What was your biggest barrier to getti... - Weight Loss Support

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What was your biggest barrier to getting healthier and fitter before coming to HealthUnlocked?

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108 Replies
Bimbp profile image

I do go to classes at the gym but I am very aware of the fact that I am the oldest in the class and must look ridiculous.

lola1956 profile image
lola1956 in reply to Bimbp

Doesn't matter what you think you look like ..big thumbs up for being there doing it 👍

in reply to Bimbp

I go to a zumba class at the gym where I'm the oldest & the fattest. But do you know what ? I don't care...at least I'm there !

gman1961 profile image
gman1961Restart April 2024 in reply to

Good on you Zumba nan .without people like you there , wouldn't be a class.

Take care .


in reply to gman1961

Thanks :-)

gman1961 profile image
gman1961Restart April 2024 in reply to

That's ok.


Penybont19 profile image
Penybont19 in reply to

And me

Dipper profile image
Dipper in reply to

Quite right, you have got the right attitude

EstherCalder profile image
EstherCalder in reply to

You might be the oldest, but I am the most uncoordinated! I have two left feet.

in reply to EstherCalder

Hahaha you'd fit right in the zumba class I go to. One poor woman got her feet tangled up last week & fell over !

in reply to

Oh & I've just bought a Bollywood workout dvd, so I could well be the one falling over soon 😁

FatSurveyor profile image
FatSurveyor in reply to

Keep on going. It is a great feeling. Just one moment of pure joy.

gman1961 profile image
gman1961Restart April 2024 in reply to Bimbp

Please don't ever think that .


Tiggerr profile image
Tiggerr in reply to Bimbp

"oldest in the class"... shows you care more than most at "your age". No one else is going to do the exercising for you, so good for you.

FatSurveyor profile image
FatSurveyor in reply to Bimbp

I have the same problem. I go to a weightlifting and boxing gym and at 23st they give me the eye. Also I am a black belt at TKD so when to class they see this 47 yo puffed out and sweaty like a pig struggling with my hips and knees. You can see the smile on their face but just for 10 minutes I am a god and i am warmed up, then things just click in to place. What a feeling!!!

Sarah445 profile image
Sarah445 in reply to Bimbp

You definitely don't look ridiculous! A few years ago I was 25 and very overweight, about 15 stone. I started doing circuit classes on Saturday mornings and most of the ladies were considerably older than me but still ran rings around me! So embarrassing!

cash56 profile image
cash56 in reply to Bimbp

you give people hope and make them realise older people are fit too

palcareteach profile image
palcareteach7lbs in reply to Bimbp

do you know what I find the older people at the gym an inspiration...i always think I hope I can do what they're doing when I am that age...youll be surprised how much motivation you are giving other people...keep shining that light for others to follow

ladyslucan profile image

Sounds exactly like me. I wouldn't like to be in a class of youngsters. I prefer to stay in the back where hopefully I wouldn't be seen!

NiCherry profile image

It's probably a combination of these things for most - I know it is for me!

Lacking motivation + bewildered by all of the diet plans out there + feeling self conscious + plus mild depression + weight hindering movement = a difficult rut to climb out of!!!

ladyslucan profile image
ladyslucan in reply to NiCherry

I'm stuck in a rut right now. I need motivation, and a lot of it.

gman1961 profile image
gman1961Restart April 2024 in reply to ladyslucan

Time to get out of that rut ,I've been like that for a number of weeks .always this and that why I didn't do something.stress re work and home ,so I decided enough is enough.so I've started running again .

Sorry for the long reply .

Take care


shengorth profile image
shengorth3lbs in reply to ladyslucan

Try and get started.The fact you are on here is showing you are interested and would like to make changes.For me I had to get my head into gear after thinking about it for some time.I started to make small changes starting with my diet or Healthy eating as I prefer to call it. Once I noticed some changes in my weight it encouraged me to walk more.At 1st I found it hard but now I find my stamina is building up and Im no longer struggling.I hope you can find it in yourself to get started It will have rewards

dawnz profile image
dawnz3st 7lbs in reply to NiCherry

can relate, it really is a mixture, and is not consistent which makes each issue hard work, that is why it is so good to share this, WE are not the only ones!

FatSurveyor profile image
FatSurveyor in reply to NiCherry

Lately I had a surge. Started running but felt like a dinosaur. Fat and weird running style. Think of a fat t-rex. So took a back step went swimming. Now I do mean swimming, not doing a lap then talking to someone. I am meaning 1600m in 45mins. But work upto this and you will feel fantastic. For a all over work out its great. The pool is a perfect place to start. Put i would record your development and there will be a day after a month you will just feel different. Then carry on swimming or up the game.

FatSurveyor profile image

What about multiple failures

Tiggerr profile image
Tiggerr in reply to FatSurveyor

Totally agree. Before I found this site I hadn't tried to lose weight for 2 years. Basically I'd given up due to the number of times that I'd failed. I had actually settled myself to never losing the weight that I wanted to.

Bighi profile image
Bighi1 stone in reply to Tiggerr

It just goes to show that where there is a will there can always be a way

Penybont19 profile image

I am an emotional eater. I eat rubbish. I keep going till i get heartbutn. I do it every timr

sandylaner profile image
sandylaner in reply to Penybont19

same here penny, usually following some kind of 'minor' upset. the reaction probably goes back to childhood when some kind of comfort is needed to reset the emotional equilibrium.

Penybont19 profile image
Penybont19 in reply to sandylaner

How to stop it

Beechnuts profile image
Beechnuts in reply to sandylaner

Yes me too. Very much so.I had very difficult childhood. Tried to forget it but it alway in the background. Ready to resurface.....

Enough about that

I’ve now got these lovely forum people! I’m only in week one , but feel the warmth already...

shengorth profile image
shengorth3lbs in reply to Penybont19

I was the same always needing Gaviscon.Some people who had similer problems told me to go to my GP and I would get a tablet to take every am to prevent it as thats how they solved it. Common sense told me that cant be right as in a healthy way forward so I had a think/ I identified the foods that caused it (sweet food spicy food and some breads for me ) so I avoid them all.I just dont buy them Its been months since Ive had a Gaviscon tab but I still have some in my bag just in case.Only you can do it. Come on make your mind up and get started.It will pay off

Bighi profile image
Bighi1 stone in reply to Penybont19

I am like you a "grazer" but with the support coming from this site I am managing to cope. I always think that a little bit of control is better than buying new clothes.

Beechnuts profile image
Beechnuts in reply to Penybont19

Yes me too

Abbc profile image

Can i say on behalf of all the youngsters that they are all in awe of u and slightly ashamed that u can give them a run for their money. Anytime theres someone older than me in my class i think wow u r amazing! Go for it x

bluebell58 profile image
bluebell58 in reply to Abbc

That's lovely to hear Abbc x

Penybont19 profile image
Penybont19 in reply to Abbc

Clases with youngsters in. Motivates me

Gran74 profile image

Mobility problems

I've had 2 strokes have spinal injury and left lower leg paralysis and even tho I can't swallow much but a protein bar 195 calories and lots of sugar free flavoured water but not losing any weight, Please any advice I can't get out on my own and my exhusband helps me but is mentally abusive and is not helpful making me feel good , what can I do I want straight teeth but no dentist and other procedures but can't afford it as my body is disgusting and I can't smile cause of my teeth I have no confidence at all no Nhs just private where I live

gman1961 profile image
gman1961Restart April 2024 in reply to

I will ask a colleague for some advice .


Tiggerr profile image
Tiggerr in reply to

Really sorry, Babybailey68 to hear about everything you're having to deal with. I hope you can find a way to move forward.

I'm usually slow on the uptake but are you saying you only consume 195 calories a day?

I hope you can realise that our bodies are only shells and that the real person is the kind caring person within, who only wants to laugh, love and be loved (... and many other things :) )

in reply to Tiggerr

Thankyou for acknowledging me it means a lot I so used to having no-one to talk to I have either 2 protein bars at 195 Cal's each or one bar and a protein world slender shake at 171 Cal's a cup of coffee and sugar free flavoured water x

Tiggerr profile image
Tiggerr in reply to

Wow, you are having way too few calories. In essence your body is probably going into starvation mode and is fighting against any weight loss.

Please have a look at the NHS BMI calculator and it will give you an idea of the number of calories you should be having, for your height and weight, that will enable you to lose weight.


Gran74 profile image

Cannot walk very far.

FatSurveyor profile image
FatSurveyor in reply to Gran74

Try swimming. Find a local pool, find a quiet time. Set a goal and recond your progress to it. Local authorities some time offer cheaper rates to locals. Nottingham discount the price nearly a pound. I have found Monday after 8pm I can have the pool to myself or one/two others. I also keep a log of my swims time and distance great to show growth.

Gran74 profile image

People's comments regarding my condition are very hurtful.

gman1961 profile image
gman1961Restart April 2024 in reply to Gran74

Sorry to hear that Gran74 .


Gran74 profile image

This has led to having no confidence.

Tiggerr profile image
Tiggerr in reply to Gran74

Easier said than done but in this particular situation, you need to think of yourself first and everyone else can go.... whistle.

Nicky27 profile image

How do I even start with me putting things in my way

HubbysMissMouse profile image

I need to have ivf but was unable to do it at moment due to being obese, although now I am overweight but I am still determined to get to correct Weight so I am not even overweight. I am enjoying this diet so am so pleased I have found it. No other diets I ever done worked in past because I always ate too little thinking I would lose weight but this caused me problems so I am so happy I have solved this through this site.

09031950 profile image

Until I needed an operation which due to my bmi being high the NHS would not help me with in any way. I went private and got the help and advice the NHS lacked. This set me to losing weight and exercising, same the NHS could not do the same so money spent up front would save the NHS masses in the long run.

Laziness & chocolate :(

gman1961 profile image
gman1961Restart April 2024

Everyone can find an excuse for not doing excercise or dieting .I have come to the point that I am doing this for myself and nobody else .

When you come on here nobody ever tells you anything negative unlike family and so called friends.

Very support and it's free, and we all help each other in times of need .



IndigoBlue61 profile image
IndigoBlue61 in reply to gman1961

Thanks Gary 😊Glad you are finding the Weight Loss Forum helpful

gman1961 profile image
gman1961Restart April 2024 in reply to IndigoBlue61

Without a doubt we all have qualities,and these can be shared with others .

I can offload on here .



Tiggerr profile image
Tiggerr in reply to gman1961

Totally agree Gary about the support.

I'm also chuckling to myself but only because of the amount of negativity I've received about actually losing weight... no pleasing some people.

gman1961 profile image
gman1961Restart April 2024 in reply to Tiggerr

Perhaps some people are jealous.


Tiggerr profile image
Tiggerr in reply to gman1961

Yeah maybe. It's almost like there's a mindset nowadays where being overweight is the norm and anything else is to be frowned at.

Beechnuts profile image
Beechnuts in reply to gman1961

Yes Gary , Good reply, you sound like a very strong character.

Very well said....

gman1961 profile image
gman1961Restart April 2024 in reply to Beechnuts

Thanks for your kind words


everyone has to start somewhere. Walking is the easiest form of exercise and its free ! I walk to the pub now ;-)

ShwetaK profile image

My problem is motivation , I always start well but continuing the pace is the problem.

Snowstorm63 profile image

Working full time and travelling to / from work up to three hours per day is also a problem. During college holidays I can focus on my healthy diet, the calorie counting and long walks but in term time I'm away from home from 6.30am to 6.30pm. Then I have to prepare and plan meals for next day at work and at home and eat! The meals in the canteen at work are mainly fast food, which I don't care for. I'm in bed by 9pm to be up by 5am so there aren't that many hours left in my day. I need to lose weight as I have a heart condition. Since I began my diet ten days ago I have lost almost 4 lbs but I won't have time to go for long walks to help keep it off. I feel thwarted and frustrated because I have to work.

Boonieboo2 profile image
Boonieboo2 in reply to Snowstorm63

I know the feeling. Iv gained and gained and I'm desperate to lose weight 😩

Tiggerr profile image
Tiggerr in reply to Snowstorm63

4lb is a great loss in such a short space of time.

Don't fret about the exercise Snowstorm63. Exercising can help with weight loss but you will be able to lose weight, regardless of activity, as long you maintain the correct level of calorie intake.

Snowstorm63 profile image
Snowstorm63 in reply to Tiggerr

It's probably a bit more than 10 days but I've been able to focus whilst on holiday. I used to walk to and from work every day, around 5 miles in total but since having to transfer to another centre of the college due to closure of the old one two years ago, I have put on almost three stones due to travelling on public transport and fewer stairs in the new centre. It would take three hours to walk the eight miles to work - great exercise but I'd get the sack for being late! Roll on retirement so I can be more active and take control of the weight loss! Many thanks for your support Tigger.

Tiggerr profile image
Tiggerr in reply to Snowstorm63

Wishing you all the best.

As an afterthought, is it feasible to get off public transport at some point before your destination to provide you with some of the exercise you've lost?

Snowstorm63 profile image
Snowstorm63 in reply to Tiggerr

I've researched alternate routes to get to work and will walk two miles, ( mostly uphill, so the cardio exercise is dealt with!), to join the bus that goes straight through to work. It's still a boring forty minute ride so I'll take a good book with me! The homeward journey is on level ground for three miles then up steep hills for the last five! I'll walk a bit of both going home and go hiking at the weekends! Huge thanks for your support Tigger. Good luck with your own campaign.

Boonieboo2 profile image

I seam to give my time to others , and not myself . By the time I get home Iv no motivation . 😴

Boonieboo2 profile image

Well iv been to asda and got the new low fat meals to try I'm going to put veg with them or salad , Iv decided no wine through the wk just fizzy water . Iv cleared my treadmill so let's see wat happens 😱

Sally12345y profile image

Hi i didnt mark any of the above because the information coming through different sites made it confusing ie the fast diet glten free vegan etc then read a wonderful book called the gut diet and the penny dropped i now eat food generallt made from scratch try to avoid processed foods and have a cheat meal once a week i also work out with team body project 5 times a week so its all good i do drop off the wagon but then go back thank you all

Penybont19 profile image

So now i had my winge. I just weighed and am heaviest ever. I am getting going tomorrow. Plan my gym days. Water and decwnt food. Time to kick my own ass

Penybont19 profile image
Penybont19 in reply to Penybont19

I nearly joined slimming world tonight for the umteenth time. But the thought of sitting there for an hour. Its like confession time. Should call it eaters anonomous. But i will give myself the five pounds. And treat myself to something nice and non edible tomorrow lol

shengorth profile image
shengorth3lbs in reply to Penybont19

There are lots of helpful SW groups on line which can be just as good at motivating as a class group provided you have the booklet with all the info one gets on their 1st visit.You have got to want to do it though

Snowstorm63 profile image
Snowstorm63 in reply to Penybont19

I don't like the idea of organised slimming groups either Pennybont19; I don't believe any person should be allowed to exert so much power over others! Enjoy your treat!

Beechnuts profile image
Beechnuts in reply to Penybont19

Good idea let use know what your treat is!

walkthisway profile image
walkthisway2 stoneMaintainer

I lost over 2 stone last year and have put it all back on - I am so disappointed in myself. I tried to halt the regain of weight but it came back on so quickly it was unbelievable. I just don't know what to do next. It was so hard to lose last time and I did it slowly and sensibly - 1 to 2 lbs a week, exercise etc. Now all that effort seems so pointless and I have no motivation left.

Tiggerr profile image
Tiggerr in reply to walkthisway

I'm not sure where motivation comes from. 2 years ago I gave up trying to lose but for some reason I became remotivated last xmas. No real reason.

That doesn't really help you but just wanted you to know that you're not alone and that, just because you feel like you wont find that motivation, doesn't mean that you wont. (Bit convoluted... hope that makes sense :) )

walkthisway profile image
walkthisway2 stoneMaintainer in reply to Tiggerr

It does help to know that I am not alone - thanks for taking the time to reply.

Snowstorm63 profile image
Snowstorm63 in reply to walkthisway

Hang in there; I'm new to this too and have taken solace in the support from the folks here. We're all with you.

walkthisway profile image
walkthisway2 stoneMaintainer in reply to Snowstorm63

Yes I used the support of this site to see me through the first time - just feel so awful that I have to start all over again - and that I cannot maintain my weight loss. But the support is wonderful - thanks for your reply snowstorm.

Beechnuts profile image
Beechnuts in reply to walkthisway

Gosh I know the feeling, but as the song goes .

Pick yourself up ,dust yourself off ,start all over again.

This time we are all with you.. good luck!

Tilogan profile image

I go to aqua aerobics. I find this is the best form of excersie for my health problems. I do wish. Didn't feel so alone tho as I'm the only fat one there which makes me very subconscious.

Splash131 profile image

Due to tracheal stenosis and vocal cord paralysis I sound like a steam train struggling to get uphill which is embarrassing and gets worse when asked if I need an ambulance. So I won't try to exercise in front of anyone:(

Bighi profile image
Bighi1 stone

I Need a goal and a push

I would like to add to my reply 'After working in the local school where the swimming pool and gym are situated, didn't want to go there to exercise - as no other suitable places locally have had to make the effort to do some away from the location I live in, which makes things harder due to time / travel'

coatpin profile image

What about the money to join somewhere, like a sports gym of choice. But the main thing, is doctors don't seem to know, the right dosage of drugs to give. 20 years ago I was on 150mg venaflaxin, and felt the plug was half plugged out. Now im on 300mg and just about there,,, all those years of feeling just not quite there yet, or due to lack of knowledge with mental health drugs. Should have closer monitoring !! No energy, ect was the problem. They drugs make you put on weight its one of the after effects!!!

ArctoLindy profile image

I could list a whole host of reasons - motivation, health issues, emotional issues, mobility issues...

suzyeln profile image

Physically exhausted after long day at work. General aches and pains (age!) never used to have a problem losing weight or excercising, now, don't know, lot's of reasons/excuses not to do.

Snowstorm63 profile image
Snowstorm63 in reply to suzyeln

Right with you there suzyeln! Having to work full time means my weekends are taken up with domestic stuff and I miss out on the long 20 mile hikes I used to do. A spinal injury put paid to the swimming I used to do three times a week. It does sound like we're whinging but until the government, truly realised how they have us minions tied to working for a living without a decent amount of down time to attend to our health and fitness, ( ultimately reducing cardio related issues and much more besides), then we whinge on! If Europe can do it why not U.K? Sorry, I didn't mean to get all political; it sounds like I'm making more excuses! Just hold on tight and and you'll get there. Good luck!

sultanpaddy profile image

I'm on anti epilepsy drugs and many of them do cause weight gain, with the depression etc effects epilepsy has on you, comfort eating is a help, I've tried and tried weight loss, it's never worked, even with this group, I've given up

Overweightrider profile image

What really settled it for me was when I realised that I am too fat and unfit to ride at the level I want.

dawnz profile image
dawnz3st 7lbs

I was already doing cardiac rehab gym twice weekly but at the same time rediscovered a love of cooking, my then new partner being really appreciative. So I was half hearted.

Rosemary7 profile image

Will power has always been my let down. X

Jenica profile image

Healthy eating during day with some exercise then pig out at night after 7pm is my downfall!!

Anita44 profile image

I feel great for loosing the weight I have lost, I been going gym and quite enjoy it when I'm in a routine but its the motivation that throws me a lot of the time, oh well least I'm trying and am lot healthy in myself and look good for 44 lol.

_Hilary7_ profile image

I started following the NHS programme on the 8th of July. I followed it for 3 weeks. Then due to depression where I just eat chocolate and am unable to go outside the door I did not have any more positive results. I have decided that I will start again tomorrow to get back on track. I have missed 4 weeks but I need to get started again. I bought one of those watches to count my steps but my husband and son tried to get it to work and it does not work. Now I am in hospital due to my depression and when I take a walk I just count the steps in my head. You have suggested taking 10,000 steps per day, as I am just a beginner I will be happy to get started and take 500 steps per day for the first week and then hopefully increase another 500 steps the following week.

I tried the couch to 5K app but found I couldn't even manage half a minute running let alone a full minute. I'm so unfit that even a beginners App is too much!

Psumom330 profile image

I’ve started at my first “out of the home job” since I was 27 (I’m a 60 yr old “empty nester now”

Working in retail and walk 5-6 miles a day My cholesterol has dropped 50 points in six months I’ve also started a 1200 a day calorie diet. The key for me is removing literally everything out of the house that could cause me to binge it is easier now since I’m not cooking for everyone I’ve lost 7 lbs in a month. Just wanted to let to lose total of 20 but I may push that up even more of course I have my slip up days, but when your clothes look better and your health is better it helps motivate. I still crave all kinds of “bad food” but I’ve done so well so far, hate to mess it up I’m hoping I come back to this post in another month still positive and without my face in a bowl of ice cream!

Beechnuts profile image

I think my biggest barrier to getting fit was...

Lack of support

Criticisms from those who should have been pleased for me when I lost a lot of weight years ago. I never got any praise as a child no matter how well I did...

Hearing difficulties a major issue

Felt un loved miserable,why bother trying. I’m not worth it sort of feeling.

However this first week on the forum is changing all that. I feel quite zooped up and enthusiastic. Thank you everyone!!!.

gman1961 profile image
gman1961Restart April 2024

Other people and their attitudes .

serenana profile image

My biggest barrier was feeling so fat and ugly that I didn't love myself enough to get started!

tweetieiow profile image

I took my daughter Trampolining at the weekend, she thought it was great, I had a 2 hour sleep afterwards and ache like hell!

Pickle_77 profile image

There are all shapes and sizes at the gym but everybody is more worried about themselves than about me I think I’ve learned

I wish my 14 year old self was like me now in thinking 54 .... who cares ? Lol .. 2 babies and my dignity walked out the door 30 years ago .. so no gym can be worse ;0)!...I feel energised even though I don’t go crazy at the gym ... I feel psychologically refreshed as the endorphins kick in ;0)

Roland profile image

I found (and still do if I'm honest) that trying to lose weight was an impossible dream. I look at myself and can not imagine how the fat is going to go. I know it took a while to go on and why it went on but that was the easy part.

Now it's giving up the rice pudding, the home made cakes that both my wife and myself can make, home made proper chips, a lovely fresh bread thick slices with bacon and black pudding, my Tunnock bars, Lord the list goes on and on. I love cooking. They say smoking is difficult to give up, it's not, not compared to giving up food types which are bad for you.

This is going to be a hard hard slog, I can't just have one of the above as a treat as I will then go back to my usual ways, I'm like an alcoholic if I'm honest, yes that's it.

"Hi, I'm Roland and I'm a foodaholic".🤐

I can't walk for long due to arthritis in my knee and back and I'm not going swimming, not with my physique.

Williamso profile image

Hi LauraHU i have started off well, but i have slipped up by my lack of motivation and sometimes not having the time with all of our busy life's we lead, sorry don't we make poor excuses.