I live in Manchester and I want to know which NHS hospital has the best ENT service.
Best ENT service: I live in Manchester and I... - Tinnitus UK
Best ENT service
Hi, my experience with ENT at Sheffield Hallamshire hospital has been good. I got passed about a bit at first but ended up with an excellent Consultant there who was very caring, can’t praise him enough.
Thank you Ssmf. I got advice from a local support group that Stepping Hill Hospital is the best in Manchester so I will try that. I will bear your recomnendation in mind for the future. Thanks again.
I have an appointment at Sheffield Hallamshire ENT. Can you expand on what you mean by being passed around a bit?
hi, yes I have otosclerosis in both ears so initially when I went to ENT it was for the T but due to having undergone a operation in the left ear first which is where the T is, I saw one consultant & then got passed to another who was brilliant this was to get the operation done quicker, I also saw a private ENT doctor at Claremont Sheffield but he then referred me back to the Hallamshire. So I have seen a few there but overall the latest consultant I have been under , I cannot praise him enough . Sarah
Thanks for the reply.
I'm a bit unsure what to expect to be honest and my new T is through the roof at the minute. I also saw a private audiologist at Thornbury. He said I had hearing loss and recommended hearing aids but they were £5k. I've been on Fluoxetine for about four weeks but stopped taking it as thought tinnitus was getting worse, but it's got worse still. Now I've stopped! Richard
My support at ENT has really been because of the otosclerosis side of things as opposed to T. I’m taking Mirtizapine 30mg which my GP did some research on before prescribing them so as not to make it worse & I can say they have helped especially with the sleeping. I got a hearing aid prior to having my op all through the audiologist at the Hallamshire, she too has been fab, all free & they are the latest small ones so you shouldn’t have to pay for them. I don’t need them now as the op has cured my hearing loss but I do sometimes sleep in it when the T is raging. Hope you get sorted. Sarah
Yeah I'm thinking if trying to swap to Mirtazapine. They tell me 15mg helps with sleep but 30mg doesn't. I'm on zopiclone at the minute and that usually works. Thanks for the replies. Richard
Hi, it may be reaching out some of the Manchester based support groups as they will probably have personal experience of the local ENTS. You can find these groups here tinnitus.org.uk/find-a-supp...