also my anxiety has made it worse my t just seems to get worse no matter what i do will the t get easyer if my anxiety gets better
tinnitus: also my anxiety has made it worse my... - Tinnitus UK
Hi john. Wondering where you were and how you are .. I think anxiety plays a big part in tinnitus. Once you hear the noise and start to panic it becomes a cycle of fear and anxiety. This is what happened to me anyway. The big question is .. How to break the cycle? It's a matter of trial and error. Finding things that work for you. I use relaxation techniques more and more. They're very helpful but I still slip back sometimes. Hope that helps. I know you're suffering ..
Anxiety kicked in a few weeks ago and hit me 2 weeks ago i was walking down the stairs felt a bit strange then the t got worse it was either the anxiety or the trazadone when looking it up trazadone it does cause pounding tinittus. it gave me a pounding almost deafening sound its horrible do i come of the trazadone or not ?. i have so many noises in my head and in my ears i feel i have no life at the moment