New and struggling to cope.: This is going to be... - Tinnitus UK

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New and struggling to cope.

Randy101 profile image
11 Replies

This is going to be a bit of a muddle to read as I am struggling to concentrate.

About 3-4 weeks I started to get a 'clicking' in my left ear but only in response to certain sounds happening around me, running a tap for example would trigger it. As soon as the external noise stopped so did the clicking.

It was bothering me so just over a week ago I went to a GP for the first time in nearly 20 years. He casually told me it was tinnitus which was a bit of a shock but then also mentioned my left ear was not reflecting light very well and was indicative of congestion.

I was given 'Mometason Furoate' which is a nasal spray I am taking 2 times a day.

About 2 days after using this I now have a ringing in both ears/ in my head and clicking seems to have stopped or is barely noticeable. But the ringing is driving me mad it is 24/7 I am wondering if I should stop taking this nasal spray?

I also now have a dull ache occasional sharp pain in both ears.

The GP was fairly dismissive and unfortunately my mental health has fallen off a cliff. I am very worried, upset scared about what is happening but it seems futile at this point to go back to the GP.

What's worst is it not even THAT bad... and I am still in this absolute state and panic. The thoughts going through my head have not been good. Just praying it gets better or if there is some underlying issue causing this.

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Randy101 profile image
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11 Replies
TinnitusUKPat profile image

Hello Randy

Thank you for sharing your story. I hope that the difficulties you are describing turn out to be temporary and that you notice some lessening in the symptoms you are experiencing soon.

Having read the NHS guidance on the medication you mention - - it does seem to be something used to treat allergic rhinitis in the main. Tinnitus is not identified as a common side effect of using this medication.

We can't give you medical advice but we would suggest that you contact your GP or doctor's surgery before making any change to your medication routine.

Tinnitus is something which can develop via respiratory infections, but having a treatment to manage an underlying condition can result in tinnitus quieting or being resolved.

Dinah48 profile image

hi there I too have the intermittent clicking, not at the moment but I know it will return. I also have permanent ringing. The panic you describe is same for me too but I’m getting better at ignoring it. Every so often the dark thoughts come but I use something to distract myself. Music, radio or hobbies. Is there a tinnitus group near you? It might help to join one as talking about it and hearing other people talk about it, helps you realise you are not alone. There is an odd comfort, probably not the right word, in knowing others are dealing with the same challenge and feeling the same as you, I found. I’m not a medical person so can’t give advice on the condition itself but hope this helps.

ModelMetalworker profile image

I was given a similar Steroid medication which caused extra T. noise which stopped after ceasing this medication. I have had bad T. reactions to quite a few medications not listed as causing Tinnitus, I now let my hearing deceide.

Harper8 profile image

Ah bless you. Like others I can’t give medical advice but if you’re feeling low, please do go back to your doctor and seek help and let them know exactly how you’re feeling. Tinnitus is a b****r but it’s learning how to not let it control your life that’s the key. It’s hard I know! Hopefully the medication you’re taking is having an adverse affect and it will hopefully decline in time. Keep well and chin up.

Fridays_Child_62 profile image

Sorry to hear about your ear problems. It is very daunting when something new happens and your reaction is understandable. I think most of us have been through similar experiences.

First the clicking in response to sound... I have had something similar to this - not a clicking but more of a movement/twitch. In my right ear it was sometimes accompanied by pain and in my left ear by a tickling sensation. In fact, I still get movement and tickling in my left ear when running the kitchen tap! I believe the sound is actually triggering a muscle in the ear.

That is not a nice condition but continuous tinnitus is probably even harder to cope with. I would be inclined to stop using that nasal spray. The tinnitus may then subside. If it doesn't, your brain will probably get used to it and learn to ignore it - a process called habituation. There is light at the end of the tunnel!

I have also been through periods of tension and occasional sharp pains in the ears. You could try applying warmth or cold around the ears to see if this helps with the aching. However, you will probably find that this is a phase and your ears will eventually settle down to something more normal.

Try to be calm and patient, as you will get through this.

Randy101 profile image

Thanks all I really appreciate your responses.

Up until now I have not really accepted it which I think is not helping, but after a bit of a moment yesterday I tried to pull myself together and just ignoring it and focussing on something else.

I hope it will eventually get better or that I will get used to it, I watched a YouTube video I found on another thread here

This calmed me down enormously and put things into perspective.

I think the thought of it getting worse is scarring me the most.

RONf profile image

Hi. I have been currently prescribed mometosone furoate for Eustachian tube dysfunction. Both my GP and consultant in ENT have advised that it is safe for those affected byTinnitus. I have to take the med for 3 to 6 months to clear the build up of unwanted stuff in my Eustachian tubes. After two months I feel better and there has been no increase in my T. volume.

GrimGraze profile image

I've been there like 3 months ago. Got tinnitus for the first time and made me a wreck and wishing that everything just ended. I went to a psychiatrist that gave me Mirtazapine and it ended up saving me. I only took it for 1 month.

Try doing an audiogram and seeing if your hearing is fine. If it is, there are good chances the ringing will go away on its own in some days after you stop taking the medicine.

PTNewbie profile image

Please know that it’s normal to feel this distress early on. It WILL also not feel this way forever. Go back to your GP and ask for ENT referral. A great app to help you cope is Oto. You will survive this I promise x

Randy101 profile image

update. Thanks all for your replies.

The ringing is still there.

I went to get my ears tested yesterday and I have no problems, they’re fine.

The person there was much more compassionate than the GP and I went away feeling a little better.

Last night lying in bed with the kids watching one of their programs I was close to drifting to sleep and I heard complete silence even when I was fully awake again. But this only lasted a few seconds. This almost broke me.

This morning I woke up again with it still there and I just broke down completely.

I am going from being positive to being a mess. I don’t want to get used to it, I want it gone; it seems childish but that’s my mind at the moment..

I’m also so tired all the time even though thankfully I am able to sleep at night

Randy101 profile image

Another Update.

Thought I would put one more update here to try and not leave yet another doom and gloom post in the hope that any new suffers find this useful.

On the physical side of things I think my tinnitus has changed frequency it started around 4khz now more like 8-10khz, not sure what this means but anyway...

I went to an ENT and I was put in a sound proof chamber and tested my hearing again in a controlled environment - its fine. I have 0db across the board with a -5db on the right ear at 4hkz- my hearing is good. He seems to think it is likely caused by a virus and well, who knows but it is not hearing loss.

I also went to a an orthodontist as I have a bad overbite as I never got a brace when I was younger. They could not help anyway due to my age but did not think it was causing my issues and my TMJ is in good shape.

I have had botox injections as I also clench my jaw this helped with that and now use a night guard too.

At this point I am done medically - I have done all I can to rule out anything physically wrong with me so am calling it day on that side of things.

Now. on the emotional side of things, which I have come to realise is more important, this will be a lot more to unpack. But the short story is. I am better than I was and am starting to come to terms. I have gone from being a wreck to functional but still worrying a bit here and there and annoying my wife constantly (who also has tinnitus) Here is a list of things I think helped.

Get checked out medically - hearing test, teeth etc. Get it it checked then just move on.

If the above does not yield any issues then do not try and work out how you got tinnitus. As you will come to realise in the end it doesnt matter anyway. I beat myself up loads about this. Was it my headphones, was it nightclubs when I was younger. The truth is I did neither of these things for years and it come out of no where but who cares. Beyond being checked by a doctor, it is no longer important.

Stay off the internet - Jesus christ I was a mess after reading a lot of posts, most people on internet forums are either people like me in crisis and just in a state of panic - see my original post or people that are suffering very badly. People that get better just move on- they do not update. This forum is an exception by and large but even here - be careful of posts like mine.

Even on here I was getting angry reading you will get used to it! "I dont want to get used to it I want it gone." I am glad to say I know longer care about this. I am not used to my tinnitus yet but I am at the place where if I get used to it and dont care thats fine, it is as good as gone.. Ultimately the result is the same - being content. I would never have said this even a couple of weeks ago.

Accept it - as above don't wait for it to go. It might it might not, assume it wont. I am not sure if deep down I have accepted it - probably not but I know that is what needs to be done.

As I have mentioned I am very new to this so take my post with a pinch of salt. I could be back to square 1 but I do not think that will be the case. I think the point of my update is to demonstrate that first days are the hardest and it does get better.

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