I go through phases with my T, each phase seeming worse than the last, louder, noticing it in new situations, thinking about it all the time, intruding on every aspect of my life, not being able to sleep without a sleeping pill, watching tv hearing it in the background etc. Previously I have beaten these types of phases and been able to habituate the T. Last week I commenced another phase and again it seems worse than ever before, my gf has been sending me old texts from my previous phase where I have expressed all the same feelings I previously stated 'its never going to get better' 'so much worse than last time' etc. These kind of help me to remind me I have beaten it before and hopefully will again. I am commencing with a psychologist again today so hopefully that assists. Do any of you experience similar phases and beat them always?
Have you had a bad phase and come out the othe... - Tinnitus UK
Have you had a bad phase and come out the other side?
Hang on in there you have beaten this before you can do it again, for me it is a constant struggle every day for the past year Mr T has been there 24/7 x
Thanks Gail. I have seen seem of your other posts. Seems like you're also going through a horrible time. Have you sought the advice of psychologist's or anything like that? I am working on changing my thoughts towards the T and trying to focus on other things as I think that is what has helped me in the past. Much easier said then done though as you would know.
No not sought any advice from a psychologist just normal ent and audiology my maxillofacial surgeon says it is all related to me having tmjd still waiting for op even thought had pre op 19th june its a joke no 1 cares most day i could put my head in the oven but i manage to get through the day some how xx I try my hardest not to think about it but when its there 24/7 constant what can you do... If i could just have 1 good nights sleep lol. Hope yr having a good day x
So is T classed as a mental health condition i stopped googling things as it was mainly negative things ie cant do anything for it, it never goes away.
You should explore cognitive behavioral therapy as I believe it has had some good results. Doesn't make the T go away but will work to change your perception which will reduce the intrucivness and associated anxiety
Thanks for that info, this who can arrange cbt. x Do you live in oz x
I do live in aus. Any cuncelling or psych service does CBT. You can Google t counsellors or psychs though and see if anything comes up. When I lived in London there was a guy based in Gillingham from memory who had good knowledge of T
I visit there at least once a year my dad and brother live in craigieburn in Melbourne and a sister on the gold coast, thanks for info anything is worth a try will have a look x have a good day mean evening x
I'm just coming out of my second, took longer than I would like but as I often say not, not sure if I'm better or just learned to ignore it again.
Me!!! I think that I have it in a boxed off place then for no reason it seems to go to a new level. I reflect on this and consider if it is just my mood. It has clearly changed in its intrusiveness and I have to start the battle over again. If knocks me back emotionally for a week or two then I work to adjust to the new sounds. I suppose that this is just the nature of the beast.
That's why they refer to it a taming the T.
You name it, I've tried it. Anti anxiety tablets, Anti depressants, psychotic medication, Mindfulness, relaxation, maskers, sound generators, psychologists and banging my head against a wall.
Like you, I tell my partner that this is the worse it has ever been. She then tell me that this is what I said last month.
It does change from week to week. That is the nature of it. However, it is worse when I am tired or stressed. Hell when I have a hangover. I now avoid these at all costs.
Learning to live with it seems to be the only way forward. I have had mind for 14 months but have not reached that destination yet. Good luck with your journey.