Has your GP tested your vitamins?: - Thyroid UK
Has your GP tested your vitamins?
Please select all that apply:
My consultant has mentioned doing Vit D test as I am symptomatic of Hypothyroidism, but blood tests are 'normal'! Only mentioned it in passing, hasn't actually ordered test.
never only for calcuim i did my own vitamin d b12 testing private
I asked my G.P if I could be tested and he said I didn't want to believe all the hype on the internet!
I have only had B12....asked for other B's as I fel my nervous system has been more than chllenged over the years.....GP looked to find that B12 is the only one that GP's can request, in our area anyway
Funnily enough, I have just had my Vit D and B12 blood test this morning, but only because I requested it after being advised by the lovely people on here - will be interesting to see the results next week - I will post them for advice.
I tried asking for vitamin and mineral tests as I've had issues lately they couldn't explain (I suspect adrenal issues, but again they doubt that), but my GP didn't see the need for them so best I got was them agreeing to full blood count which they claimed would show up an inconsistencies that would point to needing any of the other tests like for Vit D.
I do wonder how bad any deficiency would need to be to show up as irregularity on the full blood count though. What is the reasoning/circumstances for suggesting thyroid patients should get the above vitamin tests?
I paid for Vit D privately.
Although Zinc is not on this list, the GP I saw when asked said she did not know how I could get that tested!
Frankly if all their other testing results in being told you are normal when actually are at rock bottom of the range - what hope! other than saving some money then posting results here.
Had Nathan age 21, my son tested for B12 & vit D requested by myself so I was prepared before refaral to Dr Skinner. Nurse had never had request tests before, Nathan previously discharged from nhs mental health from age 8, medication stopped not tapered, been Hyper 2 year now, no one could help us even after begging, said Nathan not complying with meds, they put brain fog, ect down to canabis use. Bloods results from vit tests, PA had his two weeks of injections obviously was hyperthyroid like I told them, has also developed distonia in his face from stopping Abilify (aripriprazole) body also becoming painful, but nurologist wants to wait 6 month to see if it settles..........but said PA very rare for young man of his age! These people are letting my child suffer after misdiagnosis, all need awarness training soon to stop suffering of these desparate patients and their familys, sorry for rant!!!!!
Lisa, (a heartbroken mother)
I am so sorry your son has been unwell and you have had to deal with the aftermath of not being supported by the medical profession. You instinctively know that something is not right. I was told off by my then GP for suggesting my daugther age 11 could she have rheumatoid arthritis. She then had a massive flare up aged 23 and is now severly disabled with about 18 ops. Recovering from another this weekend by having an elbow joint replaced. So I can sympathise with you.
We rely on the medical personell to have more knowledge than we have but sometimes they fail miserably.
I do hope you are able to get some help from Dr S.
Best wishes
Good to see you've re-done this poll to allow people to choose more than one option! This will give a far more balanced result. Shame that the 'None of the above' option is still the most popular though...
My GP says I don't need any more tests as my TSH is Just within range. My fat hard legs, belly and neck are because I eat too much. End of story
Only tested because I asked for D, B12, Folates,Ferritin. I am low on all of them, but within 'normal ranges', so no treatment necessary according to the N.H.S.
B12 only tested due to my own request. GP had no idea why it could be relevant to my poor health. Tested a couple of years later by a specialist in relation to another (non-thyroid) health condition.
Vit D only tested when it became a new 'surgery policy' to test everyone that walked through the door over a certain period. Again, GP had no knowledge of any relevance to thyroid patients, and no understanding of how to treat if below the threshold.
I have never had these tested as I have never asked for them, BUT I don't think I should have to ask! I think, given my multitude of conditions and plethora of symptoms, they should have been tested as a matter of course. I have since asked about a vitamin D test and my GP thought it was a wise idea. I will be getting that done with my routine tests in 3 months time. I will also ask about the others and see what he says. I'll keep you updated
Of course I realise you may not have a choice but... If you go outside at all with exposed skin during the summer (and / or are already supplementing), then getting D tested in '3 months time' (which would be around August) is not ideal.
If you can, wait until summer has passed and the only way to get any vit D is through supplements (or holidays abroad... oh how we wish ). That way, you'll know where you are before we're heading towards winter. Then it can be tested again after you've been supplementing for two or three months to see if you're on the right track dose wise to see you through the worst months.
That is sound advice I am unable to go out in the sunshine due to photosensitivity (vampiric genes?) so I'm hoping this won't skew it too much, but taking the supplement will. I don't want to hold off on the supplement though because I just want to feel well. I realise the test in August is only going to show if my vit D supplements are on the right track so I may order the private vit D test to do very soon and then see if there is an improvement in August. I will ask for it to be tested again in the winter months too because this is definitely when I feel worst.
Vit B12, only because I kept asking, and found to be in lower part of the range. Had vit D tested privately.
Did my own VitD test privately. GP won't even do thyroid testing never mind anything else! Had to have thyroid tested privately too - came back showing hypothyroidism! Surprise! Surprise!
B12 at my request and Folic acid as advised on this forum. Vit D Refused but I paid B,ham clinic and found I was insufficient.
None of the others but I have taken supplements for many years.
I went to my doctor in 2001 complaining of an allergic reaction to some body lotion. He felt my hair and pronounced I had a thyroid problem. he did a blood test and put me on thyroxin which i have taken ever since increasing from 25 mg to 200mg over the years, never in that time have I seen any on other than my GP and I have never had any other tests. I was amazed when I came on this site and saw that people had been to hospitals seen consultants and had different types of tests. I just thought my experience was the norm and even when I have been back to the GP complaining of problems, I am told that the levels are normal.!!!!!!!! I really like my doctor but should I do something and if so what?
Hi Julie
The question is about testing? Is that what you mean? Your GP requested a multivitamin test?
Like others have said, GPs have been hopeless at vitamin testing or recognising need. Even after being agoraphobic for several years & "depressed" & cognitive problems & unexplained pain/weakness - got antidepressants & counselling. Eventually (3 yrs later) got B12 & vit D done by educating myself enough to know what to ask for & be able to put an argument forward for why I wanted them, relevant to my condition & symptoms. Both were way too low. Even then, advice to take a standard multivitamin to correct both was dire. Couldn't get ferritin tested until referred to endo & surprise surprise, too low too. GPs always argued that "low iron" would show in FBC. Would like to be able to excuse ignorance as just one GP but I've moved house twice & seen several gps in 3 different practices. Even the "nice" ones know very little.
'Would show in FBC' was what my gp had said of VitD/Iron other possible vit/min deficiences but I hadn't been sure if that is true/would always be the case.
Since you mention that I'm curious if you've see/read anything that would point to it not necessarily showing up in FBC or why those should be checked for thyroid patients.
It would maybe be also relevant to define if these bloods were taken after patients request - as some may never have been offered. unless specifically requested and we can see from the posts that even then, they can be denied
Only cos I'd done my homework here and on other sites and I asked.
I think it's disgraceful, but it seems to be pretty general.
Only on request did GP do B12 test ,he refused others said ask Eno to do them ? Im taking B12 Inections every other day nad feel so much better and alert
( privately ) Everyone with Mental Health problems should be tested for this and other Vitamin Deficiancies . Negelct Neglect from Iggnorant GPs
Vit D on request result LOW do not know how long I have been deficient. Vit b12 tested 'cause I'm anaemic but although lower end of 'normal' no advice about what to do was given. Take a supplement anyway now as hypo-t and to help absorption of iron. Don't think I have ever been tested for any other vitamin deficiencies but think I should be as a matter of course now because of hypothyroidism and being type ! diabetic.
Would not have made request for Vit D test if I had not been a member dhere and listened to advice given by other members. XXX
I have never been tested for these. Time to call the doctors I think
Never been tested for any of them only just the TSH im being tested on. Doctors say its all in my head and stop listen to internet and thyroid uk too x
Already on b12 injections - asked my gp to check vit D for years, being told they couldn't do it - on having blood test I mentioned to the nurse who said 'do you want this checked' I said please and hey presto results show low. 2 weeks later on vit d and colic acid, I am feeling better already.
Never been tested for other vita in 33 years since my op?

I am on B12 injections too. This year my GP said that it is not necessary for a blood test if you are on B12 injections. I definitely do not agree, otherwise I wouldn't have known my latest blood test was 391 when usually I am in the 1,000 range. No supplement sublingually.
i have just had a full load of blood tests plus vitamins that i request from my doctor after joining this site and seeing that there are so many people who suffer from the symptoms of hashimoto's disease even when they are on thyroxine, this site has been really helpful to me as i have suffered with hashi's for over 16yrs, and have felt really ill since Christmas, cold hands and feet, brain fog, shaky hands tiredness, weight gain,dry skin, loosing my eyebrows,muscle fatigue, hair loss, nails brittle and flaky, hard skin on feet, water retention.....blar blar blar, the list is endless, i know now that its not all about getting your TSH levels down its also about treating the symptoms that some people still have even with normal tsh results, i just want to feel normal, be able to get up in the morning and not feel so hung over..that's the way i can describe how i feel, i'm going to get a print out of my results and what i really need to know is what range all my test need to be in so i can work out whats going wrong as some doctors say your normal and within range but all ranges differ from doctor to doctor and also depends on what lab you had your blood sent to. can anyone give me advice and tell me what the ranges are so i can compare mine.
i asked, for vit tests, and was told ,only do them every 3 years,as they are expensive,but dont remmember ever having them done.
Tested for B12, Vit D (low), ferritin and follate - all at my request. Am now on Vit D + calcium prescribed by GP.
GP refused all requests for tests except TSH, as he said they were 'nothing to do with thyroid'. Did Vit D, B12, folate, ferritin myself through City Assays and Blue Horizon, thanks to info from this forum.
Vit D severely deficient, folate low, B12 low end of 'within range', feritin low end of 'within range'.
GP at first told me to get an over the counter multivitamin, then precribed 800ui D3 capsule and Folic Acid. Nothing for B12 or ferritin. When I asked him about calcium and Vit D, he said 'yours is all right'. I've never been tested. He admitted he knew 'very little' about Vitamin D, but showed no sign of wanting to learn or offering any apology for doubting me.
Levothyroxine fixes all, didn't you know? I've got a ton of that if anybody wants some.
Kanga x
Just heard from drs told to go and see them after I phoned and asked for these and T3 and T4 blood tests - That will be a NO then ! I will make sure I dont see the dr that reception told me to see as well.
I am so fed up with all of this today part of me thinks if I dont take my meds and end up in hospital maybe I will get the test then or maybe not.
1. cure A - smash head on nearest wall
2. cure B - have a drink or two
3 cure C - give up and go and sit on the naughty step
After all doctors know it all and best we know nothing!
Sorry really really fed up
Ohhh i totally understand this what you mean xx ive been fed up for 8 weeks off banging my head against the wall and getting fobbed off by the god damn doctors x
Sorry Karenb - fed up too, but we'll get there!
I like cure b! x

me too! i am fed up with their attitude and ignorance but the fight must go on .......intelligently!
Good luck every one, thank god for this site, i would be totally mad dpressed and probably would have lost the will to live!! if I hadnt come across it. Thank you thyroid uk and all people on here who understand totally, x
I voted yes to My GP ordering a Vitamin D. After taking advice from here I had the Vitamin D test done by the Birmingham NHS lab and found that I was severely deficient. When I sent the test results in to him he asked me to have a further test and also included Parathyroid and Bone profile. Hmmph! I somehow don't feel he should have the credit for asking me to have the test. You should see the fight I have to get a thyroid test!
My consultant tested my vit D twice over two years ago -found it was low treated -end of story......no periodic monitoring.No other vits have been tested.
Organised it myself as read about it on here. Mine came back very low so would never have known without this fantastic site
If GP's are just not willing to give testing for vitamin and mineral deficiency would it be dangerous to take these vit and mineral supplements anyway. If there is no chance of finding out (my GP just does not want to know). I've been put on 75 mcg Levothyroxine after being diagnosed 6 months ago and they feel they have done their duty. The practice nurse advised me to see the GP concerning my symptoms and I had to practically beg for blood tests as my GP told me I just needed to loose weight and I would then be able to sleep and feel better. The Test came back as me having Hypothyroidism and he told me I was lucky that he had realised it could be this!!!!
After upping the Levo to 75mcg from 50mcg over the past 6 months I have now been told they will send for me in 12 months and that is that.................... Would taking the vits and minerals cause any harm if I was not deficient?
I asked my GP to test my T3, B Vitamins and Vitamin D. I am on 25mg of Levothyroxine but have all the classis symptoms of hypothyroidism, to the point I'm not able to function properly most days. He refused me the T3 and Vitamin D tests, saying they are "expensive you know"! This despite knowing that my son's Vit. D had come back very low and he is on a replacement for the deficiency
If you are worried about your vit D levels but your GP won't test you can get a home test from vitamindtest.org.uk/ for £25
Then you can show him the results and say "I told you so!"
Carolyn x
thanks so much for that link Carolyn, much appreciated. I will definitely take the test, a small price to pay if it turns out it IS the Vit. D deficiency that's making me feel so lousy, and yes it would be great to be able to say "I told you so" although I think they have probably already flagged me as a troublemaker! They've already told me not to believe all I read on the 'net BUT without reading these kinds of posts I wouldn't have pciked up on my son's Vit. D deficiency and he has been REALLY poorly! (It was me who requested his Vit. D test too)
My GP has tested B12 & D but reluctantly. I think my B12 is low - GP disagrees, so I take a sublingual B12 I buy myself (and recently when I forgot to take it for a few days my carpal tunnel symptoms came back)
As for Vit D it was tested I was told the lab refused to do it. A few months later when I got copies of blood tests to take along to my first endo appointment there was a Vit D test with comments 'low' that the GP never brought to my attention. I am currently on a high dose of Vit D as recommended by endo but GP says she won't prescribe a maintenance dose after that so I will have to buy my own. I've just ordered my second home test kit from vitamindtst.org.uk and think it is well worth the £25 for my piece of mind!
GP has never tested my vitamin & mineral levels but when I used to go to the Royal Homeopathic Hospital, they regularly tested my vitamin D levels, which were consistently low for over 10 years... Because of this, I take vitamin D3 daily and will do for the rest of my days.... or another blood test that checks it, not holding my breath though!
I have never been offered vitamin tests. I asked for several tests after looking at the site, (thank you very much) but was only granted some of them. I have not received a printout of the results yet so not sure exactly what was tested but I do know that my vitamin D level was very low and I have just been prescribed Adcal-D3.
My doctor said she cannot test vitamin D because she desn't have a box to tick for it.
She also refuses to test anyhing like zinc, copper because she says trace elements are always ok.
My doctor also failed to diagnose asthma for several years. She is soon to be my ex doctor
Galathea I can sympathize with you, 20 years for an astma diagnoseis , 10 years for thyroid and who knows for the "other" servere auto imune symptoms! And I had to stamp my feet for the Vit d, ferritin and b12 tests, got results yesterday D3 around 40 so thats low, the ansewer is ... eeerm take tabs. Calcium checked prior and "in range" He cant tell me how much D3 to take so i am taking a stab in the dark and plumped for 800 aday
Hi leaf,
800iu a day is negligible and will take forever, if ever, to get your levels back up. You need at least 5-10,000 iu per day and then get your levels checked again in three months. Doctors/specialists all under treat D3 deficiency which is why there is such an epidemic.
Have a look at these links as i've written and posted further links within them:
Here is some more info from a very knowledgeable gentleman:
Getting your Vitamin D blood level above 100 nmol/L (40 ng/mL in USA) is one of the most important things that you can do
It improves your PTH levels within a few months - and also improves muscle & other pains
If your doctor will not provide tests, you can organise your own !
Go to: vitamindtest.org.uk or cityassays.org.uk or phone +44(0)121 507 4278 - This is the Pathology laboratory of the City Hospital in Dudley, Birmingham - They will charge you £20 in the UK or £25 outside the UK
They send you a do-it-yourself pack to prick your finger and put 4 bloodspots on some blotting paper - post it back to them and they will email you the results in a few days
Their results suggest that 50 nmol/L is “sufficient” but you should aim for between 100-150 nmol/L
To increase your Vitamin D level, you need to take 1,000 IU ( 25 micrograms ) for every 25 nmol/L that you want to increase
For example: Your result comes back 25 nmol/L
Your NHS doctor will tell you that this is “adequate” and no action is required
Assume that you want to reach 100 nmol/L:
- take 3,000 IU of Vitamin D3 capsules per day for 60-90 days and then re-test
Your doctor could prescribe 20,000 IU capsules from Dekristol or D3 Pharma - taking 1 per week will give you approximately 3,000 IU per day
The half-life of Vitamin D3 in the blood is 20-30 days - so you will need to take this forever to keep your levels boosted
The Safe Upper Limit is 200 nmol/L so you could take 5,000 IU capsules each day ( Experts say that they have never seen toxicity below 30,000 IU per day ! )
You can buy high strength Vitamin D3 capsules from most good Healthfood stores, or online - but check the strength of what you are taking
The only contra-indication is if you have Sarcoidosis, but you will already have been warned about this by your doctor
Read more about all this at:
Please post your successes or problems
Rufus Greenbaum
Thanks Silky - I thought it would take a while to raise levels (daughter deficient too) thanks for the figures

You're so welcome - happy to be able to help. Low D3 levels will also provide Fibromyalgia.
Try and soak in some sunshine if you can - does wonders for the skin too.
Silky x
I have just ordered a pack as i have been experiencing bone and joint aching so just to be on the safe side after such and awful year here no sun just rain :O((
Well done you! A reliable brand to buy is Healthy Origins easily obtainable on Amazon.
I normally buy the 5000iu and take two in winter and one every other day this summer. I wouldn't normally take them in summer if I was sunbathing regularly but this year has been a washout.
Keep us posted.
Silky x
i dont av ne faith really in any blood tests.
i had all the blood tests goin when i first had thyroid problems, they all came back normal. i had a needle biopsy in my thyroid which they say came bak normal.( wot they dint say till lata was the needle dint go in far enuff so really they got nothin.
i went in for a thyroid lobectomy in may 2000 on fri 13 july 2000 i wa told i had thyroid cancer , i went bak in in july for full thyroidectomy, and to this day my medication still isnt rite.
That's awful - on the other hand they panicked my saying it was poss cancer & took half mine out in case (a long 6 weeks) I don't think they can tell really from fine needle as they need the whole cells as cancer affects the walls I think. Have you been offered T3?
Well I said I would try for vits test results in now so far.
Vit B12 - 273 ( is it right rang is from 200-900 as normal)?
FBC - ok
await Vit B and Vit D
You may benefit from getting your vit B12 up a bit by taking an easily absorbed B vitamin supplement as it's near the bottom of the range. If your iron tests are also near the lower end it would be worth taking an iron supplement too. It's amazing how much better you can feel when iron/ferritin and B12 are at more optimal levels
Carolyn x
thank you - I am not surprised by the results as I was told in feb I have diverticulitis and fruit and veg are playing havoc along with red meat. so I have been living off toast chicken soup rice chicken a few peas on a good and orange juice! oh its so much fun - not
Oh dear! That's not a nice thing to have. It would be a good idea to get advice about vitamin/mineral supplements that would enable you to get everything you need without further aggravating your condition. If you are unable to tolerate red meat or fruit and veg you will probably find you have trouble getting enough B vitamins and iron. The diverticulitis may also be affecting how well you absorb what vitamins and minerals you do get in your diet.
There are other people on this site who also have conditions that cause problems with absorbing vitamins and minerals. It might be worth posting a question, stating your condition and what you are able/unable to eat to see if anyone can recommend particular supplements that would be easy to absorb and also provide everything you need.
I hope you find something to help you feel better soon
Carolyn x
I count myself very lucky that I have a great GP. He tests me often, but as well as hypothyroidism I also have diabetes and a few other problems. I have a history of pernicious anaemia, 'normal' anaemia and low folic acid, so I presume that's why he tests me so often & for so many things?
My GP told me he had tested my vitamins and minerals but when I asked for the results his cheeks went bright red from embarrassment and couldn't get me out his office fast enough. I then saw from my notes that he had been testing my TSH and fT4 but would not tell me that these were the tests he had run. When I insisted once again, he told me that they don't budget for vitamin test, yet he was ready to lie to me. Beggars belief!
My consultants have only tested my zinc, D3, B12 and am told that they cannot do copper or magnesium on the NHS. I was deficient in all three!!
Initialy got tested Vit D privately while doing other tests and was deficient. Later, after self medicating to up levels, I asked GP for test and was quite surprised (after reading comments on here) when he agreed. Endo requested that I got Vit B12 tested which I then did.
here is a useful questionaire to assess your own B12, and to get the doctor to help you if you need it. If the doctor won't help, as lots of people find, it is ok to supplement b12 yourself as you cannot overdose. You can get patches from amazon which are almost as good as a jab. I find this site a very useful one, and it is interesting to see the bbc documentary on this site. It is quite interesting that b12 is an issue with the nhs as it is very cheap and effective and yet doctors that use it have been persecuted by the GMC. Perhaps we are not profitable enough as cash cows if we beat the system and recover our health. I am a cynic!!
Me "Might I need my vitamins checking?"
Doc (from a distance of 6') "You don't look anaemic"
Reading these comments, I think I am lucky that my GP tested my Vitamin D and Vitamin B12. I was found to be vitamin D deficient with a level of 16 so now I take Adcal D3 tablets and am a lot better.
*BTW My GP told me hypothyroidism and vitamin D deficiency go hand in hand so you might want to tell your GP's that the next time he or she refuses to test you for it!*
Never had any vitamin tests. GP just does TFT that is all. They don't tend to like patients knowing more than they do unfortunately.
The only reason I have been tested for B12 and D is because I ASKED !! and sure enough deficient in D and low on B. I find the Solgar liquids/oils are the best supplements for everything. Anything prescribed in tablet form is full of horrible bulking fillers (I am intolerant) and anything that is better and more effective is too expensive to prescribe!!
I asked GP for a B12 test - but apparently not as HB fine?
I got my daughter to buy Pregnacare for me - no fillers or Vit A (I'm too old at 51!) also having low Vit D GP just said go to Boots!
My GP would only test for Vit. D, Vit. B12 and Serum Folate and this was when pressed. He did do a Full Blood Count that showed that my Red Blood Cells were too low and my White Blood Cells were low but in range. No action has been suggested.
Sadly vitamins/minerals don't make pharmas money (no bonus points for spa days for docs either)
ooh - I must be a cynic too!
If you can get them checked, fine- if you can't, take supplements anyway but first check on Wiki if it's possible to overdose (rare) J
I used to pop into my gp's and ask them for an MOT and service please and still to this day have no idea what it was they checked. Looking at everything in account the range is pretty high for vitamin D levels. Mine have come back low at 12 and all I was told was to take vitamin D which I did 1000 iu to be told when I moved doctors I should be taking at least 10,000 iu. The gp's since this government are in power are all about saving money as you can't get vitamins via prescription or so I am told.
My thyroid level is at 6.9 but that is withing the 10 range but the symptoms I am having are out of my range!
My GP as never tested for any vitamin Just TSH full blood count platlette which have been low cholesterol and diabetes Bllod pressure which is effected by how much thyroxin I am on !!!!!!!
I asked for a some test's to be done and was told "you don't need them testing" oh the joys!
I read a study somewhere (can't find it now) about where wearing sunglasses hindered the ability for the body to acquire Vit D. Apparently they found that the chemical process starts in the brain when you sit in the sun by messages sent through the eyes. This tells the brain to start producing melatonin to protect the skin and then start producing Vit D.
The study suggested that not wearing sunglasses whilst being in the sun was more advantageous for Vit D production.
I have read quite a bit of info on vit D and have not come across anything that suggests this is definitely true. If you do happen to find the study that you're referring to, I'd be interested to read it, so please come back and post the link
In the meantime, I'm more inclined to take notice of this PubMed abstract that strongly suggests a great deal of care needs to be taken with sunlight and eyes:
An epidemiological perspective of ultraviolet exposure--public health concerns.
Here's an extract:
For the eyes, to our current knowledge, exposure to UV radiation has only adverse effects. There is strong evidence that acute high dose exposure to UV radiation causes photokeratitis and photoconjunctivitis, while even low dose chronic exposure to UV radiation is a risk factor for cataract, pterygium, and squamous cell carcinoma of the cornea and conjunctiva.
Good for you #RedApple. Vitamin D is produced in the skin, not the eyes. It is a chemical reaction which combines the sun's energy with the cholesterol in your body. Contrary to what so many so-called experts tell us, cholesterol is a 'goody', not a 'baddy', so long as it is flowing freely in the bloodstream and not stuck to the walls of your arteries.
One reason why so many people are short of vitamin D is their 'good' cholesterol is too LOW. They are zapping it along with the bad. Plus, they are (wisely, to an extent) avoiding the sun. What is needed is a balance! Cover the eyes and the head when it's really hot, and take shelter at the hottest time. Winter in the UK you can spend a good deal of time with some of your skin exposed to the sun and not do any harm. In summer keep it to no more than a half-hour at a time, morning or evening. The darker you are the more effort is needed in the British Winter to get some sun on the skin - but not in the eyes!
I have had an underactive thyroid for 20 years and never even seen an endocrinologist!! The only test I have is for bloods once a year to see if my dose of levo needs amending. Why do you need to have the vitamins tested I have never heard anything about these tests
Hypothyroidism is generally managed by your GP, so if your thyroid condition is under control and you feel well, then you do not need to see an endocrinologist.
Likewise the vitamins. If you are feeling very well, then there's no reason to look for causes of ill health. If you are not well, then there are certain vitamin deficiencies that can contribute to, or even be the cause of poor health.
I'm getting the feeling i'm going to have to see an endo soon my thyroid levels have dropped even on 300mg so my doctor is putting me on 350mg. I constantly feel like im wading through treacle, anyone else is this position???
don't be sad of course there is cure for your disease, the problem is on you may be i mean treatment is in your hand :). daily walking in the morning half an hour and a proper nutrition would help you to get cure.try to take the food which contains zinc and selenium and dont forget to massage lower part of your thumb on the side of it,
thank you hope for you a good health
only given Vit D due to endo testing- and have to buy my ow 2000 iu per day.
Wow, after reading these comments I think my GP isn't as bad as I thought. I have been so many times I think thay got fed up of me so have done TSH, TPO, B12. Saw endo who did Vit D and synacthen test and T4 plus TSH again. Just had test for srojgens (not sure how to spell)
I have been gathering evidence this week and was going to demand they look back over all my tests and see what has changed over the last two years as still have ongoing issues but have to be honest and say I am not as ill as when all this madness began.
Hugs to all and keep going back until you get some joy
What I can see is that most docs are not interested mine is not interested at all and it makes me angry
I had been diagnosed being hypo after having amiorderone and cordorone, then having an ICD implanted 10 years ago. Not once was i informed that these 2 prescribed drugs could affect my thyroid!
Since being hypo I have put 4 stone on in weight, my G.P last year suggested i see a dietician when I was 12 stone. Dietician suggested I wasn't eating enough! Tried eating more, another stone......
It was only finding this site by chance have I realised that just having my TSH and cholesterol checked once a year is not good enough.
I've since been for the annual check TSH 1.9 (within range?) T4 15 (within range?) cholesterol 5.7 (no comment from G.P!) That it is common for these drugs to reverse T3!.
So i have now requested T3 to be checked (bloods to be taken next week).
When requesting this test to my G.P. asked if this affect of R>T3 continues after you stop taking it. He didn't know the answer!!!
He then suggested I take more levo (currently on 50 micrograms) I replied is there any point if I am not converting T4 to T3. G.P also suggested that hypo symptons are very simular to depression and hastily got me to fill a questionaire, then agreed it wasn't depression.
I then asked if it might be an idea for me to see an endocrinologist to have my hormones and vitamins checked, his reply, I'm sure your getting enough vitamins ( i had just told him i only eat one meal a day) any excess vitamins wouldn't be any good to you, you will just pee them out!
Lets see what T3 comes back at, wish me luck!!!!!
hello every one ....if you suffer from thyroid disease then your treatment is in your hand you just need to massage your lower part of your thumb on the left side, massage it softly with your hand you can also use olive oil or salt water or rose water or others to massage at least for 15 min and have a good health
#peaceful - do you suffer from thyroid problems yourself? Can you vouch for the efficacy of thumb massage? Does this work for both over- and under-active thyroid? And will it make my thyroid which has been removed grow back again? Unless it does, I cannot see any point in massaging my thumb.
I'm all for not pumping chemicals into the body unneccessarily, but I think that telling people this could be dangerous, as severely under-active thyroid can kill slowly, and severely over-active thyroid can cause heart attacks.
Another point - what if someone with thyroid problems does this massage and nothing happens? Is he/she to blame him/herself because of not doing it properly?
it took 3 years to find my depression ,exhaustion .etc. was hypothyroid. it took 1 year to regulate my levothyroxine, 2 years on i am still suffering undiagnosed pain weakness, seen several gps 4 consultants several mri , now i have a new doc SHE IS GOOD! checked all my vitamins full blood count, might even get to see a thyroid consultant! good luck everyone!
And? You say she's good but on what basis?
Its horrible but I'm glad Ive finally seen somebody else as ill as me. Im having horrible time of it.
All my bones,joints, muscle,anamic( got lovely black eye - sure the neighbour think Im being beaten up) tendons, no energy, hot/cold sensitive, lack of sleep or cant wake up, weight gain, exhasuted, depressedlymph nodes/glands are all up and very painful, thyroids pushing back into my throat with nodules and swells up, heart has now an extra beat and yet still I get carry on with this your not experiencing any symptoms. The results of your thyroxine level is normal. very low but still in the normal range. ARGHHH!
78% not tested but all add up to 110%? J
Wow given that there is a such strong link between Thyroid Disease & Coeliac Disease it's concerning that Doctor's aren't running tests for VitD & B12 which often indicate Coeliac Disease alongside the standard Coeliac blood tests i.e. IgA tTGA and IgA EMA serological tests
My doc thought that pretty much everyone in the UK was vitamin D deficient (he's Australian) but he did agree to a test, and I await the results. BTW, there does seem to be some connection between hypothyroidism and a vit. D deficiency which is why I had the test.
PS: It occurred to me that raised levels of chloresterol maybe connected to low levels of Vitamin D, as vit D is produced from chloresterol?
I had to pay privately for all vits and mineral tests. Lucky I did them though, I discovered deficiencies in iron, zinc, vit D.
Had both iron done both are on the bottom and have remained very low for over 5 years.. Have now got to take double strength iron to take and last blood test showed it still sitting on the bottom.
Have asked to check all vitamins but so far its refused. I cost too much so am on the superscrimp only if desparate test line.
After reading all these comments I feel that I am not alone,levothyroxine doesn't address my symptoms either & my dr. is the same as all the others mentioned even though hypothyroidism is in his own family & expects to end up with it himself! I do loads of supplements myself which he says are a waste of money except vit d as he thinks everyone in the u.k is probably deficient. keep thinking of going to dr peatfield but quite expensive.Still only one life eh?
Yes Ferritin,Folate with out me knowing and vitamin D because I begged for it. I had it done privately first of all and result was 45, I had it done again at GP's last month and results are now 83. I take 1000 iu per day.
went with list as recommended on here Gp said most American websites say these need doing.He went through the list and said either blood results don't suggest a problem or lab won't do them.So refused all.
He refused to check up on calcium and vitD as well even though I have been taking it for 2 years after being told I have osteopaenia after bone density scan and told by hospital to have levels checked after 1 year