A message for everyone who answered me, mikkymo... - Thyroid UK

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A message for everyone who answered me, mikkymouse.

mikkymouse profile image
20 Replies

My name is Sheila AKA mikkymouse . I joined this site about two weeks ago and I have now decided to stop posting altogether. I guess when I joined I got the wrong idea of what it was all about. I was looking more for some personal stories of success and encouragement, or even of people s struggles , rather than facts and figures which in my befuddled anxious state were too overwhelming for me to retain for long. I did try but I feel that some posters couldn’t get that because possibly they have never had those side effects. There have been many unselfish caring people that have taken time out to repeatedly try to help me and I am very grateful. On the flip side like there is in life, a few that have only reduced me to tears time after time and caused my anxiety to go through the roof. I don’t need this and so I have made this decision.

I would still LOVE to hear from anyone willing to pm me and share a bit of their stories with me, as a few of you have already done.

Thanks again and I hope all of you, myself included have a happy ending to your struggles.

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mikkymouse profile image
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20 Replies
Marz profile image

I think we all start from a place of confusion and not having a clue. I was grappling with a new language at the time of diagnosis - having retired to Greece some 15 years ago. Sadly I stopped going to lessons.

I am 73 this year and yes at times trying to understand everything can be challenging - we just have to keep reading and reading. I have read most of your 24 posts in the two weeks since you joined and can see how many have done their very best to help. I think it's good you have chosen to take a break - so you can take time to read through your posts and replies again and again. I promise - eventually it will all fall into place. Choose one path and follow it until you feel stronger. Hope to see you back soon .... 😊

mikkymouse profile image
mikkymouse in reply to Marz

Thank you. I remember you. You live in Crete I think. You started teaching yoga at 65? See, I can remember personal stuff but not all the numbers etc sent my way.

I feel relief at making the decision to stop posting. If you or others could have read some pm sent to me, you might understand more. I have chosen one path and that is to do everything I can to get well. I am getting tests done even though I have to pay out of pocket. I’m listening to my naturopath and I am going on a gluten free diet for a month to see if I notice any difference. And I’m following MY instincts as to what works best for me. I don’t want to feel I have to defend myself and my decisions to people who don’t know a thing about myself. So many people have been wonderful and I said that. But ultimately this forum is not for me as I explained. I wish it had been. It’s a long journey getting well without any help from the medical profession but I have a wonderful supportive husband and family and great friends.

Thanks again for your kind words.

fibrolinda profile image
fibrolinda in reply to mikkymouse

I am so sorry some impatient, intolerant, ignorant people have made you feel unwelcome on the forum! It is they who should be leaving holding their heads in shame for seemingly not knowing that most on the forum knew nothing when joining... Had, have, fuddled foggy brain that seems to refuse to take in and hold on to ANYTHING let alone numbers and names that are all new and gobblgook to our fogged up brain and intermittent memory. Information overload. If you received a PM that upset you please report it, attacking a sick struggling new comer in any way is unacceptable. If people do not have the patience. To help then they should say nothing and leave it to those who do and who understand the struggle you are having, they're plenty on here love I promise.


Linda xx

mikkymouse profile image
mikkymouse in reply to fibrolinda

Hi Linda, BIG HUGS to you! Thanks for sticking up for me. I’m getting a bit tired of having to repeat that I am grateful to everyone only to have some come back saying I should be thankful because everyone has tried so hard to help me. Didn’t I just say that!!!

All I wanted was a bit of info and empathy and maybe even make a new friend in here that I could pm with to support each other.

Keep well and if you aren’t there, then I wish you speedy good health

Sheila xx

Peanut31 profile image

Hi Mikkymouse

It’s a shame that you have decided to leave the thyroid forum as it has certainly helped me get my life back and many others.

I know if I didn’t have the support of this forum I would still be in that black hole that I could see no way out.

If any one wants to share there story in detail they often put it in there profile page which you can access.

Please remember that we all have a story to share regarding our thyroid journey, but, some don’t like to share it, or they have other life issues going on and want to keep that private and separate.

It’s very easy to get upset about the smallest comments made when your in the thick of it with your thyroid symptoms, trust me I know about that and I’m sure others will back me up in that, but, I have experienced nothing but caring and concerned people on here, and by putting advice into practice it’s helped me.

Advice given on here is our own journey experiences because the so called professionals have failed us.

This is why this forum is so popular as we all want to help each other get well. What you do with that advice is as said before up to you.

You sent me a PM but, I haven’t replied as think it’s best to reply on the open forum.

There isn’t anything more I can say, other than the advice I’ve given to you on your previous postings, and my reply today on this post.

I wish you every success in your thyroid journey.

Best wishes


rachelleigh73 profile image

Hi Sheila - I have read some of your previous posts and can understand where you're coming from. Not everyone who posts on here has the tact and sensitivity that is sometimes needed. But ... this forum is priceless as a source of information and as a place to meet those with common experiences. Do take a little time out if you need but do stay on the public platform if you can - please don't let a couple of tactless comments deprive you of the benefits of being part of it. Good luck! Rachel x

mikkymouse profile image
mikkymouse in reply to rachelleigh73

Thank you so much for seeing my side. I can’t believe that some others feel that it is just me being sensitive. Have they not read where I was accused for example of insulting her national identity whatever that means. Or that I apologized and the poster wasnt even polite enough to acknowledge it. It really is only a couple of people that have been awful ( one in a pm so no one knows what she is really like) The majority have been very kind. I didn’t sign up to be insulted or made to cry. I think part of the problem is because I am new and these two posters have been on it for years. Also, being a different nationality doesn’t help. By that I mean that the English are very different from Canadians just as Americans are different from us. We may all share a common language and for many of us, a common heritage but that’s it. We have completely different humour and even words and we Canadians are more outgoing. Not so reserved. I probably came on too strong and tried to be friendly when I guess I should be serious. I feel though that a bit of humour or personal touch brings a bit of sunshine into a sad subject. I hope you are understanding what it is I’m trying to say here. I feel I can say this because I am after all just first generation Canadian and was raised and very used to English family.

I hope you are one of the lucky ones who is finally doing well.

Sheila x

rachelleigh73 profile image
rachelleigh73 in reply to mikkymouse

Thanks Sheila - and I agree strongly with the sentiments of Scrumblers last message here - if you can - let it go and move on? We all could benefit from being kinder to one another ... x

mikkymouse profile image

Thank you Maureen. That was nice of you to say this. I seem to have gotten off on the wrong foot and never quite got back again. It was really just two posters that have driven me away. I’m sure you know who they are.

mikkymouse profile image

I just wish you had seen the pm sent to me by a nasty poster. If I had done it in open forum then maybe you would understand where I’m coming from. Thanks again for all your help.

mikkymouse profile image

No, it was just two posters and a couple of insensitive comments from a couple but those I overlooked.

mikkymouse profile image

I need to write one more person and that’s it. I want to put this whole thing behind me. I have met one lovely person in particular and we are writing each other so I’m happy. Janine, you know who you are but none else does.

I hope that when I’m at maximum dose that life will once again be worth living.

Good luck to you too


MaisieGray profile image

mikkymouse I understand that I am not the first to receive an extremely unpleasant private message from you, but I hope I am the last, because unfortunately not everyone can shrug them off as inconsequential ravings, and you are playing a dirty nasty game by writing thus. To write privately in the vein you have written to me, with ad hominem attacks and foul words - using part words and part emoticons to construct such a word does not make it any the less unpleasant or inappropriate - whilst declaring here that it is you who are the recipient rather than the sender of nasty messages, is neither rational nor honest. So I shan't answer any of the accusations and insults you've sent privately so others can't see them, but will tell you publicly that you are not to write to me again.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to MaisieGray

Well, it's some comfort to know I'm not the only one.

Peanut31 profile image
Peanut31 in reply to greygoose

I cannot understand why anyone would want to send nasty PM’s to anyone on here, especially to those that go out of their way by taking time to respond to posts, only trying to help.

I have had nothing but help from you, Greygoose, MaisieGray, Seasidesusie, Marz, reallyfedup, and others, for which I am very grateful for.

It appears there is pattern emerging, involving one individual.

Why is it important that this individual has PM everyone?

I understand the forum rules as in you cannot mention supplier of thyroid medication or comment on endos or GP on the open forum, hence the private messages, but this wasn’t the reason for the private messages.

I too received a PM but, didn’t respond, as I didn’t like the contents of the message, and, why it is important to know our real names which seems also to be requested by the individual, then openly mentioned on the public forum.

Sending nothing but positive vibes.

Best wishes


greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Peanut31

Thank you, Peanut. I just wish I could answer your questions, but I can't. x

Marz profile image
Marz in reply to MaisieGray

SHOCKING ! Truly shocking ...

Marz profile image

I heave heard from one member that her PM was so shocking that she thought of reporting it - but as the OP ( original poster ) is new - gave her the benefit of the doubt - perhaps that is an English expression - so gave her another chance.

Marz profile image

After almost eight years here on the Forum this is a first :-(

Clarrisa profile image

When I was working I would dabble in communication classes. They seemed to always mention:

Sherman Tanks (Critical, loud, contemptuous, hard charging),

The Sniper (Take pot shots at others behind a cover),

The Exploder (Adult temper tantrum in response to thwart or threat).

The Clam (Silent, unresponsive),

Complete Complainer (Whining)

Wet Blankets (“It won’t work”),

Bulldozers (The Know-It All’s).

Super Agreeables (Always agree with you).

I hope I’m not forgetting anybody. A brother use to tell me whenever I complained then “That’s work.” That is the luxury of online I suppose, you can pick & choose unlike work. But it is 😞 😔 😢 sad one of the above types got your goat mikkymouse. No need to feel you need to reply. Just hope you will take a nice vacation from us & come back in the future.

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