Do you prefer losing weight through di... - Weight Loss Support

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Do you prefer losing weight through diet, exercise or both. Please leave reasons in comments

TheEditor profile imageTheEditor267 Voters

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50 Replies
notsobigmama profile image

It just makes more sense and helps tone up as well as using more calories. No point in being slim and unfit!

Also, hoping exercise will help avoid any saggy skin issues.

I have a chest desease and so find exercise hard as I quickly get out of breath. I do have a traeadmill which I do try and get on daily but only for a few minutes.

Dr_Pallavi profile image

A balance Diet & Exercises go hand in hand if the aim is to loose weight. Its very good for the overall metabolism of body. It is likely to engage a person twice as compared to someone who is doing only one of these 2.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI

I think that to effectively lose weight, and keep it off, it is important to both exercise and eat healthy foods, and I think if you only focus on one it is less effective. Doing both will also help to keep fit and healthy for the future. Research shows many positives for exercise, at any age, and dieting coupled with exercise is the perfect recipe for a healthy future.

crofter21 profile image

I prefer to use diet only because basically I am too lazy to do much exercise, I am trying though.

Trailfinder35 profile image

I have tried all three and doing exercise alongside dieting is so much better and i have maintained my weight as a result. Look toned and feel well. you cant beat that!

Trailfinder35 profile image

mentally i feel better for it too. when i just diet i feel low, depressed but coupled with exercise I feel overall wellbeing.

Fairymo profile image

Both, I can definitely see the benefits and have made some new friends too!

brigitte profile image

The trouble with starting to lose weight is that it triggers an 'Alice falling down the well' panic reaction that I cannot master and prompts me to increase my appetite! That added to extreme loneliness, always eating alone, and financial problems make it so hard. Any ideas how to overcome that panic reaction that feels essentially physical?

kismit profile image
kismit in reply to brigitte

Hi Brigitte,

I know exactly where your coming from and glad to find out Im not the only one who feels like it. I have to say the only way Iv coped this time (though its not been very long yet) Is to keep the most inportent thing about losing waite and getting healthyer in the frount off your mind. Mine is my to grandaughters, 5 and 7 years full of energy and asking nanny to play with them a bit longer. I now a lot of people say you must do it for your self but when you dont like your self very much you dont think you deserve to be slim and happy thats why Im doing it foe my girls. I do hope this helps, I want you to sucseed. Best wishes, Kismet. xx

brigitte profile image
brigitte in reply to kismit

Good idea! I'm a gran too, a boy of 3 & a girl just 2 months old! I love them dearly although I very seldom see them BUT they're my future. Just thinking of them always brings a wide smile to my face. You're right: grandchildren are a good incentive. After all we do want to know what will become of them, don't we? So, it'll be exercising & dieting in the perspective to go down the road as far as pos with my little ones. Thank you!

SBG356 profile image

Though not following any diet as such right now, my eating habits and choices are now healthy and a way of life after losing weight with Slimming World. Whenever I have followed a diet in the past I have always incorporated exercise into it as this helps speed up the process and keep the weight off. Now though I just exercise to keep fit and toned and for health benefits rather than to lose weight.

The combination of diet and exercise is working for me

I suffer arthritis. But, as i lose weight, my pain is reducing and exercise is getting a little easier. Diet was more important for me because exercise was very difficult until I had lost several pounds. My Dr.s 's advice remains 'low impact, no weights or resistance and stop at first sign of joint pain' so exercise options limited at moment by my joint pain. This will hopefully lessen as i lose weight enabling me to do more exercise, but as you can see, for me, diet is currently more important.

wirralrunner profile image
wirralrunner in reply to

try water aerobics, you are supported in the water and it is veyr low impact on joints. But believe me it will make you exercise, loose weight faster and its fun

in reply to wirralrunner

Good idea. As my joints improve I am hopeful of getting back into the swimming pool soon. At our local baths, access to the pool is by ladder not steps and at the moment I wouldnt even attempt to get in and out this way (there is no way I would use the disability hoist) but soon :)

PastyMan profile image

Definitely both. been using a FitBit to monitor steps and activity and it gives a estimate of the calories you've burned ... made it really easy to stay within that limit and lose weight at a steady, manageable and predictable rate.

Itsallanadventure profile image

I started on this road more for the health benefits, my dad was diagnosed with diabetes, which increases my risk of developing it eventually. So my fate, as they say, is in my hands and i have chosen not to go down that particular road :) I dont diet as such, healthy eatting regularly throughout the day and portion control seem to work for me and i have never been fitter. I have dropped two dress sizes and lost approx 3.5 st and i have never been happier with me, not cos I am slimmer, but i just feel better and i have discovered a love of exercise!

Who knew! So to all those on this journey for whatever reason, dont give up...its not easy, but you can do it. If i can, really, really anyone can. :)

gogglomoglow profile image

Balance healthy diet, and keep fit is the answer. Makes sense to me. For better life in old age. My wish is to eat less and sleep less.

Merc230 profile image

I don't like exercise but I know that it contributes to my well-being and getting and to, and staying at, a healthy weight is also contributing in a big way to a healthy body. My exercise is limited to a reasonably brisk walk for thirty minutes several times a week. I don't feel great when I'm doing it but I do feel good when I've done it. Every step taken is a step for the good-a walk round the world starts of with a step forward1!

Chanlovesshoes profile image

Doing both really motivates you more and you don't have to do a lot of vigorous exercise to get something out of it there are lots of exercises out there that are simple to even do around the house.

Run4Help profile image
Run4Help1 stone

Doing both has helped me to lose weight and get fitter at the same time as I haven't really been active for the last couple of years. Its has also help me to watch what I am eating (junk food) as I didn't really pay attention before.

kismit profile image

I think exercise gives me a boost, I may find It hard at the mo but as I continu to eat healther and loose the wait I know I will be able to do more and that will help me realise I getting there.

Soozz profile image

Definitely both, with a good variety of types of exercise to prevent boredom. I also find that if I know I'm going to have a particularly calorific meal or celebration I pre-empt the guzzling by doing a really good exercise session (usually before rather than after!) - I find this much more productive than feeling guilty! I agree with others here that exercise gives you a boost and more energy, and that in a weird way it makes you less hungry!

whyshaw profile image

Motivation is the hardest obstacle to over come.

Diet wise as a diabetic on a controlled diet it should be easier but it's not. Many diet products still contain sugar.


You have to find the right type of exercise for you that doesn't cause a flair-up.

For me I have a long exercise bike with the pedals in front (instead of below) and I have it in the living room, so I pedal while watching telly, if my legs get tired I place my hands on my knees and push down to keep the momentum going . I also love to swim but can only do so in good weather as my transport is an electric wheelchair.

The only problem I find is the more I exercise the hungrier I get.... Catch 22

johnsonfamily38 profile image

Prefer both. Dieting destroys both muscle and fat, so exercise builds/preserves muscle content.

Also, going to the gym every day makes me focus on weight and calorie intake to maintain a steady blood sugar and energy level. It doesn’t have to be a full on training session – especially as I’m not young anymore and suffer from a ‘dodgy’ knee, tennis elbow and other sprains quite regularly. I just work around the injuries!

Giving up on keeping fit is not an option...and obsession is what fat people call my dedication and determination to my daily work-outs. :-)

newpie profile image

I lost some weight with just exercise, but I have done much better following this plan as well.

Ruchazie profile image

After being diagnosed with thyroid cancer I've had my whole thyroid removed. Now take tablets as a substitute. I put on 2 stone when I was I'll and can't get it the weight off. Could someone please point me in the right direction.

cerrito profile image

Our ancestors had to go and do a hard physical day job or for me when child having to walk for miles to get to school and the only treat available was forest fruits. Now we have to use a form of excersise to keep the excess of food, fats and sugars of our bodies, so of u want to keep eating u got to keep excersising.

KateMac profile image

I find it really difficult to lose weight by dieting; it's boring, I get obsessed by it then I fall of the wagon and eat everything in sight! When I exercise I tend to find it easier to stick to healthy foods and it seems to stop me over eating, if I put loads of effort into running I don't want to ruin it by stuffing crisps & chocolate. Also, exercise makes feel better generally so if I'm feeling positive I'm less likely to reach for comfort food. Only trouble is I've missed 3 weeks of running due to injury and guess what, the wine & chocolate consumption creeps up & the weight goes back on :( I wish the government would stop spending money talking and about weight & exercise & just give us all free access to sports centres .Wow, I wasn't expecting to go off on a rant like that!!

eechristmas profile image

I fully understand the health benefits of exercise and how important it is to weight loss and just being fit and healthy, BUT I have yet to come across an aerobic exercise I actually enjoy. I love yoga and bodybalance classes, but I just can't stand running or aerobics classes or cycling. Wish I did, but I don't. This explains my answer of 'diet,' as I would prefer to be able to change diet alone and not have to torture myself by spending hours doing something I dislike. Of course, I'm jogging anyways, just unhappy about it as I know I won't be doing it forever, and I'm going to have to find something I like if I am going to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

bunblebeaz profile image
bunblebeaz in reply to eechristmas

How about Zumba? Less aerobics, more dancing. Theres some sort of initiative going on concerning getting adults back into netball, seen a couple of posters about it at the gym, could get the link if its of any use to you? Theyve also rejigged the classes at the gym, i have no idea what most of them are, but they sound active, maybe check out your local sports centre?

eechristmas profile image
eechristmas in reply to bunblebeaz

Tried zumba, tried kick boxing, tried every class at the local gym. My fiance and I are contemplating tennis lessons together, though...

bethbeth profile image
bethbeth in reply to eechristmas

Do you like walking?

weightogo profile image

If you eat sensibly and exercise there is more chance of successful weight loss and keeping the weight off. I struggle with the eating side of things, but I am doing well with the exxercise at the moment, just need to get out of my bad habits and create good new ones xx

Cheerfulone profile image

Exercise helpful to mood, and there are health benefits.

Get the circulation going.

Anything exercise is better than giving in to being a couch potato.

skiing profile image

I have always exercised and doing more just makes me more hungry so I have to concentrate on the diet side.

smoggy0305 profile image

I walk a lot but as an overweight 63yr old. I prefer to lose the weight by diet. Will not go to a gym because of my size & money is an issue.

Tabytha profile image

Honestly, I have found that in the past when I have made time (& prioritised my tight budget) to include regularly going to the gym and/or exercise classes the benefits (in my mind) haven't outweighed the costs :(

In my life, changing my diet to reduce weight is the only logical starting point. This doesn't mean, however, that I don't try to be more active, e.g. parking in the furthest space away from the supermarket, taking the stairs instead of the life, hoovering & cleaning my house more frequently, gardening more often...


Melonah profile image

I love exercise, I feel so good after a run. Unfortunately, I also love to eat. I do eat healthy foods most of the time, but just too much, so no weight loss actually happens!

NineChooks profile image

C25K is the way forward - and it's helping with maintaining the weight :)

supasister1 profile image

I've tried exercise alone to lose weight and it's not i'm now concentrating on my food intake at well. My job is very sedentary, in fact I've decided it's inducing a slow death! Hence maintaining exercise/fitness as more of a lifestyle/wellbeing choice. And the truth of the matter is I eat too much and it's that which is making me fat.

aud153 profile image

Diet - but absolutely recognise that both are probably the better option

cathypeach profile image

Exercise - I tried doing the diet (and it was one recommended to me b my doctor) but I find it hard to keep a count of the amount of calories that I actually eat. I have always eaten a balanced diet but find that I eat far too much sometimes which doesn't help. I also found recently that I do have a problem with comfort eating which I know has to stop or I have to move on from the chocolate and ice cream that I usually have and change it to something else. Does anyone have any tips to make calorie counting much easier for me to keep on top of?

bethbeth profile image
bethbeth in reply to cathypeach

I have always found calorie counting very hard to keep to for a long time. Now I eat healthy most of the time and let my hair down at weekends and holidays. If I know I am going to be overeating I cut back for a few days before and after. Works for me. I have also stopped being obsessed with what I weigh

bethbeth profile image

I have reached a very positive place for myself eventually where its all about feeding my body the very best food I can so I can feel the best that I can. I dont always achieve this but feel much happier. I do not suffer feelings of deprivation as I have in the past. There is now no banned foods. No good and bad foods. All food is food, There is just better food. With regards to exercise. We are made to move. So move in whatever way feels right for you. Enjoy your body and work to your own abilities.

Unfortunately I have breathing problems and so am limited in the amount of exercise I can do - some days I can walk for about 45 mins and others I can't even go outside! I try to do exercises lying on the bed/standing/sitting in the chair to raise my heartbeat and tone the muscles. My BM! is 25.2 so just slightly overweight but as I am short it makes a difference.

lilliput profile image

Without the exercise I would not lose weight. I have tried just cutting down on calories but would have to take in about 800 a day which isn't sustainable!

Andyt2120 profile image

When I started my diet I did very little exercise other than walking more. After 6 months I took up swimming and shortly after joined a gym. 4 stone lighter helped the exercise. I now do all my exercise at home following a programme of high intensity interval training and weights 4 times a week.. I think diet is the most important part of weight loss but now I am relatively fit as well I feel so much better and the exercise is getting a little easier.

Weights have been obtained cheaply from Argos with a cheap bench from Amazon. I am actually following a paid programme that I got from The Body Coach (google him). It is a system of weights and diet. Never eaten as much food and do not feel hungry but it's the right food. I have nothing to gain by recommending him but the programme definitely works. I even have some muscles now but it is not about body building, it's about burning fat and gaining lean muscle mass. Working for me. Now nearly 7 stones lighter and much fitter.

Pen55 profile image


It makes sense to tone your body while you lose weight. The mind and body in perfect balance.

I find Yoga and swimming the perfect combination