SECOND Covid-19 Vaccine Shot - What was your ex... - Thyroid UK

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SECOND Covid-19 Vaccine Shot - What was your experience?

RedApple profile imageRedAppleAdministrator413 Voters

Please select one:

211 Replies
RedApple profile image

🔸🔸 ONLY comment when YOU HAVE HAD your SECOND shot.

Please add a comment below about which vaccine you had for each shot.

🔹🔹 To vote and comment on the poll for YOUR FIRST shot, please click this link

▪️This thread is for members to share experiences of SIDE EFFECTS to the SECOND vaccine dose ONLY.

PLEASE do not comment or discuss anything else here.

Any comments posted here that are considered by the admin team to be irrelevant to this poll, will be edited out without notifying the poster.

madgewildfire profile image
madgewildfire in reply to RedApple

I had the Pfizer vaccine and the second shot made me feel fluey as if someone had injected iced water into my veins. That sensation kicked in about six hours after the jab but lasted a couple of days. However, it didn't stop me from functioning.

Health-care profile image
Health-care in reply to RedApple

Had Pfizer and no problems with either first or second vaccine

Etch43 profile image
Etch43 in reply to RedApple

Thank you for putting me on track !

DoeStewart profile image
DoeStewart in reply to RedApple

I had pfizer - no side effects after first shot, felt a bit cold in the eving after second shot, bit shivery and slight headache, took some paracetamol and went to bed,fine next day.

LittleHil profile image
LittleHil in reply to RedApple

My second Pfizer shot this month (April) affected me more than the first. Couldn't raise my arm above my shoulder for 48 hours and all my muscles and joints ached. Was still able to go about my daily life although felt more tired than usual. I had a raised red patch develop at the injection site which took almost a week to disappear.

Hurtlocker profile image
Hurtlocker in reply to RedApple

Had bad muscle aches.headache and flue symptoms for three days after pfizer second jab... Worse than same syptoms 5 days after 1st jab...

Roulette26 profile image
Roulette26 in reply to RedApple

I had Astra Zeneca, no problems.

PolyannaYorkshire profile image
PolyannaYorkshire in reply to RedApple

No side effects from either of my 2vaccinations Pfizer apart from a sore arm after 1st injection for 2days... Ok after 2nd ... Just had it last week

Cariad123 profile image
Cariad123 in reply to RedApple

Second vaccine has made me so ill ,totally exhausted ,fluey ,joint pain and unable to function ,glands in groin and neck very swollen ,lost appetite ,this is third day and just eaten ,(first shot just slept for first day ) so quite worried at this reaction

RedApple profile image
RedAppleAdministrator in reply to Cariad123

Which vaccine did you have Cariad123 ?

Cariad123 profile image
Cariad123 in reply to RedApple

Astra one , this has been such a bad experience will not have booster if offered l am 72 with clotting factor There was some concern at clinic wether to give to me but decided that as on Riveroxiban l would be okay This is 5 th day and still not right

dizzy864 profile image
dizzy864 in reply to Cariad123

Hi, Have you got better? I had my second shot 8 weeks ago and am still terrible. Very severe muscle aches in upper arms, shoulders and neck. I can't raise or move my arms at all without pain. Feel nausious all the time too. pain in arm started within a couple of hours. Other pains and nausea started the next morning. I have had problems with hypo symptoms for years - been really trying to sort these. But jab has made everything worse. My first jab, the injection site was swollen and very sore, and I had very mild flu like symptoms. These both lasted ten days.

dizzy864 profile image
dizzy864 in reply to dizzy864

Forgot to say, I had Pfizer

elaine2447 profile image
elaine2447 in reply to dizzy864

Oh dear, sorry to hear this, and if it's any consolation, I feel just as bad with second Pfizer and I am on day 9. The first shot I had similar aches and pains right up to the 2nd shot so I was not surprised. As I wrote previously, the microwave is going constantly with heatpads for my back, front and neck. It feels like arthritis has taken over. I already have a fractured T5 vertibrae and had arthritis in my neck for decades. I wonder if it's caused a hashimotos flare up. I hope you are feeling better.

Thyroid17 profile image
Thyroid17 in reply to RedApple

I had Pfizer. Nothing at all to note on first vaccine, not even sore arm. Second vaccine started to feel unwell surprisingly very quickly (had not even left vaccination centre but nothing that would be classified as requiring immediate intervention), felt a bit 'spaced out' couldn't feel legs as normal. Got home managed small snack and a drink before succumbing to extreme fatigue (cognitive and physical) to the point I climbed into bed and slept. Pretty much slept most of next 36-48 hrs, third day tired but functioning.

K8TE profile image
K8TE in reply to Thyroid17

This entirely echoes my experience with Pfizer. I have hashimotos and psoriasis (not on biologics) First shot I actually felt better than usual for a week, then two weeks of slightly more fatigue, joint pain and muscle aches than usual.

Second jab I was in bed only two hours afterwards. Extreme fatigue and felt really dizzy and achy. Went after 48 hrs but unable to do much. Have also been left with a very swollen finger joint that will not subside after rest, elevation, ibuprofen nor compression.

DesperateLastResort profile image
DesperateLastResort in reply to K8TE

Interesting-I had no reaction to my first AstraZeneca jab but some 3 weeks after my second I experienced a raft of scary symptoms including swollen webbing between my left thumb and forefinger - I think it’s fluid filled but not painful. It’s still present over a month after it appeared. I have hypothyroidism, Hashimoto’s and frontal fibrosing alopecia.

Zephyrbear profile image
Zephyrbear in reply to RedApple

I had the Astra-Zeneca vaccine for both my shots, the second one being administered a week ago. I was extremely pleased to have had absolutely no adverse reactions to the first and was dreading the second in case I got a reaction this time, especially when they cautioned against headaches... I’m glad to say I needn’t have worried as I had no reactions with the second one either! 😀

Roodle profile image
Roodle in reply to Zephyrbear

I was the same. Really relieved to have had a smooth ride on the second go!

nellie237 profile image
nellie237 in reply to RedApple

AZ 2nd dose. Minimal pain at injection site. So, all good.

AZ 1st dose. Absolutely bloody awful 48hrs. Shook like I was holding a pneumatic drill for several hours, followed by really ice cold hands/feet for next 48hrs.

Stumpy57 profile image
Stumpy57 in reply to RedApple

Second AZ shot just gave me a sore arm at injection site. First AZ shot - chills/headache/major pain in arm when given. I complained to GP about the way it was done and had second shot elsewhere and in other arm.

Happytime profile image
Happytime in reply to RedApple

My first Pfizer was in January second in April it caused me to have bad headaches shortness of breath palpitations I still wake up with aching joints each morning I have a pacemaker on blood thinners but have noticed that my veins are more prominent still get bad headaches sometimes dizziness long to feel well when I wake up only sleep for five hours each night

ashquar profile image
ashquar in reply to RedApple

Astra zenica flu like symptoms lasted about a week and no side effects with the second

Gilbo72 profile image
Gilbo72 in reply to RedApple

I had a dreadful time with my first AZ. My side effects were not mild to moderate, they were full on severe that came on 6hrs after the jab. I felt like I was dying for 48hours. Fever, Migrane, Chills, Muscle Ache, Projectile vomiting. Followed by 3 weeks of just feeling unwell where it felt like my immune system had gone into overdrive.. Which included bouts of thyroiditis (swollen thyroid gland), eczema on my feet ( I have never had eczema in my life!) Itchy rashes, Labyrinthitis (vertigo and nausea). When I was due to have my second jab, my thyroid gland was still swollen so I postponed the jab with an inclination I may never have it.

Anyhow, I had my second yesterday at 3pm under much duress. I took a paracetamol an hour before and then religiously every 4 hours up till 1am. I went to sleep at 10pm, was wide awake at 11pm, managed to go back to sleep. I had the weirdest drugged up like sleep, vivid dreams, woke up at 8am. I can't say I felt refreshed, a little groggy a very, very mild headache and a little bit weedy. Had a bath and started working at 10am. And now at 1pm I am feeling ok! Normal even! Very, very relieved is an understatement. I will report back in a few weeks incase any other weird things happen like last time in the coming weeks. But fingers crossed... this time, except for the weird sleep... painless!

randomlil profile image
randomlil in reply to RedApple

No sore arm and no side effects for first Pfizer jab in January. Slightly sore arm (when sleeping on it) for a couple of days after second jab in April.

Horsey07 profile image
Horsey07 in reply to RedApple

I had Astra Zeneca for my vaccine. I was initially told I couldn’t have the Pfizer vaccine because I’m allergic to penicillin, but that advice has now changed. I felt like I had flu for a couple of days after the first jab, but was fine after the second. I have RA and spastic paraplegia and, having had a very serious bout of pneumonia a few years ago when every breath was a struggle, there is no way I would have missed out on this vaccine. The effects of Covid would almost certainly be far worse than the effects of the jab.

Fay123 profile image
Fay123 in reply to RedApple

I had the second Pfizer vaccine. I had chest pain breathless I got taking into hospital for 5 days they said I had infection on my heart wall and my infection levels were very high. So it’s putting me off getting the booster.

Toast18 profile image

think you should ask which vaccination they had as this could make a difference to side effects

myfanwy1945 profile image

Had the Pfizer vaccine. No side effects from first, and a sore arm for 4hours after second vaccine

annonymouses profile image

could you please have one for will not be getting any vaccine?

RedApple profile image
RedAppleAdministrator in reply to annonymouses

No sorry, the whole point of the poll is to record vaccination experiences of thyroid patients :)

annonymouses profile image
annonymouses in reply to RedApple

thank you

Clarebear profile image

I don’t know which shots I’ve had in which order as I’m on the Com-COV trial mixing first and second doses of Pfizer snd AZ.

JaneChapple profile image
JaneChapple in reply to Clarebear

Well I thought Pftzer boss said that wasnt a good dea to mix them as they were different vaccines. Still if they run out of one they will hqve no choice I suppose. Jane😣😎

Clarebear profile image
Clarebear in reply to JaneChapple

That’s the point of the trial - to see if it’s effective to mix doses - it’s quite likely it will actually be more effective as is the case with hepatitis vaccines.

nddcdd profile image

Pfizer. Mild discomfort at site with first. General aches and malaise the day after with second.

Saz88 profile image

Hi I had pfizer. No side effects after the first but 48 hours after the second one had a big lump in arm pit which lasted about a week and a half

blms profile image
blms in reply to Saz88

Yes, swollen lymph nodes has been a concern for cancer patients with first two vaccines. Scary for cancer patients. I had the J and J.

ydrol profile image
ydrol in reply to blms

Swollen lymph nodes are probably a "good" reaction - just scary because we're on high alert for lumps and bumps. "Layman Disclaimer"

blms profile image
blms in reply to ydrol

Yes, you are correct!

JillBailie profile image
JillBailie in reply to Saz88

I had a headache after the first Pfizer jab. After the second I reacted badly. Swollen lymp nodes under arm and on neck. Three large areas of swelling under arm, breast area and another behind collar bone that is still there a week later. Also raised pulse and palpitations. Still glad I got it though.

Saz88 profile image
Saz88 in reply to JillBailie

Just wondered if yours totally resolved? Am now 10 weeks post and that armpit still slightly more swollen

JillBailie profile image
JillBailie in reply to Saz88

Hi Saz88Sorry I’ve just seen this. I had second jab with reaction on 1st April. It’s now August and I still have recurring swelling behind my collar bones. Also palpitations and a horrible, recurring feeling of swelling around my throat, Endo says it’s not thyroid related.

Timetraveler67 profile image
Timetraveler67 in reply to JillBailie

How are you feeling now? Hope things are a bit better for you x

JillBailie profile image
JillBailie in reply to Timetraveler67

Hi Timetraveler67 I am feeling better but still not back to normal. Still get swelling behind collar bones at random times. Also still get palpitations from time to time. I’m having a scan on my thyroid v soon to check if it is ok. Still get slight feeling of swelling in my throat area from time to time. All symptoms are much reduced from when I had my second jab in April. I will most likely be offered the booster soon. I fully realise it is important to get it and know I may not react at all. Nevertheless I still feel a bit apprehensive about getting it.

Timetraveler67 profile image
Timetraveler67 in reply to JillBailie

I’m sorry to hear your still suffering even if not so much your still not feeling right and that’s concerning, I would say get yourself informed before you decide on the booster Which is going to be a regular thing for everyone I here’d (every couple of months I believe). Wishing you all the best I hope the scan goes ok I’d love to hear how you get on, if you like you can always message me. God bless and sending you a warm hug x

Hay2016 profile image

Pfizer. Very mild achey arm and lymph nodes up in that axilla.

Sdfoxy profile image

Johnson and Johnson one dose. Has the shot Friday evening. Got sick Saturday afternoon. Fever chills for 24 hours. Headache fatigue sore throat earache. All day Sunday. Had to call off work today and still so shaky will probably have to call offTom because I stand all day. No appetite.

blms profile image
blms in reply to Sdfoxy

I had something strange happen with mine. I also had a port installed that Monday morning and then got the shot at 3 PM the same day. No pain, 48 yours later I was tired for just about 5 hours. then totally good the next day. Then Friday the shit hit the fan, I was dehydrated and a mess. Saturday I spent in ER getting fluids, The my stomach created a lot more fluid from cancer but It seems there has to be some connection. Like it did something to stimulate my cancer. No one knows, that is the problem. I asked the oncologist and nurse and she said that I was one of the first to get the J and J and they did not get any feedback as yet.

DesperateLastResort profile image
DesperateLastResort in reply to blms

I had a raging thirst. Is that what you had?

CherokeeOlsztyn profile image

Had Pfizer x 2. Sore arm for a few days so was unable to sleep on my left side on each occasion. Raised temp to 37C and raised pulse between 90-100bpm with the 2nd shot.

lisabax profile image

It having my second shot til May. How many people have had theirs? Not many I shouldn’t think. I’m over 70 and one of the priority groups. Maybe this is a little premature? Or are you just trying to get a snapshot?

RedApple profile image
RedAppleAdministrator in reply to lisabax

47 members have already reported their second shot. It doesn't matter when you will be having it, the poll can run for as long as necessary :)

abartme profile image

Had the Moderna. First shot, no side effects except a rash, felt fine. Second shot, was down the whole next day with flu like symptoms.

Clarrisa profile image

Aside from a week of sleepiness following my second Moderna vaccination on 3/5/21, I felt well overall. I was Ms. Ache the first time. Much of my sleeping may have been catching up, due to anxiety (leading up to the second dose).

twinkiegal profile image

I had the Pfizer, x2. First one I had a sore arm and sore muscles. 2nd one I had sore arm, sore muscles and was very tired 2 days after. Not bad at all.

Cats2018 profile image

I had Pfizer & voted no side effects with either because I only had a sore arm & don’t really consider that a serious side effect. Arm more sore with 1st shot than the 2nd one

Loriputnam11 profile image

Moderna 2nd shot fever for 2 days between 101-102, bad headache, nauseated, aches and tired. Had to call out for a couple of days, which I never do!

Beautifulrainbow profile image

I've decided I'm not having the injection, as I'm hoping for me, because I suffer from social anxiety I won't be pressurised into doing things I'm uncomtable in doing, I have a lovely garden that I can get my fresh air from,and be happy in. 💗🌈

ydrol profile image

Mild sore arm with first Pfizer shot. Sore arm and suspected swollen lymph node above collar bone two days after 2nd shot. Started off tender but now just swollen but receding. (had ultrasound and doctor is not worried) - Had Stage 1a Lymphoma 2 years ago so I guess in some way its a good thing to have this a reaction - shows immune system still working .

PS I'm hoping that people saying "no side effects" at least experienced a slightly sore shoulder as I've read that side effects mean that your body is responding to the vaccine and is triggering an immune response?

tangolil profile image

I experienced extreme fatigue on both occasions. Both shots were similar in effect.

Joant24 profile image

I had Pfizer. First one was uncomfortable into the muscle but not painful. Mild aches and pains lasting a few days. 2nd jab, didn’t feel it at all but I felt wiped out for 3 days.

seeking-answers profile image

Had the Moderna and had a really rough time after the 1st shot: Fever and chills alternating, awful headache, upset stomach, metal-like taste in mouth, horribly tired, and shooting pain in arm of shot that just would not go away. Was not prepared for it to be that bad since "everyone" said second shot was usually worse than the 1st. I also had reoccurrence of auto-immune symptoms from Graves disease (which HAD been in remission). Was NOT prepared for that reality. After 3 weeks everything had finally calmed down..... just in time for the 2nd shot, egad!

Good news: Learned from the first shot and loaded up on zinc, C, D, and doubled my LDN for an entire week prior. Also very gently moved arm every 15 minutes after shot to keep my arm limber. While I did have reaction to the 2nd shot, it was much milder than the 1st and bounce back time was VASTLY improved.

I learned my lesson: go prepared and apply what helped get me into remission in the first place. Inflammation is inflammation. But as bad as the side effects were, I would NOT HESITATE to do it again (but would be more prepared).

wanttobenormalnow profile image
wanttobenormalnow in reply to seeking-answers

seeking-answers Sorry, what is LDN?

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to wanttobenormalnow

LDN - low dose naltrexone

Lots more in my downloadable volume:

helvella - Vade Mecum for Thyroid

The term vade mecum means:

1. A referential book such as a handbook or manual.

2. A useful object, constantly carried on one’s person.

Abbreviations and Acronyms

Dicky-ticker profile image

Had sore arm (muscular ache) with 2nd pfizer vaccine, same as the first.

ShelWhitt profile image

I want toi seee results from people who have had teh second Oxford vaccine as I had a bad experience with my first. I have fibromyalgia and hashimotos disease. ASAP as I am expecting to be notified to go for my second jab.

RedApple profile image
RedAppleAdministrator in reply to ShelWhitt

ShelWhitt, Please go to the top of this page and click on the 'View Results' button which should be immediately below the poll questions.

Framboise profile image
Framboise in reply to ShelWhitt

Me too. My GP said he'd arrange for me to have the Pfizer for the second vaccination due to the side effects I had from the first, which was AZ. But now he's saying he can't as the trial of mixing the two hasn't ended yet, I'm not looking forward to my second one!

Peroxideblader profile image
Peroxideblader in reply to Framboise

I'm like you I had and am still having bad effects from the Oxford 15 days later so I'm not having my 2nd. the nurse at A and E where my gp sent me said she's had people having the side effects up to 4 weeks so no way

Framboise profile image
Framboise in reply to Peroxideblader

It's a worry either way isn't it. I'm sorry you're still feeling so ill after a fortnight. On the plus side, I spoke to a health worker today who told me that she'd had the Pfizer vaccination both times, was fine after the first, but ill for a week or so after the second. A colleague of hers had the AZ vaccine, was off work for a week after the first, but fine after the second one. It's a bit of a lottery!

Peroxideblader profile image
Peroxideblader in reply to Framboise

I'm not risking getting the second after still being so ill I've read on a fb group people can be the same after the 2nd or even worse...its not for me I can't risk getting so ill again

Lynneypin profile image
Lynneypin in reply to Peroxideblader

I was also terribly ill. Was hoping to hear positive things about the second, .......

Peroxideblader profile image
Peroxideblader in reply to Lynneypin

sadly the same reports are for the second jab too..i was talking to my neighbour whose daughter was very poorly after her 1st and she's had her second and is now in hospital with fits...

Lynneypin profile image
Lynneypin in reply to Peroxideblader


flo1 profile image
flo1 in reply to Framboise

Its 'all a lottery' these vaccines are experimental, from reading through these posts on here not looking at the 'poll' ! I have gained a lot of welcomed insight into my reaction nearly 3 weeks after 2nd dose of Pfizer, I am going to contact gp tomorrow as a double lung transplant candidate and hashi thryoid its been a journey! One I do not intend to repeat unless of course they gain insight from thyroid and clearly start to look at lowering doses pre them..I will be refusing the booster! I have been to hell and back for 3 weeks ..just starting to get back to me with the lowest dose ever on levo so think we should remember how powerful these injections are.! The other thing on this is we were all trialed at 12 week dosing the only Country in the world to do this as Pfizer refused to pass out a statement on the extension which means in layman's terms we as government-approved took it to 'off label route', this was not a time to further experiment and directly through this we have now been locked in longest time in Europe and West, the dosing was and should of been at 21 days!!! I thought this was incredibly stupid and nearsighted at the time, and still do.

Bookworm63 profile image
Bookworm63 in reply to ShelWhitt

Hi ShelWhitt , I had Oxford AZ second dose yesterday. First dose felt quite poorly for a couple of days after. This time still don't feel 100% but nowhere near as bad as last time. Friend of mine was the same so hope that helps. 😊

ashquar profile image
ashquar in reply to ShelWhitt

I had both oxford vaccine and was really ill with the first and no side effects at all with the second

Star13 profile image

I had Pfizer for both. 1st - mildly sore arm, 24 hours later cramps and diarrhoea lasting a few hours, 48 hours later, fatigue and general yuk for 12 hours then all gone. 2nd, last Friday, much more tender arm, couldn’t lay on it for two nights. Thought I’d got away with just that then Wednesday ( 5 days after jab) severe fatigue which I’m struggling with still. Strangely my other half has mirrored my 2nd jab symptoms but fatigue not quite as bad and now much better.

megarub profile image

Second Pfizer. No reaction, other than sore arm for <48h.

[First Pfizer: diarrhoea and intense bouts of sneezing for the best part of a week].

Pugie profile image

I had Pfizer, 1st one a bit of a sore arm, 2nd one very sore arm, also red and swollen. Itchy too. Tender swelling in collarbone too. Which lasted a couple of days. Very tired and going hot and cold at times.

mourneadventurer profile image

Pfizer second vaccination 2 days ago. Arm muscle tender and a little swollen. Under arm lymph node on that side tender to touch. Joints stiff and sore. Though that appears to be easing. General malaise.

Naomi8 profile image

After my first AZ jab I awoke in the early hours next day freezing cold -teeth chattering,rigors,headache,burning up.Second jab just the burning up.Weeks of fatigue following first jab-like PV fatigue.

Then took a potentized AZ homeopathic remedy twice a day for a week & felt a big improvement(ie back to my normal Hashi's fatigue!)

Now taking a higher potency,as recommended by homeopath friend.Have had to re-think my growing sceptism of homeopathy!

Lynneypin profile image
Lynneypin in reply to Naomi8

Oooo, interesting! Is it something you can share?

Naomi8 profile image
Naomi8 in reply to Lynneypin

My friend trained as a homeopath many years ago & is now retired.She reluctantly decided she had to have the jabs but prepared by taking potentized Astra Zenica before & after her jab.(we both experience chronic fatigue in daily life).When I told her of my ongoing vaccination fatigue which has been on another level,she recommended I take some,even though I had my first jab on the 21st January.I took it twice a day for a week,starting on 28th March.I felt a complete shift.After my second jab & the same high fever,she recommended I go from a 6c to a 200c,which I am doing.I had my second jab on friday & am feeling very well,with better energy than I have had since before the first jab.PM me for details of the Homeopathic Pharmacy supplier.

Lynneypin profile image
Lynneypin in reply to Naomi8

Thanks. Pm on its way.

Gilbo72 profile image
Gilbo72 in reply to Naomi8

Hi Naomi8 , sorry I don’t understand what you took to prepare?!? Can you explain again?

Naomi8 profile image
Naomi8 in reply to Gilbo72

I took a homeopathic remedy prepared by a homeopathic pharmacy from the Astra Zenica jab.

Framboise profile image
Framboise in reply to Naomi8

This is very interesting, thank you mentioning it Naomi. I have Zoom consultations with a homeopath for a different condition (can't decide if it's working or not!) but she said I should contact her if I needed help after my second vaccination. I couldn't think how she'd help but this is interesting and I'll ask her about it. Actually I'll also PM you if that's ok, for the pharmacy details. It's good to know you've found a way to deal with the side effects!

flo1 profile image
flo1 in reply to Naomi8

Me too!

nightingale-56 profile image

I and my LD Son had our second shot on Thursday afternoon, and although I only had a faint headache and nausea with the first, lasting for one day, with the second one I have had an upset stomach so far. My son suffered with headache and nausea with first shot which lasted two days, but has , so far, been okay with the second.

Strumpet profile image

After my second Pfizer dose I now have neuralgia also shingle related. using aromatherapy oils to ease the pain which is helping

RedApple profile image
RedAppleAdministrator in reply to Strumpet

If you have good reason to think it's vaccine related and not just coincidence, you can report via yellow card scheme here

JaneChapple profile image
JaneChapple in reply to RedApple

It seems many are not reporting allergies to any of the vaccines. Please do its theconly way to get a clear picture of whatcis happening to people. These vaccines are still experimental.

DesperateLastResort profile image
DesperateLastResort in reply to JaneChapple

I have completed a Yellow Card entry.

asidist profile image
asidist in reply to Strumpet

Thanks for sharing. There definitely seem to be increased reports of shingles (beyond just this forum) since vaccinations started being given. Though I haven't seen any data definitively linking shingles with the vaccines, it seems to me to be more than just coincidence. In briefly looking on the internet just now I came across this article, though of note, I know someone without any autoimmune condition (aged mid-forties) who got shingles some weeks after the second Moderna dose.

JGooch profile image
JGooch in reply to asidist

This is also interesting and warns of females with autoimmune conditions below age 55 having RNA vaccines:

asidist profile image
asidist in reply to JGooch

wow, very interesting. thanks for posting. i was only able to skim and will have to go back to read again when I have a bit more time to understand it better.

asidist profile image
asidist in reply to JGooch

saw that the original article being responded to was linked in the references and is also freely available - this one put a big lump in my throat. but it’s from a year ago and not sure how it relates to the vaccines that we have now. did a search to see if it was previously posted on this board but didn’t see it.

Tula2017 profile image

With the first AZ vaccination I had an achey arm for several days, exhaustion and join pain in my hip a few days later. I had the second one a week ago and haven’t experienced any side effects.

Silverfairy3 profile image

Hello. I had my second shot on Tuesday, nine weeks after my first one. I had AZ. I was dreading it as I had awful side effects from the first jab. High temperature, severe shivers, headaches and body aches. This time I’ve had virtually nothing. Slight fatigue and nausea with a few mild aches and pains. No headache and no temperature like the first time. I’m very happy that I’ve had no bad side effects from the second jab and hopefully anyone reading this due for their second jab will be ok. 🙏

Framboise profile image
Framboise in reply to Silverfairy3

Thank you! It's really good to know that generally the second AZ dose doesn't have the same side effects of the first. My second one is tomorrow!

Silverfairy3 profile image
Silverfairy3 in reply to Framboise

You are welcome!My two neighbours have had their second AZ jabs with virtually no side effects as well. Good luck and post how you go on!

Framboise profile image
Framboise in reply to Silverfairy3

Thank you and I will do :)

Silverfairy3 profile image
Silverfairy3 in reply to Framboise

Hi Framboise Did you get your second jab? If so how did you go on?

Framboise profile image
Framboise in reply to Silverfairy3

Hi Silverfairy, thank you for asking :) I did get the second dose, but wasn't sure about side effects so thought I'd wait to report. But I'm still not sure! I was fine immediately afterwards and didn't get the awful exhaustion, coldness, fever and general malaise which I had the first time, thank goodness. I spent the afternoon doing housework and gardening.

That evening my vision went odd again, the room started spinning and I felt nauseous. I remembered having all these after the first vaccination, but not as violently and they hadn't lasted long. This time I was very off-balance for the next two days and I had to be very careful what I did. It had mainly settled by the third day.

The problem is that I get spinning vertigo occasionally - perhaps once in two years - if I pull my left shoulder such that it pulls on my left sternocleidomastoid muscle, but it always starts within minutes and I end up with days or weeks of neck pain. If I'd just come in from the gardening it could have made sense, but so many hours later didn't, especially as I'd had some vertigo after the first vaccination. I also found some online reports about others suffering from spinning vertigo as a side effect of the vaccines, so I'm none the wiser and probably won't vote in this poll as I can't be sure.

I'm glad I got the second dose but am in no hurry to get any more! Incidentally, I had ready the homeopathic remedy, which Naomi mentioned, in case I had a repeat of the malaise I had had first time, and it was good to know there was something to help had I needed it.

Silverfairy3 profile image
Silverfairy3 in reply to Framboise

Oh I’m so sorry to hear that. It’s sounds awful. I do hope you are feeling better. I know what you mean about being in no hurry to have any more vaccines. Covid 19 vaccine is the first vaccine I’ve had in years . I don’t have the flu vaccine or anything else. I am glad Ive had this jab though as the thought of catching CV19 is far worse.

Framboise profile image
Framboise in reply to Silverfairy3

Yes thanks, I'm feeling much better now. It's the first vaccine I've had for years too, I stopped getting any after a really bad reaction to a typhoid vaccination years ago. Let's hope the world has learned something from the last 18 months, and this situation doesn't arise again!

Miffie profile image

I had second Pfizer on Friday, the first was a walk in the park. This one less so felt a bit off colour since Friday night with a definitely painful arm. This morning my arm is still sore just not as bad. However it’s all nothing compared to developing the virus.

Oatcake profile image

Second AZ vaccine about 10 days ago. Just a sore arm, which lasted a shorter time than the first one.

DeeD123 profile image

I had both vaccine, Oxford AstraZeneca and no side effects at all

kvmj profile image

I had Pfizer. Nothing from the first shot, Second shot left me with a very sore arm and chills all day the following day.

SeasideSusie profile image

Second dose of AZ vaccine 7 days ago. Again no reaction at all, not even a sore arm.

Saz88 profile image

Sorry posted this on the other one. Can see a few others had similar reactions ! I have hashimoto’s and after second Pfizer jab had swollen tennis ball in armpit feeling. Now 10/52 later and this arm pit is still a bit more swollen than other. Going to get checked.... wondered if anyone else had this?

HGP1 profile image
HGP1 in reply to Saz88

My dad did but his took 10days to appear and he isn't diagnosed with any thyroid condition. He had other glands swell but it started with the armpit and that was the last one to eventually calm down. He had AZ. From what I've seen/heard its not uncommon fingers crossed that's all it is x

HGP1 profile image

I'm very jealous of all of you with no side effects!But good to hear, especially those that had a better time with 2nd dose it is giving me confidence to go ahead.

I am due to get my 2nd AZ this week, it would have been yesterday but had to reschedule. Even with the horrendous time I had with the first dose (and in part due to it) the GP has strongly recommended I go ahead still.

For those under 40 who like me had AZ before the regs changed (in UK) it may help put your mind at ease a little that the advice to GPs is that the rare clotting side effect causing cerebral clots/low Platelet count etc (reason for change in recommended age) has only happened with 1st dose not 2nd (of course not as many 2nd doses in UK at least yet).

The main sign GP said they look out for were a headache day 4-28 that gets worse plus other symptoms such as blurred vision which were 2 of the few things I didn't have! (I forgot the place the GP told me they were given the information from as was discussed during appointment but it is mentioned on this article about only after 1st dose under 40s here

So unless I scare the nurse off when I tell them about my reaction last time I will hopefully be back later this week/next week with an update. I imagine as my GP said to have they will be happy to give unless any new info in next couple of days.

In preparation my thyroid levels are now within range rather than my usual purposefully suppressed TSH to get FT3 & FT4 in range so fingers crossed that is enough to stop the side effects we think were due to becoming overmedicated as part of the interactions between immune response from vaccine.

Few weeks prior to vaccine (13th Jan) I was on 87.5mg 3 days a week, 1 day 100mg, 3 days 87.5mg and feeling relatively okay.

FT3 4.3 (3.5-6.5 pmol/L) 27% of range

FT4 17.8 (10-20 pmol/L) 78% of range,

TSH 0.1 (0.5-4.4 mu/L) -10% of range,

(vaccine 20th Feb)

2 weeks post vaccine (5th March) with slight reduction to meds I was

FT3 5 (3.5-6.5 pmol/L) 50%

FT4 21.6 (10-20 pmol/L) 116%

TSH 0.04 (0.5-4.4 mu/L) -12%

6-7 weeks post dose reduction to 37.5mg (9.5 weeks post vaccine) (27th April)

TSH 0.68 (0.35-4.9 mu/L) 7.25%

I feel under medicated (and likely am) but better option for me to see how I react to dose 2 before I increase dose a little.

Other bloods they ran were all okay but vitamin D higher than is optimal 337nmol/l on 5th March, 298 nmol/L 27th April after 2 weeks stopping supplements than restarting back at 10k most days as per GP advice, I've since stoppd again as looks like I have plenty at the moment! I'm not at a toxic level that GP had any concerns over etc (previously I've never been over 100 nmol/L at higher dose (10k daily plus various cofactor vits/mind) with same brand so wonder if this batch is maybe a little stronger or I'm digesting them better, shame I didn't have a recent one to compare against as would have been interesting to know if related to my immune response!).

I plan to get some ready meals in mix up some electrolytes in preparation and am most definitely making up the spare bed in case I have similar joint/muscle pain and can't cope with partner moving/breathing in my vicinity! He has had his first dose now and understands the bodyaches better so should be understanding :)

Thanks again to everyone sharing their experiences it really does help.

(oh also the advice from GP was to take painkillers after vaccine not before, this is something I'd heard a few times before but I can't remember if it was just NSAIDs and paracetamol/aspirin, I don't use any of those and planned not to take my cocdine until after if it was needed didn't pay full attention)

flo1 profile image
flo1 in reply to HGP1

Do you have any links to the overmedicated side of things with thyroid after vax? I would defo appreciate them, this appears to have happened to me after 2nd shot of vax Pfizer...its been hell on earth! Thanks please pm me if not happy to glad I found this it makes total sense my dose has been reduced as I did a dose adjustment in reg one. 75/100 alt days but I defo reacted and sent me hyper! Lots of other awful, truly awful effects through this ..safely now on 75 about keeping my eyes open right now the downside of serious drop but palpitations were a part of this and irregular heart flutters bowel movements intense and wind!! still ongoing ..very, very tiring these effects happened around 2 weeks after 2nd dose jab..and continued on 3 weeks the drop appears to have leveled the bulk minus the toilet and flatulence! ongoing, speaking to them Thurs..I wish I had seen this pre the jab! thanks...HGP1!

flo1 profile image
flo1 in reply to flo1

My dosing was adjustable too..been on 75 one day to 100 next, prior this on 3 days 75 2 100..what a nightmare! Varied my dosing for yrs between 2 doses always, gp put me on drop of just 75, I feel I will pay soon as I do need the 100 hike thrown in but frankly with the reaction since 2nd dose vax would prefer to leave as is for now and get my re run bloods we have pencilled in Aug...I never felt this ill!! I have lung disease and am currently awaiting assessment for double lung transplant so I had no choice in having vax, however decided no more and will decline a booster through my thyroid reaction, I am ill enough without this!

HGP1 profile image
HGP1 in reply to flo1

flo1 not seen any literature on it no, only fro. Speaking to people in person and on here.When I gave some additional information to yellow card as a follow up to my original report and asked about/suggested surveillance in relation all they said was that my report had been updated with the additional information

DesperateLastResort profile image
DesperateLastResort in reply to flo1

Hi - i think I was also overly medicated. I upped my dosage 5 days after my second Astra Zeneca jab- didn’t realise the risks involved. I did ask my (all too !) remote endocrinologist if I should delay my second jab despite being under medicated for 4 weeks before the injection. (I switched from levy thyroxine to NDT at the beginning of May and was started on a low dose). She said proceed with the jab and then we upped the medication 5 days later following blood test result s. Again I think I then had a belated reaction (some 3 weeks later) when I awoke with a raging thirst and insomnia, pins and needles all over, palpitations, chest pain, thyroiditis to name a few things. I then managed to give myself hyponatremia (low salt) trying to manage the extreme thirst and cystitis type feelings I was experiencing. I’ve still got intermittent burning gums, cystitis type feelings and poor sleep some 8 weeks after the jab. My next blood test isn’t until 25 August as I ve altered my NDT dosage a couple of times since but still some symptoms remain. Are you fully better now?

serenfach profile image

First AZ shot - felt rough for 2 days, sore arm. Second AZ shot 11 weeks later and have been really ill - slept a lot, bad head, dizzy, bones hurt, jelly legs. Now 6 days later and can walk in a straight line, but am exhaused. Arm swollen and brused.

On the second shot, they asked me about my health and any allergies. I did think that this would have been a good idea for the first shot!

Buddy195 profile image

Second AZ jab -10 hours after jab aches to both shoulders & neck for 48 hours, tiredness & headache (not as bad as first jab when I was in bed 48 hours with high temperature & flu like symptoms) All ok now’ 😊

Aunds profile image

Had second Pfizer jab, side effects worse than first one lasted around six days included high temperature, headache, aching muscles, diarrhoea, nausea and extreme sneezing. Still pleased I’ve had it.

knitwitty profile image

Hi all,I had my second Pfizer vaccine on Wednesday ( 12may ) I had a sore arm on Wednesday and Thursday, and I've had a few bad head aches over the last couple of days, but so far nothing else. Will come back and report any more reactions should they arise. :)

Duffy26 profile image

Hi all. I had AZ with slight headache 1st shot but the second shot 2 weeks ago caused more severe symptoms. Bad headaches, very sore arm, aching joints all over and muscles, slight sickness and barely able to move arm above shoulder level. Can only describe it as like being hit all over that arm with a baseball bat. I also had arthritic lump come up on my finger. Doc thinks jab has caused a low grade rheumatic response. Arm and joints slowly getting better. Not sure I want AZ as a booster now. Perhaps I might be able to have Pfizer.

mrsm49 profile image

I had the Astrazeneca jab, after1st one i was very poorly with most of rarest side affects and my swollen glands didn't go down for couple weeks. 2nd one was fine, maybe i slept a bit better for couple nights and a week later i got delayed sore arm but nothing compared to 1st jab. Its an individual choice but i reckon the side effects are better than actually getting covid, my neighbour 51yr old (fit no conditions) died of covid and i have a friend that caught it last nov and has still got long covid.

TSH110 profile image
TSH110 in reply to mrsm49

My thoughts exactly. My sister got COVID-19 over a year ago and was in ITU for three weeks she was so bad with it and it was hit and miss as to her pulling through. She is still not right after a year. My vaccine experience pales by comparison to what that bug has done to her.

mrsm49 profile image
mrsm49 in reply to TSH110

I read that having the vaccine has reduced long covid effects in some, i believe this is currently being looked into by the scientists. I hope yr sister improves x

TSH110 profile image
TSH110 in reply to mrsm49

Thanks☺️ She’s done very well considering how ill she was but it’s given her high blood pressure and she just feels a bit ‘off ‘ at times plus the psychological devastation it can cause doesn’t help she had awful neurological symptoms rather than anything respiratory. I hope her vaccine does help but the night blood pressure seems a permanent result of it.

abcd7133 profile image

I had Covid with a confirmed positive test and although I was not seriously ill it took months for me to feel myself again. I felt unwell flu like symptoms for a couple of days after first Jab but only for one day after second. I have Hashis and I would not want to risk getting Covid again

shaws profile image

No side effects from the second AZ dose either.

Trisha15 profile image

I selected the option with side of effects, but just wanted to clarify the side effect was really just a sore arm. I was a little tired the day after but nothing major. I was tempted to say no side effects but didn’t feel that was strictly true either. Just wanted to clarify as relatively speaking the side effect was minimal and not illness related

TSH110 profile image
TSH110 in reply to Trisha15

I think it is aside effect because you wouldn’t have had a sore arm without having a vaccine. It may be a common side effect but it is still caused by having a vaccine.

Levo50 profile image

1st Jab Pfieser - Slight ache in arm for a good few days 2nd Jab Pfieser - Minimal ache in arm for a couple of days

Jungle1 profile image

2nd Astra Zeneca given on May 1st. Tired and headachy for around 48 hours, same as 1st vaccine.

Raventhorpe profile image

Had my second shot was less side effects than first one ,bit of a sore arm for a couple of days slight headache that went after taking paracetamol was back to normal in two days with the first dose I had a temperature and felt a bit like I had flu and very sore arm which felt like toothache in my arm which lastest about 3 days.i had the oxford astra zenica vaccine. I

Pcastlem profile image

Had my second dose earlier this week & after no side effects for the first shot I was ill after the second with flu like symptoms & extreme exhaustion. It took 4 days before I felt back to normal. Both doses AZ

Delgor profile image

I had Astra Zeneca with no ill effects whatsoever first time around but felt fluey and unwell with the second for a few days (probably not helped by my thyroid having gone overactive at the same time).

crimple profile image

I had AZ jabs and suffered very severe vertigo after first shot, which improved slowly and was worst when getting up from bed. Second AZ nearly 3 weeks ago now and vertigo was worse next day but has since improved. painful arm a few hours after the shots and headache for a couple of days. Second time around was definitely a much reduced reaction.

mocidoci profile image

AZ both doses. After 1st dose I felt rotten the next day (headache, flu symptoms, completely wiped out). Arm was sore for 2 weeks. 2nd does last week, sore arm and bit tired but that's it. I should state that I've been in an all over joint flare-up with CTD since Jan, so already unwell with pain and exhaustion. Thankfully working from home 3 days a week. If I had been well I think I would have felt much worse with the first dose and taken time off.

ravensgeo profile image

had mild reaction both times with oxford shots.fatigue has been worse but no way of knowing if related. glad i got it.

HGP1 profile image

I'm going to wait a little longer before I do the poll incase I get a delayed effect but so far 2nd dose of AZ nothing like the first one, much milder side effects.

After lots of extra approvals at the vaccine centre due to my previous response and age (38) they were happy not blood clot related and still more of a benefit to have than not (helped that GP had run blood tests and strongly recommend I should go back for 2nd dose).

I didn't even feel the injection this time and it didn't bleed (makes me more certain went into a blood vessel last time), no immediate side effects, the following day I had fluy bodyaches but not as painful as after 1st dose, slight increase in temp and so wiped out I slept almost all day, then yesterday I was back to similar energy level as before the first dose, this morning I don't feel too bad. Bit of a tender arm near injection if touched/laid on but nothing unexpected.

I had vaccine 6:30pm Tues 18th and it's now 8:30am Friday 21st really it only felt like 12h-36h was bad and then 36h-60h manageable. I was warned that if may be a slightly delayed response so I'm still taking it easy for now.

I've not had any of the overmedicated symptoms I got last time (yet).

(after dose 1 I had a horrendous time, slurred speech and wiped out within 10 mins, migraine like after 4-5h, strong immune response so painful I couldn't sleep/move, tired but wired, confusion, palpations, brief rest bite where felt good then major 8 week long crash confounded by the vaccine response kicking my thyroid into action so became over medicated and had to drastically reduce dose with days fatigue so bad couldn't get out of bed (I have CFS diagnosis and was as bad as when have severe ME at times), last month things had eased enough that I went back for 2nd dose but I still wasn't as well as I was before the first dose and taking much longer to recover from things. My second dose was 12.5 weeks after first as I had to reschedule and the next slot was just outside the recommended 11-12 weeks)

I think I am at similar point to first dose where I had a couple of good days before the crash so fingers crossed it is not so prolonged this time :)

HGP1 profile image
HGP1 in reply to HGP1

Oh and the nurse who did the pre vaccine check was another person who found they had to reduce their thyroid medication after being stable for ages post vaccine so I think that makes it 5 people I've come across now.

Doesn't seem common enough that a lot of people have mentioned but certainly a few of us, so may be one to keep an eye on

RedApple profile image
RedAppleAdministrator in reply to HGP1

HGP1 'found they had to reduce their thyroid medication after being stable for ages post vaccine'

Is that a temporary or permanent reduction?

HGP1 profile image
HGP1 in reply to RedApple

For me permanent so far but only been around 10 weeks since I reduced. I plan to see how I feel over next month or two after 2nd dose then discuss with GP when want to do another blood test to check levels. Unless symptoms change dramatically before then.

Two people I spoke to was just temporary to prevent symptoms when had vaccine.

The nurse I'm not certain about but think she meant permanent.

Other one I'm not sure about.

HGP1 profile image
HGP1 in reply to HGP1

RedApple it seems to be gradually reducing the interaction now as most recent blood test taken circa 8 weeks after 2nd dose my TSH was up to 2.2mu/l (0.35-0.49) on 37.5mg of levothyroxine (pre vaccine dose 87.5mg 3 days, 100mg 1 day) . There are other hormonal factors now that are also impacting it so difficult to say for sure but I suspect I may find over the next year few months I gradually return to my baseline. Will keep you updated.

flo1 profile image
flo1 in reply to HGP1

HGP1 I spoke to gp he has had a few so its happening to some of us, it needs to be warned on and about so others can reduce dose pre them, my feeling right now is 'no more'!! I never clicked with vax and this reaction and have really gone through hell, for 3 weeks..I am still at shaking internal point and being awoken with it, so I may stop for a couple of days I have blood work Wed and discussion Fri..he did suggest to stop for a couple of days but I am very concerned about 'crashing' been on alt doses for yrs and forever adjusting these bloody meds are a nightmare but I was fine pre the 2nd Pfizer shot and the reaction was about 2 weeks later.. I hope for all our sakes they come with a warning or dose reduction at least if we are set to continue them, I did a yellow card ..of course.

JaneChapple profile image
JaneChapple in reply to flo1

So sorry to hear this. I already have essential tremor and Hashimotos, so understand how you feel! Glad you have reported side effects via yellow card, as Govt advises as its very important to get a true picture. I do not believe enough people are doing this!

I hope you feel better very soon.

Best wishes


Xheila profile image
Xheila in reply to HGP1

I just read your post... I too have had hyper symptoms since my second Pfizer vaccine. I haven't taken my thyroid meds for the past 2 days because I know I'm feeling hyper now and need that to stop! Your reply validates how I am feeling; I am so glad I am not the only one.

HGP1 profile image
HGP1 in reply to Xheila

Glad it helped, the comments on these polls are invaluable. It's good you recognised so quickly it took me about 5 days to make the connection! In part as the over medication was making me confused and not thinking straight.

I hope it eases off soon and you can work out your new level of stability.

Xheila profile image
Xheila in reply to HGP1

Thanks, when I think about the roller coaster I was on this week, if I hadn't lowered my meds I feel I could be in serious trouble. This Monday, I must have drank 3 cups of water every hour all day. My appetite was through the roof and sleep became a stranger. I think I was blind to what was going on after my first shot. Without paying too much attention, soon after my first dose I had lowered my meds 10%. I then also started having food and coffee before taking my meds, I was feeling a little overdosed and that could calm it down. Still it wasn't until this week that I considered the vaccine might be causing changes to my thyroid function. It seems the 2nd vaccine sent me into overdrive. What if I didn't realize what was happening? How common is this? Do you think it has a connection between having bad vaccine side effects?

flo1 profile image
flo1 in reply to Xheila

Xheila there is a definite connection for a few thyroid patients, like you I am just coming out of 3 weeks of hell on earth, hypo to hyper never made a connection either!!! so suffered weeks of it, the gp suggested a stop but I am worried about that as I don't want to crash ..I have lowered dose but still wired feeling and shaking internally its bloody horrific..I am due to get bloods done on Wed with results Fri ..I do not wish or want a booster ..some will be okay like everything chemically induced but others not and there are a great deal of similars to a few on this site, thank god I checked I thought I was losing my bloody mind..mine happened after 2nd dose about 2 weeks later fine after 1st but the booster dose is 2nd ..I just hope I mend I may stop a couple of days did you find it resolved issues? thanks in advance.

Starmen profile image
Starmen in reply to HGP1

Only just read these comments about being overmedicated at after covid jab. I had Pfizer in January and second jab in April. My blood results soon after showed I was overmedicatrd. My gp contacted me to reduce medication to 75mcg . I was having palpatations and bowel problems. The second still ongoing

JaneChapple profile image
JaneChapple in reply to Xheila

I hope you have reported on the Yellow Card syxtem.

I hope you feel bettwr soon. Might be better to reduce yur dose rather than stop altogether and after discussion with GP?

I gope you feel better very soon.

Best wishes


Bookworm63 profile image
Bookworm63 in reply to HGP1

I've only just seen this thread also. I had my 2nd AZ jab on the 28th April then about a week or so later I started getting tummy troubles and feeling nauseas. Pinned it down to thyroxine but thought it was the lactose that was causing the trouble but after taking liquid levo and feeling light headed and sick have now pinned it down to being hyper. Had blood test this week waiting for result. Have come off levo for now and gradually feeling better. Never really thought it was connected to 2nd jab but now I'm thinking maybe it was.

DesperateLastResort profile image
DesperateLastResort in reply to HGP1

Your first dose sounds like my second. I was under medicated at the time of my second jab but due an increase which was made 5 days afterwards following blood test results. Three weeks later I had horrific over medication reactions and reduced my dosage to the pre second jab dose for a week before it was stepped up again to a dose between the lower and original higher dose. I’m still experiencing some over medication symptoms- burning gums, cystitis, poor sleep. Have you remained on your reduced medication dosage? If not, how quickly did you step it up again? My next blood test isn’t until 25 August.

Xheila profile image

Pfizer, second shot one week ago today. I had horrible flu-like symptoms (shortness of breath, fever, chills, fatigue, dizziness) that kept me totally dysfunctional for 36 hours. I wasn't even able to cook food for my kids. It was probably one of the sickest times I have ever had in my life. Since healing from the immediate reactions I am healthy but do not feel myself. I feel hyperthyroid and have all they hyper- symptoms. I had to stop taking my thyroid meds for a few days to try to get 'normalized' again. I am mostly afraid that if everyone feels like me, they won't vaccinate their kids. I know I have hesitations now where I never had them before. I got the 2nd vaccine 4.5 weeks after the first dose.

HGP1 profile image
HGP1 in reply to Xheila

If it helps after a bad reaction to my first dose with time it eased and I got to the point happy to have second (I had AZ so opposite and first dose worst than second) you may find in 2-3 months time when the experience is less raw and you are back on your feet that you'll have less concerns for future vaccinations.I was vaccine hesitate pre covid and after bad experience with first dose I went from I'm not having 2nd, to 50/50 to 80/20 to eventually feeling comfortable the risk was worth it but it probably took 10-11 weeks for me to get there.

Re kids, yes I imagine it could put a lot of people off especially if don't see covid as being that much risk to children. I wonder if the campaign would alter and focus more on risk of long covid in children or if might offer antibody tests to see what natural immunity they have before making an informed decision if the uptake is low. (I don't know if they have much data on preventing long covid if vaccinated but if it does that should be a major selling point).

It may be similar to the changes that were seen with adults where a year ago a lot of people wouldn't have the vaccine, before Christmas still a lot of hesitancy then as people started to be vaccinated seeing not that many people with bad side effects and reduction is deaths/hospital admissions etc I think swayed public opinion..... Along with new waves, affecting different demographics etc

(I'm not advocating either way)

TSH110 profile image
TSH110 in reply to HGP1

Sounds like the Indian variant might be serious for young people so the view that it’s not a problem for young people to get covid may be seriously tested

McPammy profile image

I had OxAZ second shot yesterday. I had a mild headache and some aches this morning. After taking paracetamol I felt fine.

My first shot was a completely different experience. I was shaking violently for hours. Pain all over my body especially in my back and neck.Nausea. Very cold but skin burning. Very bad headache. I couldn’t hardly get out of bed for 2 days. I’ve never experienced anything like it before. I get a flu jab every year and have had travel vaccinations and they were all fine. My Dr suggested I may have had covid to get such a strong full body immune response.

glamrocks4girls profile image

After first vaccination I was very tired the next day and stayed in bed. Better next day and fine by third day. Arm absolutely ok.After second vaccination I wasn't tired BUT my arm felt like I had been kicked very hard by a horse! Absolute agony in certain positions. It is now three weeks after second vaccination and my arm is better but still painful if I move in the wrong way. Still painful at night. I have asked GP to put in my medical notes that I do not want Astra Zeneca as a booster!

janesp profile image

AstraZeneca for both shots.

Had second shot on Mon just gone. It’s now Wed and I feel pretty bad. Wiped out with tiredness, pressure type headache, some nausea. Almost as bad as first shot but this time side effects took longer to kick in.

I do wonder if having Hashimoto’s makes a difference with some people when it comes to how your immune system reacts. Mine seems to have had a hissy fit both times!

TSH110 profile image

Had Astra Zeneca. First shot put me in bed for two days. Horrible effects were immediate, with seering pain through my arm running into my shoulder back and ear as well as down my arm - quite unlike any other jab I’ve had. I could not use my arm the pain was so bad . I felt wobbly on my pins, spaced out then sick. I developed fevers and a bad headache and a terrible pain in my guts like a huge stone was stuck in there (my sister had identical pain with AZ too) I ached all over and felt shattered. After these horrors wore off I felt peculiar and very tired for about another week.

I was dreading the second shot but the pain in the arm was a lot less when I got the shot and afterwards. I could use the arm this time. I felt a bit odd and had a kip a few hours after the jab (I didn’t risk work and had taken a day’s leave for it, after the first one had rendered me completely unfit for work for two days). I got the horrible guts like pain again, but I thought it was actually in my spleen this time, again like a stone in there but it did not last more than a few hours this time. I got shivers and feeling cold about 10 hours after it and was very tired. I was well enough for work the next day had nausea and a headache the first day back and was not firing on all cylinders for a few days. Pity one has to loose days off work and pay to get this vaccine. I heard AZ is not great for those with AI conditions, if this is so I wonder why is it being given to people with thyroid disorders when there are alternatives. A minuscule possibility of blood clots has stopped its use in the young.

fuchsia-pink profile image

I felt sort-of car-sick after my first dose (AZ) - so went outside for a walk and it passed within minutes. And again 24 hours later - same walk and feeling again : disappeared quickly. After the second dose I felt like someone had bumped my arm - for a few minutes - then nothing at all: back to normal. So on a scale of 1 - 100, where high numbers are bad, I'd put it at a 2 - which is pretty acceptable :)

raglansleeve profile image

I had my second AZ shot on Friday, and only had a sore arm that lasted for about two days. With the first shot, my arm was sore for about a week, and I also had a brief shivering fit on the first night and woke up with a headache the next day (that headache was quickly dispatched with a single dose of over-the-counter painkiller though). VERY happy to be fully vaxxed now and am hoping that this won't become an annual thing.

Sandraj39 profile image

Very minor symptoms after my first AZ jab - felt out of sorts and a bit headachey at times but nothing that made me reach for the paracetamol!

Second jab three days ago - have felt absolutely fine apart from finding it hard to drop off to sleep the night after I had jab (very unusual for me!😂) and then having weird dreams!🤷‍♀️

Out for a run this morning which felt harder than usual but I don’t usually run so early in the day, so no way to know whether this was the jab or just my body waking up?!

So pleased to be double-jabbed now.🙂🙏

Beagley profile image

I have hashimotos when I had my second Astra Zeneca shot I had barely any reaction.

Annoynomice profile image

AZ. No side effects first and 2nd dose. Hubby, 1st dose, chills, 2nd dose nothing. 3 weeks now after and no additional side effects.

brfran profile image

Astra Zenica and a slightly sore arm. France

flo1 profile image

I will not have a booster, my second shot has erupted my thyroid condition to a point where I am now seeking medical advice. A bad reaction is not something I am prepared to put up with as I am already a double lung transplant candidate, (treatment deferred) currently ..I had flatulence, diarrhea, palpitations, unable to sleep or rest with shaking...this was after shot 2 a week later..extremely sick dose reduce although I am a veteran at dosing adjustments and feel we are grasping at straws rather than admit it effects (some) with thyroid...I believe it has done!

RedApple profile image
RedAppleAdministrator in reply to flo1

flo1, Sorry you've had such a bad experience. Can you please say which vaccine you've had and what country you're in.

flo1 profile image

I live in England and had the Pfizer vaccine..1st time fine, the 2nd shot a week later thyroid gone haywire..can you advise how I report this to yellow card please it needs to be noted!

RedApple profile image
RedAppleAdministrator in reply to flo1

Yellow card link for vaccines coronavirus-yellowcard.mhra...

Sophitje profile image

First shot (AZ) in March did not give me the standard side effects that were reported by most people (no chill or tiredness or fever, not even a sore arm as such), however I started to feel pin and needless in arm where I had the jab and numbness & tingles in legs. This lasted for 2-3 weeks and I had a thyroid check and GP also prescribed full blood count, B12, Ferrtin etc. I have graves since 2007and had full thyroidectomy in 2019. My TSH was slightly lower range so reduced dose a tiny bit (from 75mcg every day to 75mcg 6 days a week and 50mcg on Sundays). Pin and needles got gradually better. Had 2nd jab last week and no side effect, beside a very slightly tender arm.

Bananas4ski profile image

I had 2nd AZ jab 3 weeks ago.Felt fine but on the 4th day after the injection horrible symptoms started in left calf, gradually spreading g to all 4 limbs. Diagnosed by GP as widespread SVT ( Superficial venous thrombosis). Easing gradually but still very uncomfortable and exhausted plus pins snd needles in hands. These symptoms come and go. All veins now look like varicose veins( you couldn’t see my veins prior to this reaction). Am NOT happy. No treatment offered. Except “take neurofen. Praying this is temporary.

RedApple profile image
RedAppleAdministrator in reply to Bananas4ski

Bananas4ski, Do put in a Yellow Card report if you haven't already coronavirus-yellowcard.mhra...

Dee1 profile image
Dee1 in reply to Bananas4ski

So very sorry to hear this. I do hope this was temporary and you are improving.

Bananas4ski profile image
Bananas4ski in reply to Dee1

Thank you for your thoughts. It’s been very unpleasant but now gradually subsiding. Still not right but improving . Did a yellow card but it timed out and I lost my whole spiel. Haven’t had the time or energy to re do it yet. I know I should do it though .

DesperateLastResort profile image
DesperateLastResort in reply to Bananas4ski

Definitely do it but I fully appreciate that you may not feel like doing it- choose a time of day when you are feeling slightly better and gather your vaccine information- dates, type and batch numbers of jabs together before logging on. I completed my report at the second attempt and definitely had to psych myself up! It was a real eye opener to see how many of my symptoms were already provided for in the drop down menu (no free typing!). You may also have to Google some of the side effects eg urinary stasis which I suffered from but didn’t realise I had until too late - it’s difficulty weeing. Sadly it’s clear a medic prepared the list of symptoms rather than a general member of the public.

Galwayed profile image

55 Female Had 2nd dose of Moderna at 10.40am last Sunday. I took paracetamol regularly and drank 2.5 L of water. 2am that night woke up so cold and shivering so hard, my leg and back muscles cramped. Got dressing gown, blanket and hot water bottle and back under duvet. Took over an hour to warm up. Following 3 days my arm was red, swollen and tender to touch, actually put my arm in a sling. Then it turned intermittently itchy and my childhood injection sites are still red. Still not back to usual energy levels.

Farrugia profile image

I've had 2 shots of AZ. Hardly any reaction to the second one (just a bit tired but then this isn't unusual). I felt terrible for a week after the first one and didn't feel right for a while so there was a dramatic improvement with how I felt after the second one.

littlecandle profile image

I had the Pfizer and apart from a slightly sore arm both times (it was worse first time but nothing much either time) I was fine.

lisabax profile image

I had Astra Zeneca 2nd jab nearly 2 months ago and have been plagued with bad headaches ever since. No idea I’d it’s coincidence but not bad enough to take it to doctor. Not usually prone to headaches

Leothelion profile image
Leothelion in reply to lisabax

I’m the same, having headaches and never had them before 😢

ashquar profile image

I had quite bad flu like symptoms that lasted about a week with my first shot, but no symptoms at all with my second. There wasn't a box to tick for my reply

sshhee profile image

Moderna, no side effects.

Moon0110 profile image

I delayed my second kab until I was absolutely well.Had the same painful swoolen glands with my second jab and still getting over it..

Gcart profile image

Second shot proved to be ok even though I expected problems . So happy about that

heyjude profile image

Pfizer. Same reaction as first, fatigue, joint pain, delayed by 4 weeks. Very strange

Hotentre profile image

Hotentre..I had Astra both jabs were okay . I was happy to do it as I felt it was much better than risking covid .-1st jab in March 2nd jab May .

buddy99 profile image

Had my second Pfizer shot yesterday. It seems to amplify symptoms I already have with Hashi; muscle pain and weakness, joint pain, fatigue, ringing in the ears, dizziness and problems with balance. In addition the arm that received the jab hurts but that is nothing compared to the rest. I hope the latter will go away soon because I'm worried about falling and breaking yet another bone.

Kiwidel profile image

I got Pfizer after having AstraZeneca ~10 weeks ago as they are mixing vaccines here in Toronto Canada.

It is now 24 hours post administration and I am having a similar but slightly milder reaction - slightly sore arm and slight lethargy. No raised temperature this time.

I have hashimotos, hypothyroidism, vitiligo, Neutropenia and am ANA positive and take compounded NDT.

cat_alli profile image

Both shots were astrazenica and on both occasions I had to spend the day after in bed. The worst symptom was a debilitating headache & overwhelming fatigue which lasted only four the day after the vaccinations. The rash I got on my torso after the first jab did not reappear on the second jab, & adverse reactions did not continue beyond 24 hours.

rosetrees profile image

I had Pfizer. Second one affected my thyroid which was achy for about 2 weeks. Once it had settled down, it's been fine ever since. This was beginning of May and it's now end of July.

BeePurple profile image

Moderna first dose really sore arm.Second dose sore arm again plus really tired for a few days, dizziness and a mild stomach upset.

elaine2447 profile image

I had the Pfizer second shot 9 days ago and I was a little worried as the first left me with many aches and pains for weeks. However, this one I thought I would get away with just a bit of a sore arm. I do have Hashimotos with antibodies off the lab scale which GP ignores. I literally feel like I am riddled from head to toe with arthritis, it is hard to get out of bed in the mornings and worse is moving about. The microwave is going non stop and I look like a Telly Tubby with heatpads around my back, front and neck. I know now this is not a coincidence after the first shot despite being told by a couple of friends it is. Life is pretty grim at the moment and I was not keen on having the vax as I always have reacted badly as a child (I am 74 now) but I don't want to be responsible for passing this vile virus on to someone else and I personally don't want to end up in intensive care or have long covid (I feel like I have short covid at the moment!!) There would be nobody to look after my cats if I were to get really sick. I forgot to mention that the reason I think it has affected my thyroid is because I have gained half a stone in a couple of months and I literally live on salads.

I have been diagnosed with an underactive thyroid, Hashimoto’s and frontal fibrosing alopecia. All appeared to go well with the second Astra Zeneca jab (I had no symptoms at all with the first). I had been convinced that I had caught COVID in Guildford MidDecember 2019 ie some 3 months before COVID was meant to have reached the UK (lots of pre Christmas skiers here 😁!). I therefore assumed that my complete lack of a reaction to the first jab was proof that I had already caught COVID . I didn’t react to the second one until nearly three weeks later when I suddenly experienced chronic insomnia, palpitations, chest pain, loss of control of my bladder for a few hours, cystitis type feelings, burning sensation in my gums, headache, intermittent heavy feeling in my arms and legs , intermittent numbness and tingling in my arms and legs. Some eight weeks later I am better but still experience poor sleep, intermittent tingling in my forearms, intermittent cystitis type feelings and intermittent burning gums and swollen webbing between my thumb and forefinger (this started around 25 June and has remained the same) and easy bruising. I am still uncertain whether to attribute these symptoms to (a)the jab, (b) my NDT dosage not being quite right yet (I switched medication from levy thyroxine to NDT in early May following the frontal fibrosing alopecia diagnosis in April and I have subsequently tested positive for the D102 gene variant which means that I am a poor T4 to T3 converter) so I’m possibly slightly hyperthyroid on my current medication) or (c) peri menopause (I’m 50). I’m now also on hrt and antidepressants hoping for improvement with hair loss and sleep. My initial start on NDT at the beginning of May had appeared to go well with improvements in sleep, removal of brain fog and improvements in my hearing. I also started to shift excess weight for the first time in years. The upping of the dosage following blood tests at 5 weeks occurred 5 days after my second COVID jab. My next blood test is 25 August- it will be interesting to see what NDT dosage is appropriate at that point. 😳

Fruitandnutcase profile image

Had Pfizer - didn’t even know I’d had the first one - not even a mark. Exactly the same with the second shot. I’m needle phobic when it comes to stuff going into my arm - never have flu jabs - but that was a doddle 😊

Hashihouseman profile image

Adverse reactions to both AZ shots, auto-immune chaos affecting thyroid and skin, lasting months afterwards. the dermatologist and endocrinologist I then saw confirmed that some people can get auto immune condition flare-up such as temporary thyroiditis triggered by the vaccine. for me the vaccine appears to have stimulated a cascade of T cell activity which inflamed many things including my thyroid. From researching the adverse reports yellow card database and clinical trial reports it seems that other types of vaccine generally induce far less T cell response which would this have less risk of any T cell chaos.

I had AstraZeneca. First shot late January and second 19th April. Completely wiped out both times. First jab for about a week second over6 weeks. However don’t think I ever fully recovered and for last month felt really ill again. GP can’t find reason and thyroid levels ok. Feels like long Covid except haven’t had Covid. Seems it’s post viral fatigue but really struggling and don’t think I’ll be having a booster.

Wondering if anyone else experiencing this.

christine831 profile image

I had the Pfizer vaccine, I was sleepy after the 1st shot and went to bed early, with no side effects after the 2nd shot.

Yppah profile image

Meant to fill this in back in July. Had Moderna. Had insomnia with first followed by clearing of all chronic fatigue symptoms. Just the achy arm with the 2nd one. And chronic fatigue still appears to be gone. I’ve even upped activity - managed to walk 10miles one day and just had normal aches and pains the next day.

HornM profile image

Hey all - I have a hashimotos and CFS diagnosis. Have had Pfizer for both doses. Had a sore arm following first dose, some sleep disruption, but little to complain about on the whole. 2nd dose one week ago exactly. Felt slightly more tired for the few days after, but assumed I was getting off easy. Then (on the third night I think) didn't sleep a wink. Felt wired, unlike anything I usually experience. On the fourth night, I had the same insomnia. My energy levels during the day were reasonable despite sleep deprivation; it's as though I was jacked up, which I've read is a sign of your immune system doing as it should and kicking into gear. Since then, sleep has returned to normal (mostly, still a little restless), and I am wiped. I feel I am experiencing hypothyroid symptoms - fatigue, lethargy, brain fog, flat mood, vision impairment - though didn't feel any better for taking an extra .25 grain of NDT today. Thinking I'll stick to my usual dose and hope things restabilise on their own? Has anyone experienced similar?

Hiphypo profile image

Sorry for the late posting. I had my 2nd shot on 1 May 2021, at EICC, Astra Zeneca. Very minor side effect of a tender injection site for a day. Nothing else, no drama. Great 😊 First dose was not nice - started well but then a few hours later developed flu symptoms - shivering, aching, teeth chattering, fatigue, icy cold, unable to touch or move arm. Sore arm lasted for two weeks. Then all fine.

Definitely going to take the booster when offered.

Hummingbird796 profile image

I had my second AstraZeneca jab in mid June. I developed vertigo within 2 days and I still have it. The biggest problem is it really affects my ability to read or focus my eyes, I can only read anything for about 5 minutes before being ill so still currently off work. However, I’d still have a booster if needed.

sunnyside7 profile image

Hello: just wondering, will there be a booster vaccine poll?

RedApple profile image
RedAppleAdministrator in reply to sunnyside7

Yes, probably in a few days time :)

Dottyfurcat profile image

I had such bad side effects with the first shot that I had a different vaccine for the second shot. I only experienced an aching arm with the second shot.

TaraJR profile image

I am hypo following Graves and RAI in 1989. I take thyroxine and T3.I had my 2nd Astra Zeneca vaccine dose in May (forgot to update here!) and had absolutely no side effects whatsoever.

Cal123 profile image

As well as the most common side effects from both vaccinations, really bad headaches, aches and total fatigue, I also experienced a really heavy period. I am peri menopausal and had not had one for the prior 6 months,