If you are on natural dessicated thyroid i.e. A... - Thyroid UK

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If you are on natural dessicated thyroid i.e. Armour, Erfa, Naturethroid, who prescribes it for you?

lynmynott profile imagelynmynottPartnerThyroid UK209 Voters

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80 Replies
vanessa2 profile image

I get no support from my GP, saw an Endo once who was so rude and not interested, I have never been back. I have to self medicate and buy my meds from abroad.

debsmitch60 profile image
debsmitch60 in reply to vanessa2

Can I please ask where you buy them from and how safe is it. I hate hypothyroidism and feel absolutely dreadful and my Gp will not increase my Levo because he says that my TSH is nearly normal at 3.6.

I am only on 75mcg of Levo 😕

Costalita profile image
Costalita in reply to debsmitch60

Wow, your TSH is really quite high! I have always kept mine around the 1 mark, feeling best at around 1.2. Have you ever tried upping the dose? My GP just lets me tweak my own dose as she says I know more about thyroid than she does now.

I know this was 9 months ago but how are you feeling now?

Marlekia profile image
Marlekia in reply to Costalita

I like this one but they dont ship to uk amazon.com/gp/product/B01A1...

If you're in the uk you can buy levothyroxine without a prescription from a licensed uk pharmacy with a easy online medical consultation reliablepharm.com

fayth profile image
fayth in reply to vanessa2

Can you please help me? :( I'm from the US, my GP only treats my number not my symptoms. Its getting so frustrating I'm about to burst at the seams. Anyway of me getting Nature-Throid without prescription?

lynmynott profile image
lynmynottPartnerThyroid UK in reply to fayth

Hi Fayth,

You might get better help by going to our forum as people might private message you with this info. Pharmacies where you can purchase are not allowed on the actual posts though - healthunlocked.com/thyroiduk

Clarebear profile image

My private endo (who is also an NHS endo) originally prescribed the Armour for me, after a lot of persuasion. In fact he said he would eat humble pie if it worked. When I improved considerably, my GP started to prescribe it for me, although he told me that no one at my practice had ever prescribed NDT of synthetic T3 before. I am very lucky :) and am feeling very well now :)

sky00 profile image
sky00 in reply to Clarebear

hi, clare could you please explain " had ever prescribed NDT of synthetic T3 before" did you mean or and does that mean you were able to get ndt on nhs script? also did you say you were in the north--perhaps i could get your endo's name if you are north as my gp is willing to send me somewhere else if i can have an alternative to the one and only (retired) endo near me, thanks sky

Clarebear profile image
Clarebear in reply to sky00

Sorry that should have said "or" not "of". I do get Armour on NHS prescription, but I am in the south west.

wano profile image
wano in reply to Clarebear

Clarebear, would love to know the name of your endo via private message if you are still attending. Also in the southwest. x

thylee profile image
thylee in reply to Clarebear

What's the difference between Armour and Natural throid?

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to thylee

Armour is one brand of desiccated thyroid. There are others such as Nature-Throid, WP Thyroid, Erfa, NP Thyroid.

"Natural thyroid" is a general term for products made from dried and powdered animal thyroid of, usually, pigs but sometimes cattle.

You would be much, much better off asking questions as separate posts than on a huge thread such as this three-year-old thread, where it could easily have been completely missed.

cazadei profile image
cazadei in reply to Clarebear

I am also on south west. I am so tired of being ill. Would you send me the name of the doctor and contact (privately) and I will try to get an appointment. I have been refused countless times and nobody cares.

radd profile image
radd in reply to cazadei


Welcome to our forum. This is a three year old thread and as such your question is likely to be missed.

Ask as new post for members to send you their endo names by pm.

Scout1 profile image
Scout1 in reply to Clarebear

hi Clarebear, sorry to bother you.

please may I ask for the name of the endo. I'm hoping it is the one I had in mind. he is based in the southwest . i stopped taking my Levo because i just couldnt think. my doctor has been kept informed. just had my bloods done My tsh is 21 and t4 7.5. Not sure if im bad enough to see the endo. i asked my doctor about t3 and she has said that she has been asked about this before but didnt seen to elaborate . we have agreed to see how i am in 3 months with another blood test. i generally feel ok except for cold feet , constipation which i have had since child and now weight gain. but im coming upto 48 so not sure if this down to thyroid getting worse or menopause kicking in . im going to gather as much info as i can to support t3 to take with me to the doctor.i also have pcos so its all connected.

any advice i would gratefully welcome.

thank you x

Nat107 profile image

Was told Nhs would not pay as it costs too much, well it does if bought from the only uk pharmacies that can get it, far cheaper to buy abroad if more than 1 grain is needed, as can buy in different grain strength in one tab instead buying lots of 1 & half grains tablets sesperately it would cost Nhs less in long run to pay for NDT if it works for some people as may decrease need for other meds associated with Levo not working. I was on 150 Levo and still felt awful. Wish they would just listen to how an individual person feels and help them try whatever will make them better instead of looking at cost first!

tegz profile image
tegz in reply to Nat107

Give it a few years, Nat - or maybe decades at current rate of progress..

Nat107 profile image
Nat107 in reply to tegz

Yes I agree tegz unfortunately

waveylines profile image
waveylines in reply to Nat107

Hi Nat,

Try writing to your GP and explaining the true cost of being on levothyroxone -not just the cost of the actual med but the other meds you will need because it doesn't get rid of all your symptoms. For me this was: blood pressure tablets, pain killers, laxatives, tablets for indigestion and tablets to offset the indigestion tablets, anti-depressants, emollient for my skin.....etc... The total of cost of all the meds i would need therefore far exceeded them paying for NDT -they agreed with me and so agreed to allow me to have it on NHS prescription.

kaym profile image

I was prescribed armour after attending Dr.Skinner. My Gp was quite willing to prescribe it but keeps saying to me she doesn't know how to prescribe the dosage if my bloods change.I have told her that I have a conversion chart which I found on the Internet which gives you the equivalent amount of armour as to levothyroxine. She doesn't really say anything about it. However, she has been very supportive.

galathea profile image

I buy it for myself after having been on levo, / levo and t3 / t3 only for well over 20 years. I was ok, but once I had switched to NT, I got my life back. The synthetics were ok, I think 20 years was a fair trial of them.... But I wouldnT willingly go back to them!

tegz profile image
tegz in reply to galathea

Interesting that you gave a fair trial and still totally unimpressed with synthetics. Must be the De-iodinasing process at fault- and lack of D2 and D1 as well. [From all I've read on this]

roslin profile image

Hi lyn

This is exactly what I need for my letter to my MSP. I am amazed how many self prescribe. I applaud them


CathyT profile image

NHS Endo is giving me private prescription of Armour as a trial (after 5 yrs of "normal" results whilst very unwell, then 2 yrs on Levo, T3/T4, then T3 only). Definitely improving now on Armour but GP insists she "can't prescribe because it's unlicensed". I buy from Pharmarama.

in reply to CathyT

Hi Cathay I wonder if you could e mail me its anne_brydon@tiscali.co.ukto give me the web site you get your armour from I have been getting mine from <an online source> in San Fransisco for 10 years and they don't take credit cards now and I am doing bank it through my bank and its a nightmare at the pharmacy side.My Dr that I had left and he would give me a private prescription but the new Dr won't I've even written to my mp at the Scottish parliament but they won't do anything as they say its not a registered drug!!!and he was very arrogant about me getting at all I said you obviously don't have thyroid trouble sorry for ranting on Anne

lou66 profile image

After 2 years of uping doses on levo I decided to take the plunge and convert to armour, i felt great like nearly my old self, had a bit of fatigue latley so now adjusting to 3 grains split into morn afternoon, and feeling better again, ive been told that a official place in Thailand is the cheapest, I have done my research it wasnt just on whim i decided im not a sheep and will do what I can to help myself, i saw an endo after a year, and as ive had half my thyroid removed he said things were sluggish, and then said ur thyroid is like the engine of a car, it will never work fully so yep folks I was compared to an old banger, and then discharged, didnt know whether to laugh or cry, that day my research began, x

tegz profile image
tegz in reply to lou66

& now you have your MOT- Master of Thyroid!

Ladywell profile image

i get ERFA prescribed by Dr Skinner and my GP practice docs all know I am on it, but are all united against prescribing it as is their practice Endo, despite her own regular blood work which shows how well it works for me. I've asked this endo to explain to me in writing why she will not prescribe it on a named patient basis, since it is her tests which show how well it works for me. She's written back about surveying colleagues throughout northeast Scotand none of whom are willing to prescribe it, while resisting writing the letter I actually asked for for months. I see her again soon and have asked for her explanation against a named patient prescription to be waiting. If it's not I may make a complaint against the whole practice. This isn't the only problem for which they refuse treatment: I've also been asking for a different specialist appointment due to pain for a year and a half, and they refuse to book it. A GP who formerly worked at this practice has actually advised me to move to a different catchment area!

sandrad profile image
sandrad in reply to Ladywell

Yes, it was commented that I might like to seek another doctor's practice. My GP is totally unsupportive despite not diagnosing me for years - told me I was stressed - go away basically. Now I'm fit and as well as I've been in years but she hates I'm on Armour. I tried levo but it barely worked and gave me splitting heads and dizziness. I dread what will happen to me if I needed to go into hospital. I assume they'd pull my Armour off me, give me Levo, and make me really ill again. This is a major worry to me.

tegz profile image
tegz in reply to sandrad

I hope you're wrong Sandra. They can't force medicine onto you -nor stop a legal alternative you source unless they section you! Try not to worry- maybe there's a NHS help line that can advise on this point for you.

in reply to sandrad

I know going into hospital can be worrying, I'm afraid after so many times of nurses withholding my much needed pain meds, I keep them in my bag and help myself as necessary. I will do the same with my Armour. If you've paid for it it's your property and they can't take it off you. It's a shame it has to be this way.

OzoneGirl profile image
OzoneGirl in reply to

I know this is an old post, but in case anyone is concerned about continuing NDT whilst in hospital: I had an appendicitis several years ago and thankfully took my ERFA and T3 in with me - the hospital were very helpful and even got me a pill cutter! They left the Thyroid meds with me and allowed me to administer them myself.

However, this reminds me that I have since intended to get myself a laminated card with my dosage on to keep in my wallet, just in case I'm not able to speak for myself in a medical situation. I have also insisted that my GP's records state the exact dosage of both the T3 and ERFA, again so that a hospital would have access to that.

Femme1 profile image

I self treated with armour from an American pharmacy but went to see Dr Skinner within two months who actually diagnosed me, he gave me a private prescription, which I used this time, still doing homework on costings in comparison to USA prices of armour though.

Throid profile image

I have given up on doctors and just purchase from an internet pharmacy now, can't be doing with the battles any more.

susymac profile image
susymac in reply to Throid

Same here. Why bother fighting when you know the stress just makes you worse. I buy my own and avoid doctors like the plague

Irunya profile image
Irunya in reply to Throid

Hi, could you give me the site from where you buy it.

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to Irunya

Suggest you post a new post/question to ask. Could easily get missed down here on a three-year-old thread.

Natwest94 profile image
Natwest94 in reply to Throid

Please could you let me know where you have been able to buy it from?

Jane104 profile image

I purchased my Nature-Throid on the internet after my endo wrote and told me no-one in the area would prescribe NDT; they have an agreement amongst the consultants that they are 'not comfortable' prescribing it.

I went back to see her after seven weeks on Nature-Throid with a whole list of improvements and all she was interested in was the fact that my TSH had risen from being suppressed to 2.31- she was over the moon. They hadn't bothered to check T4 or T3. At this point I was only taking 1 grain. Her interpretation was I'd been taking too much levothyroxine, never mind that if I reduced my dose to 150mcg or below I became really unwell with obvious signs of being hypothyroid.

I've given up on the NHS too on this. They won't prescribe what patients need and the labs won't do proper testing.

tegz profile image
tegz in reply to Jane104

A clear and damning critique of a self satisfied & unresponsive 'service', Jane!

msbernie profile image
msbernie in reply to Jane104

Pls share where you purchased your nature throid from online. Can you buy it without prescription?? Thanks!!

Jane104 profile image
Jane104 in reply to msbernie

Unable to share here, will message you.

Tiglet profile image
Tiglet in reply to Jane104

Hi Jane104, I'm new here. I've been on Nature-Throid since 2001. The only doctor that took my complaints of being "tired to the bone" seriously, was a doctor that prescribed Nature-Throid. After suffering for two years, I was feeling better after only a week on Nature-throid.

I've since moved away from the Bay area and while I decide on a doctor in my new location, hoping not to get the "it's all in my head" diagnosis, I decided to look into purchasing Nature-Throid online without a prescription.

Would you mind Messaging me about where you purchase yours online?

Thank You

joly4joy profile image
joly4joy in reply to Jane104

Hi Jane104 I am sorry to also be begging you to tell me where you can get Naturethroid online, but I must! After many years of not getting the correct or adequate or even ANY thyroid hormone prescription, I am FINALLY starting to feel that there is hope of having some energy for an actual life, since being prescribed Naturethroid. BUT after retesting my TSH , my endo wants to reduce my level of Naturethroid - she doesn't understand the mechanism of Type 2 hypothyroidism. I still have many of the hypothyroid signs and symptoms and actually she needs to increase it a bit, not lower it! I have been around the block too many years with this issue to have yet another uninformed doc mess me up again! Sooooo, please, would you tell me where I could get Naturethroid without a prescription? I need to not let her take me back to a life of misery with low thyroid! Thank you so much and I really appreciate your response message.

Jisland profile image
Jisland in reply to Jane104

Hello, I'm in the US can you please message me where you buy online :)

Belluthien profile image
Belluthien in reply to Jane104

Hi Jane104, I am also new here, and trying to find an online source for Nature Throid, one that does not require prescription. Can you please message me that info? I am in the USA. Thank you!


helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to Belluthien

If you wish to contact Jane104, I suggest you send her a private message (click on her icon).

Most people here are UK-based and have little more than a hazy idea about what is possible for those resident in the USA. Your legal restrictions are different to ours. I guess things might even vary by state?


Vvthyroid profile image
Vvthyroid in reply to Jane104

Please can you share with me too :-)

Dollydaydream profile image
Dollydaydream in reply to Jane104

Could you message me too please as in getting nowhere fast. 

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to Dollydaydream

Asking on a two year old thread is not the best way of making sure people see your request.

Post a new question and ask what you want to know.

Irunya profile image
Irunya in reply to Jane104

Could message me this info too where you purchased it. Thanks

Natwest94 profile image
Natwest94 in reply to Jane104

Hi! Please could you message me with this also??

Nkechi profile image
Nkechi in reply to msbernie

Pls provide me by message were to purchase NDT online.

Jane104 profile image
Jane104 in reply to Jane104

Post script 11/14: I've had a lot of response to this recently asking about buying ndt. I cannot respond here but I'm happy to answer PMs. Please note though, if you are in the USA the place I use seems to require a prescription. I have also heard they are not taking any new customers from the UK but I don't know if this is true.

Vvthyroid profile image
Vvthyroid in reply to Jane104

I would be most grateful if you could tell me where to buy nature throid. Can't get anything out my GP. Not even private prescription. Thank you so much.

Fola profile image
Fola in reply to Jane104

Jane104, Pls can u pm where u buy naturethyroid to me, am really desperate. Am currently on synthetic thyroid hormone, which is not working well as am not perfect yet, tanks

helvon profile image

I cant believe 61.4% of us self medicate wow!.

tegz profile image
tegz in reply to helvon

Who is the 'us', Helvon TUK? - if so, a lot of people..

in reply to tegz

No - only of the people who answered the poll - 71 people.

edysia2 profile image
edysia2 in reply to helvon

Yes, it is scary concept. We shouldn't have to self- medicate, that is awful <3

sandrad profile image
sandrad in reply to helvon

I believe GPs won't prescribe through fear of those they answer to but particularly due to the cost - it's cheaper for their budget to prescribe Levo. I think they worry what it would cost them if more people had NHS prescriptions. It's already proven Armour etc works.

JillBailie profile image

I pay for a private prescription from a private Endo. I still can't quite believe he agreed to prescribe Armour. ( He is adamant it may only be for a trial period to see how I do on it) My Gp is not keen to prescribe but said she will reconsider after a nine month trial period. I have just been taking Armour for a week and realise that nine months may not be long enough to show significant improvement. I am concerned that I will be kept on too low a dose but am keeping my fingers crossed on that issue! I feel positive and I am determined to make the most of this. I have been supplementing for four months to improve vit d, iron, B12 levels etc. This web site has been wonderful in that it has helped me to educate myself. The Endo is extremely patronising but if he keeps writing my Armour prescription I can put up with that! :)

tegz profile image
tegz in reply to JillBailie

You should be patronising him, Jill- after all we're all 'paying patrons' for the NHS!

Ladywell profile image

Dear Poll-Takers - THANK YOU SO MUCH for doing this poll and providing the pie charts etc! I will also see my endo soon and am going to take this to show her, am fed up with trying to appeal to her abnd my GP practice for closer attention to this issue as well as a bit of independent thinking. I have printed off the whole thing so she can see what others are going through as well as me! Please keep this poll going, keep updating the pie chart, and please ask others to take the poll and relate their experiences. This is important info! Thankyouthankyou!

rosiebones profile image

Reading the other replies I am shocked at how lucky I am. I was so unwell on Levothyroxine I asked my GP if I could try Armour and she said yes. My pharmacy gets Forest from a wholesale distributor. Early days but I am improving.

Polly7 profile image

I am not surprised to see most thyroid patients have to self medicate, it is a sad state of affairs that the NHS refuse to support patients.

I was on levo for seven awful years resulting in high blood pressure, obesity, high cholesterol and multiple ambulance rides to A&E. Dr Skinner prescibed Erfa NDT and i improved dramatically. I now buy NatureThroid without prescription from America and have bloods checked by private endo who says he has twenty patients doing the same but it's 'morethanhisjobsworth' to prescribe it, despite knowing it's working for us. Have decided not to return to any endo's and see a Nutritional Doctor if I need any help in the future. Did write to the Greater Glasgow Health Board asking why I cannot have it and am still trying to understand the reply. They were happy to prescribe liquid levo and T3 at a cost of over £150 a month and refuse NDT at £12 a month. I want the system changed as I am angry we are forced to go outwith the NHS.

soniam profile image

I had thyroid cancer and total removal 5 years ago. l also have AS (An Autoimmune Bone Disease) . I have been fighting for over four years to get an NHS prescription for ERFA as, like an awful lot of us on here, l have to buy off the internet. The thing that upsets me most is how some people can have it prescribed and some can't. I no longer have the luxury of my thyroid, but that reason is not good enough for my GP or Endo to even listen! To be honest, i'm worn out with it all, rant over !

soniam profile image

Oh, l forgot to add that my wonderful GP told me to leave the surgery, and move to another area and find someone that would help me! HELP ME!!!!! I can't absorb man made T4/T3 so without Erfa l would eventually die anyway! Great NHS we've got!

l apologise for this second rant but l get soooo damn angry with it all!

sandrad profile image
sandrad in reply to soniam

Hi Soniam, Agreed! I was told the same thing at my last surgery. Surgeries perform well statistically until some damn ill patients come through the door complaining they feel unwell and therefore being a nuisance. You'd think they could just get paid without having to put up with sick people coming in the door all the time expecting a proper diagnosis/treatment! I wrote to the SPSO (Scottish Public Services Ombudsman) and only then did they think I'd misunderstood the 'go away' and suddenly wanted to chat! Apparently in Scotland a GP is not allowed to refuse to see you.

waveylines profile image

Am so sorry to hear that Soniam but sadly i am not surprised. I self medicated for several years on Natural thyroid -my GP's acknowledged ti was the best for me but wouldn't prescribed so I moved practice and before I went I sought an agreement with the practice manager that they would prescribed Erfa -see post further up from me. Since then I have it on the the NHS -of course for how long I have no idea......sadly the NHS is a law until itself so if the GP's decide they won't prescribe it anymore I will be forced to seek help elsewhere....this is because the named patient basis means it is at their discretion. It seems these days your health has very little to do with your real welfare more about ticking boxes, getting their grants and giving you the cheapest but not necessarily the best or most effective medical care. For example they have hounded me for my over 50's check up because they want the money they will get for doing it.....not cos it is critical to my own health. If there is anything wrong with me they leave it entirely up to me to follow it up and make sure I see them......

annie2 profile image

Today I have been prescribed Armour on the NHS by my Endo. I have to pick up in a week or two and then pick up every 3 months. Let hope I start to feel better. I hope other people have the same luck as me.

I would love to try NDT if it were an option available through my GP. Taking Levothyroxine is like taking a rollercoaster ride to heck and back. :(

Lily_Munster profile image

Quick question, how to you order NDT from the internet/abroad without a prescription?

LouiseRoberts profile image

That would be another health professional! :)

Thanks for the comment though - all comments are helpful too!


birdonawire profile image

Hi, everyone!

I am very sick with Hashimoto's and I am taking Synthroid. I can't get the doctors to prescribe natural desiccated thyroid....and I am getting sicker everyday.

Is there any way I can buy desiccated thyroid online without a prescription and have it shipped to me in Canada? I don't have the energy to fight with the doctors anymore.

Please feel free to PM me.


Vvthyroid profile image
Vvthyroid in reply to birdonawire

I would be most grateful if you could tell me where to buy nature throid. Can't get anything out my GP. Not even private prescription. Thank you so much.

lynmynott profile image
lynmynottPartnerThyroid UK in reply to Vvthyroid

Hi Vvthyroid,

You could get it on private prescription by visiting a private GP - we have a list so if you would like this please send an email to enquiries@thyroiduk.org

Rodriguez_2547 profile image

I would like to know where's can buy nature throidvin us an like with no prescription

Kt24 profile image

Does anyone know any doctors who will prescribe this is Scotland!!??? Please private message me if you do!!