Unknown cause: So I've had some really strange... - Tinnitus UK

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Unknown cause

Christrev profile image
13 Replies

So I've had some really strange symptoms occur over the past 6 weeks and I don't know whether they're neurological or caused by something ear related. Saw an ear specialist who could see no perforation and hearing tests all came back but these are my symptoms and wondering if anyone has experienced anything similar:


Intolerance to certain sounds

Intense ear pain one night lasting a few hours

Tinnitus feels like its in one ear and only in mornings and at night before sleeping

Feeling in head of dropping like going over a speed bump or in an elevator

Pressure in head and pressure behind the nose

Unable to sleep on the side where the ear pain happened

Anyone experienced this before? Doctors couldn't see anything when using a microscope to look in my ears.

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Christrev profile image
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13 Replies
WoodyT profile image

Yes, I have those symptoms too . However, it feels like the Hyperacusis has also spiked with them .

I started with T , four months ago , just out of the blue ! No cold , infection etc . I had been wearing ear buds whilst walking the dog and listening to music, about a week before .

The GP and ENT have both said , it’s noice induced . I have also had a career in the ambulance service for the past 20 years , so the sirens won’t have helped either !

The dizziness started about 3 weeks ago , along with the pain and fullness in the head , nose and at the back of the eyes . My balance is also effected .

How long have you had T ? Did yours start through noise trauma ? Please write back and let me know how you’re getting on . If you find anything that helps with the symptoms, would really like to hear back .

Hope you feel better soon

Take care

Zoë. Woody T

Christrev profile image
Christrev in reply to WoodyT

Hey Zoë, thanks for the reply.

I started with dizziness first and a day later I was sat in a resteraunt where a high pitch sound was ringing that everyone else could hear but for me it was almost unbearable.

I then got some ear ache a week later and tinnitus followed. I've hadd tinnitus for roughly 4 weeks now but I only get it in the morning upon waking up or in the evening right before going to sleep, I used to get it during the day when it first started but this has gradually stopped.

I have now started to get buzzing in my ears like a vibration and if I try do anything like go for a run then I get a big buildup of pressure in my forhead and behind my nose and almost feels like it's above the roof of my mouth.

I'm seeing another GP tomorrow which will be the 6th GP I've seen about this in the last 6 weeks and I'm seeing a second ear specialist tomorrow.

At the point now wherw I just want whatever scans are available to come to some conclusion as to what this is.

CamperT25 profile image

Hi, it sounds like u may have Eustachian Tube dysfunction

This can cause pressure, tinnitus and dizziness too. Ive had this for a few months now after a bout of chronic sinusitis. I take an antihistamine evey day and steroud nasal spray pkus steaming yr face is great. Put hot water in bowl, pref with olobus oil in, just 2 drops then breathe in steam, with towel over head. It seems to help.

Christrev profile image
Christrev in reply to CamperT25

Thanks for the reply.

Did your Doctor arrange for any diagnostic tests to make that diagnosis or was it just based on description of symptoms?

Mine originally diagnosed viral labyrinthitis as I had air being pushed out my ear 2 weeks ago which was a suspected perforated ear drum from the infection. He took a look and found the ear drum was healed. 2 weeks later I still have air coming out that ear so there must be a non-ear drum reason how this air is able to push out my ear - my symptoms sound quite close to something called perilymph fistula as there is another membrane between the middle and inner ear that can become torn and cause an imbalance in pressure. Just planning to get a head scan arranged now to rule out anything bone related that could be causing this.

CamperT25 profile image
CamperT25 in reply to Christrev

Ive had a hearing test, just last night, saw consultant. Also had a camera up my nose to check back of throat for Eustachian Tubes. They were ok un throat so he thinks problem is behind eardrum. I get a crackling noise each time i swallow or yawn. Hope this helps a bit and u get sorted out. 👍

Christrev profile image
Christrev in reply to CamperT25

Hey, I also get a crackling noise every time I swallow or yawn. I started by getting the same pattern of 4 small crackles each time I tried to do it and they made the small noises in the same kind of order if that makes sense.

Also had a hearing test in a sound proof room and this was all fine, I've only felt my hearing diminish slightly in that ear and this was only on one occasion around 4 weeks ago and lasted approx 30 seconds - not sure if you have experienced anything similar to that?

I'll let you know what the outcomes of any head scans are in case we're experiencing the same thing as our symptoms sound similar.

CamperT25 profile image
CamperT25 in reply to Christrev

Fab thank u. The crackling is certainly a sign of ETD. Good luck. 👍

Christrev profile image
Christrev in reply to CamperT25


I got the brain MRI and CT sinuses back and all was clear with no abnormalities. Still got the crackling in my ear but don't have tinnitus anymore. I also hear air leaving my left ear (the ear with the crackling) if I do the valslava. Got a consultation with the ENT on the 24th so going to ask whether it could be ET. Do you know if there is any way to diagnose this or any treatment or does it usually just go away on its own? Thanks

Lilly200 profile image
Lilly200 in reply to CamperT25


Does the antihistamine help? Can I ask what nasal spray you are using please as the doctor has prescribed 2 for me and also a decongestant.

Christrev profile image
Christrev in reply to Lilly200


The ear cracking just went away of its own accord. I used a snius decongestat a few times but it didn't actually help at all.

I have the dizziness still and turns out I had an ear infection which led to dizziness and I was getting pressure as a result of migraines (without pain) caused by my eyes and ears working harder for balance. Now getting physiotherapy to treat the dizziness.

CamperT25 profile image
CamperT25 in reply to Lilly200

Hi, I use Avamys Flucticasone Furoate. The Amiltriptalene seemed ok to help calm me diwn but did not help tinitus for me. I researched lots of things and find Kalms lavander oil tablets ate amazing. No side effects but calm me down. 👍

Christrev profile image
Christrev in reply to CamperT25

Agree on the amitryptiline. It took me abour 2-3 weeks of taking them before I noticed the difference.

FallenAngel83 profile image

Hi, how are you doing? I’m just curious as to how long your tinnitus lasted for?? I had labyrinthitis 5 weeks ago, lots of ear pain & pressure with blocked feeling in my ears & a week ago the tinnitus started. Just looking for hope really that this will pass xx I’ve been diagnosed with Eustachian Tube Dysfunction and now I’m on antihistamines & nasal steroids x

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