
Thank you Brea
I find the support invaluable, even if you are someone who like me sits on the sidelines and reads so thank you to all active members. The other thing I really like is that you can also join other forums which link in for me that is the C25K which I completed a couple of months ago but would have given up on if it weren't for the group. Keep up the good work I intend to be more vocal in the new year!
We look forward to seeing you joining in more in the new year

I also think my favorite thing about the forum is the mutual support. All of the categories are great and help hugely with navigating around the forum, but it's the support that keeps me coming back. Both giving and receiving.
I forgot to put the Challenges too, as well as The mutual support, The weigh-ins, The badges....
I'm definitely finding the Ritu-Woo challenge very helpful, it's a good way of being supported and supporting others on the same journey
I think the site makes you feel less alone on your weight loss journey well its a journey to a healthy life style and its good to read other peoples experiences .
I ticked others, why? It simply reminds and enforces my will to lose weight and stick at it. Just a quick look maybe ten minutes when I feel like a nibble, it distracts me and as I said enforces my desire to lose the weight.
For me it's definitely the fact it is a public space where everyone can see my progress on the weigh in...and then the little badge of honour and applause makes you feel good. I know I am a secret eater, a comfort eater, a boredom eater, a celebratory eater, a procrastinator, an excuse maker and easily put off when things are hard... it will be a great support and motivator to keep me on track and on the wagon lol
You didn't include the site keeps me out of the kitchen !