Hi all
I’ve had Mcas for around 8 years now. Seen several of the well known Mcas drs over the years and never got to the bottom of what’s causing my Mcas. I was told by Dr Akin it will be an autoimmune or inflammatory disease not yet diagnosed. I get all the sjogrens symptoms for example but negative lip biopsy. I’m not hypermobile either but do have some autonomic issues.
Anyway the latest is I have multiple tarlov cysts on my spine which I believe are causing issues. Most drs don’t believe they cause symptoms. Like MCAS there are a handful of drs who believe they do. It’s interesting that an EDS study showed 40% of participants had Tarlov cysts and there are similar results in studies on chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia patients too...
One of only a handful of neurosurgeons who operate on these cysts talks about neuro inflammation and neuro immunology and believes there is an MCAS connection.
Has anyone out there come across tarlov cysts (perineural cysts)? Most of the time radiologists don’t even report them. I apparently had these cysts on a 2014 scan but had no idea until last year.