The countdown is on...........We will be sharing numerous posts over the coming 14 days on the lead up to the 5th International Mastocytosis and Mast Cell Diseases Awareness Day. We welcome you to share these posts and #saywhatyouneed #Mastocytosis #MCAS #HaT #rarediseases #mastcelldiseases
Feel free to share these images on your social media (if you're on them) or share the thoughts with those in your life. The theme is "Say What You Need" because so often we need to advocate for ourselves, and that can take some practice. What do you need to ask for?
A few weeks ago I asked to join a 65+ exercise group because it suits me better than the 40+ group (and I'm only 53). And that's working well for me.
And today I asked a friend for the link the restaurant she proposed for dinner to be sure there's something on the menu that I can eat. How do you handle eating out?