Does anybody else have frightening reactions t... - USAllergies


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Does anybody else have frightening reactions to alcoholic drinks, some non alcoholic drinks and some shellfish? I didn't used to!

Snowberrie profile image
1 Reply

Hi there,

I'm forty six and been suffering with suffering with sudden and unexpected reactions to food and drink over the last year. I get a massively racing heart, can't catch my breath and feel faint. Anti histamines help after an attack. The only previously known allergy I had was to penicillin, although in my twenties I got rashes on my chest when drinking cider. I seemed to grow out of that. However, over the last year I seemed to have become intolerant to most alcoholic drinks, but more recently even some non alcoholic drinks. A Morrison's non alcoholic cider gave me a massive reaction the other day, and so did J2O. However low alcoholic Heineken and San Miguel seem ok. Also shellfish seems to suddenly be a problem. I'm so confused as to what it is and really miss a little alcoholic drink every now and then, even though I've never been a heavy drinker. At first I thought histamine intolerance, then I thought sulphites, and now wondering if mould at all significant as apparently the citric acid in J2O is produced from mould in the fruit. Any one having similar struggles? So worried that one day I'll have something by mistake and an even more sever reaction will occur. I feel so panicky when it happens as feel I can't breath as my heart racing so much. Many thanks.

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I_hate_bees profile image

Hi Snowberrie,

I was stung by a bee in June and since then I have developed an alcohol allergy. Although after some trial and error, I seem to be okay if I stick to lager and a bit of white wine. Definitely not spirits though. The couple of times I’ve drunk vodka or any spirits, the next day my head will swell up and not go down for days. If I have a massive dose of antihistamines as soon as I feel the familiar tingle in my scalp, then I can usually block the reaction but I have to be quick!

How soon after you’ve had the drinks does the reaction happen? Have you tried taking an antihistamine before you have a drink?

Anyway, I really feel your pain. I also don’t drink a lot but like a bottle of wine on a Friday. It’s really affecting my enjoyment of the weekend!

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