Iv had loud intrusive T for 5 months , been through hell the last 5 months had a major panic / anxiety attack this morn in front of my 2 year old daughter , it’s killing me , how does one go on ??
When will this get any better : Iv had loud... - Tinnitus UK
When will this get any better
Hi Hazyfan,
I think your question is probably rhetorical and posted in desperation but all I can say is try and stay positive and keep yourself as calm as you can, as getting worked up about everything only makes your tinnitus worse. Most of us on this forum, including myself have had the same experience as yourself and it is horrendous, but eventually, the tinnitus will back off a bit so don't despair. If you haven't already seen your GP, make an appointment as soon as possible. Tell him or her how the tinnitus is affecting you and you will probably be prescribed an anti depressant of some sort, which will calm down your central nervous system. You might also be referred to ENT to see a hearing consultant. In the meantime, avoid quiet places, try and keep busy to distract your attention from the noise in your head and above all, try not to panic. I know it's very difficult but hang in there and things will get better for you. I hope you find some peace soon. Best wishes.
Hi Jim, thank you for taking the tine to reply, I’m on anti depressants , i will be starting a mindfullness course next week at my ENT hospital next week.. I still in shock that me and my family have to deal with this it’s like iv becone a mad mental person all of a sudden,
Hello H,
I'm sorry to hear you are struggling at the moment, especially having young children it seems so unfair.
I am a youngish😉 Grandma and when my T set in nearly a year ago now I was initially devastated especially as my little granddaughters voices seemed torturous when it should be the loveliest sound ever.
My T is loud and intrusive and constant and in the initial stages, where you are now, I had no idea how I would come out of the other side.
I have, and I can promise you, you will too. It does take some effort initially on your side though. When I first got my tinnitus and I read about habituation etc. It all seemed like 'pie in the sky', I just could not understand how anyone could get to a stage where they could live with it without it bothering them, but it can and does.
After the initial few months when I was panicked, distressed, lost weight I realised there was only one way to go and that was up. I made the decision that obviously I had to live with it so there was no point in doing it miserably. What I then did was what I called 'fake it till you make it'. I got up every day and in spite of my T I forced myself to go about my normal daily routine, shopping, driving, seeing friends etc. It was difficult at first, but the more I kept going, the easier it became and although the T was annoying it started to become less distressing. I then started to feel more relaxed, realised lots of people live with bad T and live well with it eventually, it does take time though.
Habituation will happen to you, but you must try to calm yourself and concentrate on things you enjoy to start to take your mind off the T even if only for a few minutes at a time initially.
As I write this, I can hear my T hissing through my head like a pressure cooker, but the difference now is, I don't feel anywhere near as bothered. In a minute I will go and start making a meal and will probably not think about my T till maybe I sit down in front of the TV again.
This is the stage I have got to now and I just st project myself further into the future where I see myself as feeling even better about it even though I will probably always hear it.
I use a herbal sleep tea which does seem to help me sleep or just a herbal nytol or something of that kind.
You don't say if you've seen your dr about it, professional advice is an important start, but take my word for it and many others on here, you will be ok. You have things that are far more important to you than T, a lovely little daughter so remember it might take time, but you will recover your full life and be happy.
Don't read depressing stories re T, it is my opinion that these people have a lot more to deal with than T.
Take care, there's always someone here to help.
Hi Curlew, thank you for taking the time to share your wisdom , I’m 45 and always lived a very healthy life style , I find it such a cruel condition. Iv had t Mildley for 10 years , since I got a ear infection in November last year it’s been horrific , what breaks my heart the most is my daughter asking me “daddy why are you crying “ things have got a little better but. It so loud, I sometimes feel like I’m being tortured to death
The mindfulness will help, try and stay calm.
All of us who have this condition badly have been exactly where you are now.
There are lots of us living with this condition and there is always support here.
Keep in touch and let us know how you are getting on.
By the time you are finding your condition easier your daughter will have forgotten you were ever upset.
Take care.
It’s so horrible. Had mine 35 years, but can honestly say it hasn’t always been a problem. Yes it’s been loud, but I’ve habituated a few times to the point of hearing it and really not caring. At the moment it’s loud 24/7, but my hearing aids help a lot.
Everyone tells you to keep calm and relax, but it’s just so hard and tiring.
You WILL get to a better place. My heart goes out to you at the moment. My 2 girls have both seen me have major meltdowns because of t, but they’re 22 and 28 now. They just take it in their stride!
My best advice is to keep up your daily routine. It’s so easy to give in to it, I know as I spent the first 6 months I had mine back with my parents and I’d only just got married. They were the dark days, but I came through it and so will you.
If you read posts on here you will see people posting less and less, this is because they are habituating and no longer see it as a problem.
Best wishes xx
Thank you buddie123, its people like you that give me hope for the future, I’m still off work and was afraid I’d never be able to work again, but I think surley this can’t be it, a life filled with fear, panic and distress , and to be honest things have got a little better since the increase but progress is so slow and frustrating , I wish you the best my friend x
Hi, Hazyfan,
I can only echo the advice given in the previous posts. Yes, it's distressing and there will be good days and bad days and, also, it's unpredictable. Try to take each day at a time and explain to your family what you're experiencing. Maybe get them to read some of these posts so that they'll have a better understanding. Do seek professional medical help and if one doctor isn't forthcoming, try another. There's plenty of advice on coping methods on the BTA website. I truly hope it will ease off for you.
Respectfully submitted,
It doesn't go away. You going to have to get used to it. Listen to some whitewash music try to keep yourself occupied don't try to pay attention to it the more you pay attention to it louder that it seems to get. I was able to purchase some hearing aid with music to help me deal with it a little bit. Though they're a little expensive.
Hi Hazyfan,
Sorry to hear your t has been bad lately... I may not be able to give you words of advise as I only have my t 10 weeks today so i'm still learning myself!! However I can relate to how you are feeling. When I first got t I couldn't eat and got very anxious and scared and gave up work for 8 weeks ( I am back working 2 weeks now). I to have a daughter who is 3 and I have to admit I started crying in the car one day in front of her because my t got so bad after I brought her out for a walk. I feel its ruined my life to a certain extent but lately i'm just trying to go around doing my normal things etc.. I have found the past couple of days it seems a little lower (but I can still hear it all the time) so I am hoping that I am habituating or else it will keep getting lower to the point were it doesn't bother me at all, believe me I still have a lot of times during the day were its so annoying and I have cried over it a lot but from the support and advise on this forum i'm feeling a bit more positive and hopeful and I hope you will to.
Sorry to hear its bad. I started with T about 2 months ago and have been suffering badly. I asked my doctor for help as i couldnt sleep and was v anxious. He prescribed amatriptaline (sp) and a month later i feel better and am sleeping much better. Ive noticed the less anxious i get the less i seem to hear the T..... If i get stressed it starts screaming down my ear again
I would suggest you get some help for the anxiety and hopefully things will settle