When do you take your thyroid medication? - Thyroid UK
When do you take your thyroid medication?
No-one can say when it it is the best time to tale it so it works. Most doctors just give the Levo and think it cured even you say you feel no different.
That is why this poll is interesting as it shows that different people find different times are better.
Also it is highly recommended to follow a routine of the same brand, same dose, same ingestion time for better results.
Ah, but that's assuming that they've tried different times. But how many people just take it in the morning, because their doctors told them to, and never think of trying a different time. I think if you asked a different question - have you tried taking your thyroid hormone at different times, if so which time suits you best? - you'd get a different answer.
Yes I agree wrongly worded question.
What is your opinion on what works best for you? I’ve been given my first dose (50mcg) but no instructions whatsoever.
I’m considering taking it in the evening as my morning routine is messed and I NEED a coffee to function 😅
This is a very old post/poll thread (6 years old!).
You really would be better to start a brand new post of your own. That way, lots of members (including Greygoose) will then be able to offer their help.
i take mine around 4am when i get up to use the loo
I think that will have to come under immediately on waking!
I set my alarm for 4.45am to take my Armour. I do this to raise my morning cortisol as per Paul Robinson's protocol. So it isn't on waking as I go back to sleep until 7am. Do you want me to complete 'on waking'?
I take mine with breakfast (any time between 9 - 11 a.m.). It's not really important as it doesn't seem to do any good anyway, even though I'm on 100mcg
it works better when taken empty stomach. i make it a point to refrain from coffee and milk for at least an hour after i took my meds. it helped me but it takes a lot of perseverance.
I agree, empty stomach at least 1/hr before milk products so I've been advised
I have a black decaffeinated coffee around 15 minutes after taking the pills. The Senseo decaf coffee tastes good and my pharmacist has told me that has no impact on the Levo effectiveness.
This is far too small a study, but I'd certainly not accept the word of a random pharmacist on this issue either!
Thyroid. 2008 Mar;18(3):293-301. doi: 10.1089/thy.2007.0222.
Altered intestinal absorption of L-thyroxine caused by coffee.
Benvenga S1, Bartolone L, Pappalardo MA, Russo A, Lapa D, Giorgianni G, Saraceno G, Trimarchi F.
Author information
1Sezione di Endocrinologia del Dipartimento Clinico Sperimentale di Medicina e Farmacologia, Università di Messina, Messina, Italy. s.benvenga@me.nettuno.it
To report eight case histories, and in vivo and in vitro studies showing coffee's potential to impair thyroxine (T4) intestinal absorption.
Of eight women with inappropriately high or nonsuppressed thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) when T4 was swallowed with coffee/espresso, six consented to the evaluation of their T4 intestinal absorption. This in vivo test was also administered to nine volunteers. In three separate tests, two 100 microg T4 tablets were swallowed with coffee, water, or water followed, 60 minutes later, by coffee. Serum T4 was assayed over the 4-hour period of the test. Two patients and two volunteers also agreed on having tested the intestinal absorption of T4 swallowed with solubilized dietary fibers. In the in vitro studies, classical recovery tests on known concentrations of T4 were performed in the presence of saline, coffee, or known T4 sequestrants (dietary fibers, aluminium hydroxide, and sucralfate).
For the in vivo test, average and peak incremental rise of serum T4 (AIRST4 and PIRST4), time of maximal incremental rise of serum T4 (TMIRST4), and area under the curve (AUC) were determined. In patients and volunteers, the four outcome measures were similar in the water and water + coffee tests. In patients and volunteers, compared to water, coffee lowered AIRST4 (by 36% and 29%), PIRST4 (by 30% and 19%), and AUC (by 36% and 27%) and delayed TMIRST4 (by 38 and 43 minutes); bran was a superior interferer. In the in vitro studies, coffee was weaker than known T4 sequestrants.
Coffee should be added to the list of interferers of T4 intestinal absorption, and T4 to the list of compounds whose absorption is affected by coffee.
PMID: 18341376 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
It needs to be on empty stomach and no food or drink for an hour after.
You might find it works very much better if you do this. I used to take in morning with a cup of tea. The milk in the tea affected/reduced the absorption of the Levo.
Or why not try taking at bedtime (as long as not eaten or drunk other than water for the hour before) .
Thanks for all the advice. I was never told to take it on an empty stomach,or when to take it. As a Type 1 diabetic I have to eat four times per day, including a snack at suppertime to avoid nocturnal hypos so perhaps the best time to take it is an hour before my evening meal (if I remember!) and hope I don't have a hypo, which sometimes happens in the afternoons.
I agree SlowDragon. I take mine at bedtime as I can't wait for an hour to eat in the morning after I wake up! I find it much easier to take at bedtime as I don't eat for at least 2hrs before I go to bed.
I was told to take it on a completely empty stomach...2 hours before eating. Maybe that's why you're not seeing any results?
Should not eat or drink for one hour afyer taking meds otherwise wont be absorbed and wont work as well
Well I said "during the morning" but think I could have said "first thing every morning" as I get up too early sometimes so I wait as I want to take it exactly same time every day with a full glass of water on an empty stomach. Always worked for me. 😜
Me too, wends. That way there is plenty of time between taking the levo and eating breakfast. If I didn't do that, I would probably take it last thing at night before bed.
What is the best time to take levo thyroxin 75mcg.
Everyone is different - you will see this from this poll and the comments on it!
The important thing is to make sure you take it with water only, on an empty stomach, at least 30 mins to 1 hour before eating. Food can affect absorption by up to 40%.
Thanks ,I was never told that !.
Me neither. I've only been on them for 4 months and have been taking them with my morning cup of tea
The doctors need to stress this point, I believe! What the heck???!!
Yes I’ve only been on them for 35 days and have been told about taking in AM 30 mins before eating but no cup of coffee for an hour. Was thinking of having tea as was told this was OK, but now obviously not. I’m going to be asked to be referred to an endocrinologist as I have a great GP but I think once they give you pills (I’m still waiting for 1st blood test) that they’re knowledge stops there to a certain extent or you cannot delve that deeply with a 10 min appt.
I have never been told how & when to take it . Just decided for myself
Thanks Louise! I try to follow this but sometimes forget or something else comes up. Not even cleaning teeth with toothpaste before taking the meds.
No idea about teeth cleaning - sorry!
sorry did not make it clear. I had meant that I even try to take the meds before anything goes into my mouth first in the morning. Tooth brushing comes later after an hour or so.
It would have been good of my doctor to have told me that! I'm taking mine in the morning along with tablets I have to take on a full stomach.
For 15 years I was told take the tablets and you'll be fine. When recently I pointed out to my doctor that it would have been useful to know I was supposed to take only with water and not within 30 minutes of food he said "Oh really. I didn't know that"
Does no one ever read the leaflet in the box? I'm sure somewhere on there it tells you how to take them.
Definitely just before bedtime; I don't eat after 7pm and drink just water after that. I usually get to bed anytime between midnight-3am. After 6 hours sleep I really need at least 2 strong coffees as soon as I wake up so couldn't possibly wait a couple of hours if I took the levo in the morning. GP told me to take it in the morning when I was first diagnosed years ago and it was on this site that I read that many people take it at bedtime; I find it much easier to get out of bed since doing so. Thanks HealthUnlocked!
I was advised to take it before eating anything and at least 1 hour before taking calcium tablets. If I take it late in the day it keeps me awake at night.
Ideally Levothyroxine will be taken 4 hours away from calcium tablets as the calcium reduces absorption.
Is that the same for milk / dairy products?
AIUI the reference to taking calcium is about taking a calcium (supplement) pill/tablet. That is more concentrated than calcium in dairy products. Though still best to separate from when you have a cup of tea or coffee or milk on your breakfast cereal, the calcium supplement is the one to be more concerned about.
If you have always taken the levothyroxine at the same time (or very near to the time) of having breakfast etc then changing the relationship could affect the effective dosage. Probably best not to make a sudden change unless you get another blood test around a month later (to let things settle down again).
What about eating fiber? I need to eat porridge regularly to avoid constipation and I try to take it an hour after my levo but I always worry it's too much fiber in it and wonder if I should eat it at lunch time instead.
I think you have to leave calcium a lot longer. I take mine (calcium) last thing before bed and Thyroid meds before food in the morning. I read that you need a good few hours between
I think it is best to wait for at least 4 hours before taking calcium tablets.
I'm on NDT and self medicate. I used to think I couldn't take NDT at night as it kept me awake, but since persevering with it I take 1 grain on going to bed, making sure I don't take iron with it, and then 1 grain on waking, leaving meals at least 1 hour away. This is the best way it has worked for me in 5 years.
I would have preferred to answer properly but the option "when I remember" wasn't there.
I got myself an app that yells at me if I don't take it as soon as I wake up.
Otherwise I'd never remember.
I know the feeling/problem. I now have my levo on my bedside cabinet with a bottle of water at the ready. I even cut my levo into 'weekly' strips, i.e. 7 tablets a strip. That way, I can easily check whether I remembered to take it or not, as in the mornings I tend to be in a right old stupor!
there is always a pharmacy sticker on my levo boxes stating MUST be kept refrigerated. Does anyone else have that?
Everyone in Australia!
Some years ago the authorities and companies agreed that they would impose refrigeration on all Australian levothyroxine in preference to reducing shelf life. Something like, if not refrigerated it would have a one year shelf life, but with refrigeration that can be extended to two years. (This is just for description - the actual details may well be wrong.)
I do not know of anywhere else which has chosen this path - but that doesn't mean there aren't any!
Sorry, we are only allowed 8 answer options! x
You raise a good point Starfish 123, many of us have memory problems therefore taking medications can be an issue.
I use all sorts of aids as reminders for example plastic tablet boxes for the days of the week with time zones however, the use of these are controversial. I set reminders on my phone and on my husband's phone that he nudges me nevertheless, I still forget.
Routine plays a big role, I take my thyroid meds between 04:00 and 05:00 when I get up for the toilet, the others around 07:00 with breakfast from there on, its downhill all the way. My phone reminds me at 12:00 for the next lot but if I have no time to eat at 12:00 then I postpone the tablets and often forget. I always however, take my full quota of medications even if this means spacing them out a little differently throughout the day.
Last week, Lidl had a memory pill pot. Some sort of an alarm on the lid.
No idea how good, bad or otherwise! There were a couple left in our branch this morning.
Thyroid S. Morning and afternoon. Got rid of evil Levo
Hi SuzieD. I'm fairly new to taking thyroxine (~10mths). I'm unsure what Thyroid S is and why levo is evil ( ), so if you could share some info based on your experience please I'd be very grateful
Thanks G
Hi, What is Thyroid S, I don't like Levo but didn't know there was an alternative?
Read the forum and you will find out! ThyroidS is a form of dessicated thyroid. Another alternative is T3, which is the active form of the hormone, while Levothyroxine is the storage form.
I take one grain of Thyroid S first thing in the morning; sometimes 5.00am or 6.00am if I get up for a wee, otherwise at 8.00am before I go to work. I take another one and a half grains about 12.30. Works for me! When I took Levo, I always took it at bedtime. That was fine for me too.

I take mine some time early hours of the morning when I need the loo, it can be any time between 2.30am and 5.30am. As I go back to sleep I don't class that as 'immediately on waking' so I haven't voted.
I do that if I don't sleep right through, otherwise I have to take it when I wake up if I remember then. But then I take another dose around noon with a possible third mid evening so I got to choose a box that didn't pin me down.
I think around 5:30 gives me the better rests though it is a bit hit and miss as my circadian rhythm is longer than 24 hours.
I have alarms set to remind me to take the daytime meds but, sometimes when it goes off, I just think 'that's annoying' and ignore it. Hopefully, when the next one goes off, I realise what I have done and take it then. Brain fog!!!!!
I take t3 spread out through the day "I put more the twice a day" hope that's right ?
Think this depends on whether you take levo or NDT too. I used to take my levo before bed but now on NDT I take twice a day..once on waking and then at lunchtime.
I take mine early morning every day I have an alarm set. I take 175 levothyroxine with water. Not sure if it makes any difference though
Does not quite cover me as I take them in the early hours when paying a call then it's back to sleep.Not the first call of the night either!
My specialist advised me to take it at bedtime as the absorbtion by the body isn't as good with food in your system. Bedtime therefore is the ideal time to take it.
Hi I take 175 mcg daily first thing in the morning, it has never been suggested to consider different times of the day nor that any consumption of food will effect it's absorbent. Now a days apart from a blood check one a year nothing else has been said or done. I have on this medication for in excess of 20 years so I suspect how I take it must be right. Or am I just burying my head in the sand?
Don't fix what ain't broke! If that works for you then keep on doing it.
There are different theories on taking the meds: some take it according to circadian rhythm, some with food, some without. There is a train of thought that says T4 is a night time med, so should be taken just before retiring, and T3 is a morning med so best taken when pituitary levels are highest (around 5:30 am) or first thing on rising. The idea of the food thing is that it is absorbed better on an empty stomach so you need less but there are those who pooh pooh the idea. Each of us is different so basically it comes down to doing what best suits your body.
I take mine at bed time. I find it easier not to eat before bed time than have to wait two hours in the morning for coffee and food. I did do the morning thing but it caused more problems forme.
I take mine an hour before I get up and then again in the afternoon , 1/2 a tablet each time
I asked my doctor about whether i should take it well before food and other non-prescription drugs and his answer was it doesn't matter and yet everything i read contradicts this! Confused or what?
I take mine in the morning with a cup of tea using soya milk.i don't eat until later who suits me as I rarely want breakfast an munch on a banana on my way to work. Will the tea I interfere with the absorption?
There is no research for tea, but there is some for coffee. Levo should be taken with water only to maximise absorption.
If you are finding you still have symptoms it may be worth changing to water to see if it helps.
Soya is not great for hypo people btw..
That's a very useful link, thanks. What milk is best? Im a vegetarian too, and eat a high fibre diet including all the veg and nuts on the list... it looks like I'm may have to have a review of my diet?
Only if you feel you still have symptoms. Everyone is very different.
It may be worth looking at your B12 levels too.
Not sure about the best milk, sorry. You could try asking a question on the main board. x
I've had this poll about 8 times now on my phone, hahaaa. If I poll each time does that mean I'm overdosing myself? Hurrrr hurrr....
Urrrmmm.... That's humour I think...well, it seemed funny in my head...errrr...I think I need coffee...mebbe...orrrrr, in fact more drugs? Hehe..
Wishing you all well.
Ps. I wasn't complaining by the way. I thought it was funny. Not globally shattering in any way, and the most exciting thing that has happened all morning, haha
You may need to change your notification settings! x
No NDT. I have just put twice a day but wanted to be more specific hence my comment as I know some people take it morning and afternoon/evening. I have 1 at bedtime and 2 in the morning.
Hi Louise. Not sure if you are aware already but I received 12 e-alerts for this poll!

Alerts of people commenting, or of me posting it? Thanks

I also received 15 emails announcing this poll LouiseRoberts

This is a glitch that HU are looking at - sorry.

aww shucks, I only got 2 - am I missing out
Don't worry, I'll send you some of mine! hahaha....... X
I take mine at bedtime, for 6 months i took it straight away when i woke up then i missed a day and took it at night time i have done ever since and feel i personally benifit more from taking it before bed x
I am hyperactive. Prescribed carbimazol which I take early morning, with almost any side effects.
I was told by a Boots Pharmacist that according to research, absorption of Thyroxine is better at night. This was 5 yrs ago so I take at night.
I take ndt in the morning and t3 at night. That is what works best for me. T3 helps me to get off to sleep.
"At bedtime" was the closest, I actually take it middle of night around 3.30/4am as I always get up for the bathroom then. It makes it easier to avoid interactions with other medications. In my 18months post TT I've only slept through twice and then took about 7.30am
I take liothyronine
The new guidance this year states that should take it on an empty stomach as food affects the absorption and you should wait for 30 mins after before eating .... I try to do this but it's not always easy when working shifts 🙈 ...
Hi Louise,
I received this email 10 times! Presume I am only allowed to answer once!
I replied immediately on waking but actually I set an alarm to wake me at 6. Then I go back to sleep. Otherwise I don't have time for breakfast before I go to work. An accurate answer for me would be in the early hours.
My GP made a mistake on my recent increase and did 75mgx2 which of course doesn't exist so I got 2x25 and 2x50, the pharmacist actually asked me about it as apparently many people take it twice a day. I said no, but figured I would give it a try, have to say it seems to be working well like that and I'm waking up very clear headed compared to just taking it in the morning. I'm also actually tired at night, which for me is the sign the levo is working well.
I take 75mcg thyroxine with 10mcg liothyronine. I set my alarm for 2 hours before I rise to let me take my meds. This allows me to take breakfast and calcium when I am ready later in the morning. I used to split my dose of t4 but after visiting Dr Toft in Edinburgh have managed to reduce my doses and in following his advice I am more healthy than ever.
What I learned from him was that when I felt the changes which made me feel ill and consequently altered doses I was not allowing meds time to settle. When first signs of being "out" appear I hold fast and lo and behold things settle down reasonably quickly and I don't become as ill as I used to.
Split doses of ndt, morning and afternoon.
With levothyroxin, I was told to take it before eating so I took it when I got up. With NDT, I've been told that it works for a short time only so it's best to stagger tablets throughout the day..
Hi, I was advised by my thyroid surgeon that I should take my tablets upon waking with a sip of water, and to not consume any food or drink (other than water) for at least 30mins. Apparently that stops food / milk in coffee blocking the absorption of the medication. I've been taking my meds for ~10 months now and have never tried any other process / time of day, but this seems to work for me (i.e. my blood tests are always ok and I always feel well). Hope this helps the survey!
Best to take last thing at night, no food or drink to interfere with it, but of course your doc will not give you any help on this.......
I take it when I wake in the night, usually about 4am, then I go back to sleep.
This way, I don't have to worry about interaction with tea & meds, which happens on the rare occasions I sleep through the night.
I have been on thyroid medication, since I was twenty five. I am now seventy four. Originally Eltroxin, now levothyroxine. I was never given any guidance as to when or how. I have always taken it first thing in the morning, but not with water, always with my first cup of tea, which is within fifteen minutes of getting up, but not necessarily immediately after waking. The time between waking and getting up can be as long as two hours.
My tea - three large cups - does contain milk, ( goats ) which does of course contain calcium.
But it is definitely on an empty stomach. I do not eat for at least an hour after my tea.
Should I change my routine and take it with water only ?
If so, how soon can I have my tea, which is my life saver !
I take my levo at bedtime, because certain meds I take can't be taken at the same time. my endo said there is no hard and fast rule about the time of day to take Levo an advised me to try taking it at bedtime. I also take 10mg of Liothyronine which twice daily, on waking & before bed.Although my TSH is finally suppressed after 4.5 years I still have many unwanted syptoms.
Incidentally I got 22 identical emails for this Poll in just over an hour !!!! annoying
yeh, lots of people are complaining they got multiple copies but the problem has been reported so should be sorted at some stage. Me? I'm complaining about being left out cos I only got 2 copies
Take a look at these documents and see if you think that they might apply to you and your left over symptoms ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articl... nahypothyroidism.org/thyroi...
I always used to take my Armour upon waking around 7 a.m. and then wait an hour before eating as I had been told but my new doctor, a US-trained naturopath, tells me that 15 mins is fine. I've noticed no difference in effect and it is great because by the time I'm dressed and out of the bathroom, I can eat breakfast. Has anyone else ever been told this as I'm sure the convention is to wait longer.
MY email inbox is FULL of loads of duplicate emails re this please STOP
I read higher up the page that there is a glitch which HU are working on rectifying
I take a combined pill of t4 and t3 - novothyral I take 1 first thing in morning the 1/2 at 3pm the t3 only lasts max 8 hrs in the body I can feel myself running out like a battery running low
I do not produce any t3 but the endo I seen first privately then on NHS told me you don't need t3 at that point fed up with ignorance I found my own functional doctor privately sad and expensive but at least I can function.
Enough of my rant enjoy the poll very interesting.
There has to be better medication than Levo. I have never felt so bad since I started taking this.
Natural is not an option for me.
So with so many people now with Hypothyroidism why are they not developing a better medication.
Also all the test you get in the UK. Is a TSH. Unless you have money to see a private Endocrinologist. Not a full set of tests. Which is most important. As TSH is not an accurate.
Guidelines for GPs at the minute are to test more than just TSH, usually they check FT4 as well, if you ask for the rest usually they will test them. Why isn't natural an option?
There really is only two choices in either synthetic or natural, the only other treatment would be a curative and if they could do that they could cure diabetes and many other conditions. Treatment guidelines could be better, but it's not a fatal condition normally so it's low priority for research funding.
I've had about 18 email notifications about this poll today - anyone else having that problem??
In any case, I now take my NDT twice a day, first thing and then about 1:30 in the afternoon. My endo said the active hormones have a short half life, so splitting may help my afternoon fatigue.

Yep, me too, Rusalka. How can we stop them, does anyone know? Thanks.
I'm going to change my email settings in my Account settings. Hopefully it works! healthunlocked.com/settings

Yes, there is a glitch. Louise is trying to sort it out.
Alternatively we all maybe being dragged into some sort of matrix film unknowingly... Hehe..

Yeah - HU are fixing the glitch.
For future reference - problems of this nature are not under the control of Thyroid UK or the Admin team and should be reported to support@healthunlocked.com
I had had this poll email now 22 times?? lol
The pattern for taking Armour(which I am on) will be different as the way it acts on the body is very different for Levothyroxine. My endo has recommended twice a day for Armour - first thing in the morning and then again around 3pm
I'm definitely in the minority as I take 50 mcg levothyroxine and 4mg time-release T3 in the morning (always with food), usually around 8:30am. At 5:00pm, I take 75 mcg levothyroxine and 8.5 mg time-release T3 along with a small snack.
This is what works for me. I've tried different protocols and always come back to this. If I take meds on an empty stomach I don't feel well and, I will also start to gain weight. Am I losing some absorption? Perhaps but that is why I am on the dosages that I am on. Everyone is different. What works for one may not work for another. We all have to find our own way.
2 pills with breakfast and two with dinner
I find that taking my synthroid 2-3 hours after eating supper disrupts the rest of my day less, such as, calcium, milk, creamer, and other vitamins. It also keeps me from eating past 7:00.
Spilt T3 3 X20 mcg morning ,5pm & 9pm
I find it's easyer than taking it through the day because I don't have to worry how long it is scince I have eaten
Been on my 30 yrs now always take I. Morning with water and before food also slimming pills counter act u thyroxine not too be taken together got take hour after them I dint know that till nurse told me when I was on them through my. Doctor find no help little is knowing about thyroid mine is always low even on 200mg can't seem too get it too balance out but some times it races like mad but if I drop too 150 I just sleep all the time feel faint lifeless not enough research in too it at all docs give u pills send u away with a blood test ever 6 month .
If I wake in the night which is quite usual, I take it then
I take mine prior to breakfast, but not actually immediately on waking. My body needs caffeine first before I can do anything lol My logic is as long as you take it regularly and at same time each day you should be ok?
None of these. I take it between 2am - 3am because I have porridge with lots of milk at about 7.30am and shouldn't have calcium until 4 hours after the tablet!
I ticked twice a day - but that's T3
I was informed this medication should be taken before breakfast. Have others been given different advice?
There are nearly as many answers to that as there are people to ask. This document explains some of the reasoning for finding the right time recoveringwitht3.com/blog/b...
Shame the survey doesn't distinguish between T3 & T4. I take my 20mgm T3 (only) four times a day (ie, a quarter of a tablet per dose at roughly 6am, midday, 6pm and midnight) and (fingers crossed) this seems to be better for me at the moment. I had seven years of taking one half dose just before bed and one as I got up which worked for me at the time. I find x 4 awkward trying to juggle food and supplements but if something works better then one will put up with it!
I think someone just asked me a question? I've got in a twiddle with my hypo emails, lol! And eek!
If anyone did ask about taking Levo atnight?
I take it as I'm hopping into bed to sleep, hehe, not at the same time clearly or there is no doubt my goofy Jim jams would be covered in water and I would be surfing round my bed rather than diving in like a launched missile! I digress....I stop eating about 7ish so have an empty stomach. It doesn't affect me at all. My sleep pattern, which has always been poor before being hypo is still erratic, so no change. However, I don't feel queasy like I used to that is a plus, and I remember to take it whereas the morning one used to get missed sometimes in the gym, work, home panic at the start of the day.
Sorry for length of reply. I really cannot say in one sentence what I can say in twenty :(. Which actually is of great benefit when I'm being verballymolested by sales people in the evening when I'm trying to watch the latest episode of Gotham! :))
Wishing you well fellow hypo bod.
I think there is a problem on system I have had about 30 of this message this morning xx
I take my 'Thiroyd' (yes that's how it's spelt), on waking, in afternoon and evening. I take them sublingually so I can eat straight away. Works for me.
i just found this on this web page which was posted by another lady. She found this info on web page stop the thyroid madness:
Yes, you can swallow natural desiccated thyroid and get excellent results. It works. But, doing your desiccated thyroid SUBLINGUALLY has real biological benefits that swallowing does not.
First, it’s direct and immediate, absorbed into your bloodstream via the millions of tiny capillaries that line your mouth and mucous membrane.
Additionally, sublingual bypasses the acidic, destroying gastric action in your stomach where you can lose some of the thyroid ingredients, besides bypasses the metabolizing action of the liver. In other words, you get more of what you give yourself by doing the desiccated thyroid sublingually rather than swallowing.
I've tried taking it at night but that gives me nightmares, I take it first thing but can't wait an hour for food!!!
I now take mine in the middle of the night,( I often am wake / or is still awake! ) between 4 and 7 and then sleep some. It works best for me but that option was not in the survey...
Hi I'm on T3 only which I take at 4am, 11am and 5pm. Thyroxine made me feel worse no matter what time of day I took it 😕
This is a really interesting poll and well done for setting it up ! I've been watching it develop and although the number of participants has increased the percentages have hardly changed. I'd observe that most people go with the advice which is routinely handed out to 'take first thing on an empty stomach' and they only change when and if they investigate and learn from forums like this one. There is no physiological or pharmacological reason to take it first thing etc - as long as you haven't eaten for a decent amount of time and you don't eat for an hour after or drink tea/coffee. I prefer bedtime - found it suited me better.
I take 3 grains Nature in the morning and 2 grains when i remember in the afternoon.
Hie do your really put on weight in autoimmune hypothyroid
I have recently been diagnosed with it but never had any symptoms , it was an accidental diagnosis during my regular checkup
I am taking 100 mcg currently , but still no weight gain or any other symptoms
Is there any thing food I need to avoid in thyroid
Is green tea or spearmint tea which is good fr thyroid
I take immediately when I wake up but also take T3 both in morning and afternoon.
Wish there was an "Whenever I remember button" - my gp said preferably spaced out across the day (taking T3 only), but better to take all at once than not at all. I must admit, I take them all at once - sometimes - other times I just don't bother because I feel better on none for a few days, then restart them. Bizarre but thats my deal. With or without food makes no difference to me.
Now I'm on NDT I take all four and a half grains just before I go to bed, works a treat for me. I take my supplements in the morning, there's little chance of conflict.
I always take my 100 mcg of Levothyroxine after getting up in the morning, usually while the kettle is boiling for my tea. And then drink tea with milk straight after.. I had no idea that milk affects absorption, and that you need to take it on an empty stomach! No pharmacist or Doctor has ever mentioned this. My label says take one in the morning. I have been on Thyroxine for about 12 years! I don't tend to eat breakfast right away, as never hungry as soon as I wake up, but probably eat about an hour later. Maybe I should try and take it around 5 or 6, when I usually wake to use the bathroom.. Although might forget whether I took it or not when I'm extra groggy.. Lol 😄. I have trouble remembering most days if I have taken it. Bought a plastic dosett box, but keep forgetting to put the pill in it. Lol.
I had my blood test recently in the UK, and asked my new GP to test for more than just TSH, and she said she would. Went to the hospital for the blood test, a thyroid profile, and when I got my results back, it was only a TSH!! 😟 This is all the NHS ever does for me. I used to see a good private Endocrinologist in London who tested a lot more. I was initially on Armour, but felt terrible on that. He did Kinesiology on me, ( muscle testing) and discovered that my body preferred Levothyroxine. Go figure. But he is a bit pricey, and I can't afford him now as unemployed.. I am going to see my GP next week and will tell her the lab only tested for TSH. Does she need to tick more than Thyroid profile?? My other GP's in the past, in London, have always refused to check more than my TSH. I don't know how you are all getting these tests........
Since changing to taking my Levo at bedtime I have felt much more 'normal' - clearer head and can eat breakfast without waiting. I usually aim for leaving at least 1-2hrs after consuming any food at night.
Another benefit I have found is to fluctuate my dose daily, only by 25ug but I feel my body is more accepting of this.
I just noticed my avatar looks like a male, but I am female.. Lol. How do I change this??
I have no idea what NDT is? 😮
Ha ha peanut duck! I thought people were choosing the potatoes...
Most of the advice given is to take it on waking and before breakfast on an empty stomach
On reading my calcium leaflets it markedly says leave a two to four hours gap when also taking levo. So maybe calcium salts in food disrupts levo metabolism also.
Hi Louise - I've read "Thyroid Medication" as T4 - I'm actually taking T3 too now - but it's taken a long time to get it - and I take that in 2 doses morning and afternoon.
It's interesting to see what works for everyone.
I used to take mine in the morning before 1/2 hr of my breakfastl.
If I forget first thing I don't take later, but I do seem better neuropathy wise if I eat no later than 45-60 mins later. If I don't eat till much later I find it harder to motivate & organise myself. Does having Hashimoto's make that difference? I don't know.
On the instructions, says anytime but should be around the same period daily.
I take mine with a glass of water between 3-5am, as I nearly always wake up then,it works for me
I just followed the instructions take first thing in the morning before food, still not convinced 2 years on any thing has changed for me and to be honest give up on doctors, no endro in my area that you don't have to pay for so hey ho take the tabs and hope for a change in doctors lack of interest cause my problems just get blamed on the menopause haha
I take mine on getting up after cleaning my teeth. c.5-5:30am 2.5 grains of ThyroidS under my bottom lip and let it dissolve, prefer it to under the tongue for some reason. I am then very naughty and often glug a cup of coffee about 15-20 mins later before jumping on my bike and off to work. I never eat anything till midday. I did split the dose but once I was used to the NDT it seemed to make no difference to taking one dose a day. Previously I took Levo on waking with water and no food or beverage for at least one hour after (and 2 before). I was told to take it that way by Guys so was given the right information.
Is it so that if you take NDT sublingually the 1 hour food gap is not needed as posted earlier? I don't notice any difference if I forfeit my coffee some days.
Maybe one day it will be administered in a slow release patch form rather than in one or two or more lots each day. I wonder if that might work more like our body would do it or if anyone is researching anything like that.
I actually take mine twice. T4 at bedtime, then T3 in middle of the night upon waking for the loo. Feel better taking at night.
My thyroid was suppressed before Christmas so my dose was adjusted....3 months ago I was told my thyroid is normal and I'm on the right dose...strangely, I've had no blood tests to check my thyroid since last October....ESP? or one very clever GP
Opted from day one to take it at bedtime as it would mean getting up an hour earlier that I had to just to take it before breakfast.
I take three doses of T3 daily (6am, 11.30am and 4.30pm) and a single dose of T4 last thing at night.
I take 4 doses of t3 during the day and one dose of Levothyroxine in the evening. Taking the t3 separately to the t4 works best for me - it seems more effective taking the t3 alone to be used up and then taking my t4 at night where it can convert to t3 overnight.
I'm lucky to have a great Endocrinologist treating my Hashimotos who advised me on when to take my various meds. So I take 125/100mcg on alternating days at 6am, followed by Omeprazole at 6.30am and don't eat or drink till 7am. And I have to say that since following this timing, I feel so much better. Don't get me wrong, I still have the various symptoms that we all suffer with but the majority of the time, I am managing reasonably well.
Always on waking ,then wait 30 mins or more before food and drink . I never drink coffee as it reacts with medication.
I think it's fairly logical that immediately on waking is the best time to take it - I don't eat or drink anything but water for up to an hour after taking it, so that nothing can interfere with absorption. Works well so far.
I have been on Thyroxine for years was in my 30`s when problems started, my dosages have varied according to my blood results and I have always taken it before breakfast. When I was working I use to take it right away on getting up then I would have breakfast, I found I could not lose weight easily when on healthy eating plans. Now I still take it on arising and wait an hour before I have anything to eat, this is because it now states in the instructions in the packet to do this, which didn`t have this instruction in the past. I now think this obviously works better for me as when I am on a healthy eating plan I do lose the excess weight, knowing any excess I do put on happens when I eat the wrong things. Before I retired taking my pills just before I ate breakfast, made it a lot harder for me to lose weight, I now think my metabolism appears to work better if I leave my eating for an hour after taking me Thyroxine. This works for me but may not for anyone else. I am also on Vitamin D and Calcium which I take four hours after my thyroxine, which it states clearly on the instruction label inside the pack and have no problems. I have also been on Vit B12 for 42yrs as was diagnosed with Pernicious Anaemia when I was 27yrs, this I know having researched it a few years ago, has a connection with thyroid problems. The PA is a family inherited problem as my father, uncle, and 2 cousins had it. I now have 2 daughters who have PA and like me get the injections as prescribed, one of these daughters also has thyroid deficiency problems and is on Thyroxine too. My 3rd daughter has had thyroid problems, but more borderline in the past but it appears to have righted itself now. I have had my Thyroxine reduced this last year from 175mcg to no 75mcgs quite a big drop, having had quite a few blood tests to get the correct dose but do feel rather tired some days. I find these really tired times are around when I would have had a period (I have noted the dates) before the menopause. I never had these tiring times when I was on higher dose, so there could be some connection here and joint pains have been bad lately, but I have researched and seemingly we dont need as much Thyroxine as we get older. As there is a connection with all hormones and if one not working it can affect others in the body, not all GP`s do any research on these ailments so I think we should all be referred to a specialist in this field who is interested.
I don't mind taking part in polls but 22 emails messages about it was a little excessive .. I'll assume something somewhere went awry
When I was taking it the morning I had trouble sleeping at night. Now I switched to taking it before I go to bed I sleep a lot better. I think I read it somewhere and it seems to work for me.
I take it twice a day first thing upon waking and last thing at night.
I set the alarm, take the meds and then I wait one hour before eating or drinking anything.
When I started on the meds, I was told first thing onto an empty stomach, this would give the meds time to work and the best way of getting them into the system, to do their work,,,so mine go down first thing in the morning,,,,,things have gone along ok,,,ttfn from Karen.
I can't remember who told me, but it was a while back, and I can't even remember what I had for breakfast this morning. 😂 But, I was told it was best to take them before bed as the thyroid levels drop at night, and this would help maintain a steady level. It was definatly a professional that told me this, just wish I could remember!!! 😩
It would be nice to have this verified. As true or myth, since I just want to get better. And I've been taking it before bed for a couple of years now.
I take mine in the early hours of the morning normally have to get up for toilet around 4.30am
I used to take mine at Bedtime (as I used to work shifts - that means any time of the day, but before I went to sleep)
Having changed jobs I started taking them when I woke up, just before a cup of coffee, and about 40 minutes before breakfast. Having read some of the comments, here I am going to go back to taking them at night-time, as I have been feeling tired for a couple of months now.
At least at night-time they have an empty stomach, and a glass of water to mix with.
Most endocrinologists suggest taking thyroxine at least 30 minutes before breakfast. Tried this and it does make a difference.
First thing in the morning, basically on an empty stomach!!
Hello Louise,
I take my first doses of T4 (am only) and T3 before breakfast upon rising.
My second dose of T3 I can tell from my heart to the minute when I need it - usually around 13.50hrs! My heart then normalises within 5 minutes. This has been dependant on detoxing (all sorts) and parasite (all sorts) elimination. The final dose before going to bed.
I've just come across this poll today. I responded "During the morning" rather than "First thing on awakening" as I have taken them for 15 years while the kettle is heating up the water for my morning cup of tea (Black!). I then sit down for breakfast normally within 10 to 15 mins. I've eaten cereals for breakfast for the majority of my 66 years.
Just 2 weeks ago I read about people taking them at night as this made them feel better so I thought I would give it a try as well. I'm not sure if it was the change but for 3 nights after I hardly slept a wink! Another week later & I found I was having much more vivid dreams than I've ever been accustomed to. Normally I'd say I rarely dream - even though studies show we all dream at night whether we remember or not.
I'm thinking of continuing to take my Thyroxine at night to see if there is any difference.
For the 1st 16 years of diagnosis, I knew nothing about my condition and assumed it was minor, just popping a small daily Levo pill. Having now been diagnosed with a 2nd auto-immune problem I've researched a lot more and now keep my pill on the bedside cabinet and take it when I get up for the loo in the middle of the night, usually 3-4am. I think it has made a difference. Why are we not given more info when diagnosed, I have never seen a specialist, just a GP who monitors me (every couple of years!) and guesses at my Levo dose If I knew then what I know now I would take much more care of my diet and medication. At last I'm pushing to see an Endocrinologist too.
Some weeks ago I changed my intake from the morning, which I'd been doing for the last 15 years, to the night time just before going to bed. It's probably still too soon to draw any conclusions but one of the things I have noticed is that I sleep even worse than before! Many nights I find it even more difficult to get to sleep, often I'm still awake an hour after getting into bed. Then I find I wake up about 4am & then find it almost impossible to get to sleep again.
Another thing is that I've been having some very vivid dreams, one night it was so vivid that when the alarm went off at 7.30 I was EXTREMELY surprised to see my wife still in bed - I was really confused as I was ABSOLUTELY sure that she had got up & got dressed & had gone to the bathroom! She hadn't moved from the bed in all the night! Never before in my 66 years have I ever experienced such a vivid dream!
I'm also experienced some erotic dreams as well & I've found myself waking up with a strong erection! It happened several times & around 6am. Something I haven't experienced in a number of years!
During the day I sometimes find my head is rather "fuzzy" & I sometimes feel confused.
I don't really know if these are "side effects" of changing my medication from the morning to night.
As soon as I wake up.
I take mine at 3am, that way in the morning i can eat breakfast and have my dairy without a worry. It also helped me to get to my dose much faster
Changed to bedtime about 3 months after advice on here. Seems to suit me better, about to have a blood test......
in the morning and at 17:00 T4/T3 combo
I take mine at bedtime. Levothyroxine makes me nauseous so taking it at that time means I sleep through the nausea.