If you are hypothyroid, have you also been diag... - Thyroid UK

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If you are hypothyroid, have you also been diagnosed with...?

lynmynott profile imagelynmynottPartnerThyroid UK271 Voters

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71 Replies

There is no option for none, so this is unreliable question, my answer is none

Kas65 profile image
Kas65 in reply to

Not sure I understand...would "no additional diagnosis" not have been the right answer for you?

Bumley profile image

Heart attack (followed by triple by pass)

Type 2 Diabetic


Reiters Syndrome (another autoimmune disease)

Could I have picked 2 options? ME and depression - actually I'm not diagnosed as hypo so prob shouldn't vote at all! (monster raving looney party please) sorry x

koalabear profile image

* Autoimmune thyroiditis i.e. Hashi

* Asthma

* Hypermobility (of joints)

damehypo profile image

Apart from being diagnosed with depression (who the heck isnt?) also plantar faciitis, GERD, (acid reflux) angina, and IBS. All so scary and painful. Was diagnosed hypothryroid around 8 months ago and it hasnt changed much!

feege profile image

Diagnosed with all the above and many other things prior to Hashi's...

anjie66 profile image

pernicious anemia intrinsic factor antibodies :-(

Flutegal profile image

Iron deficient Anaemia

PinkBear profile image

Anemia, asthma, arthritis, carpal tunnel, cyst, depression, panic attacks-was actually palpatations, fibroids, various veins, migraines..16yrs later hypo due to hashimotos

tizdoesart profile image

Uterine abnormality, PCOS and IBS. The gynae stuff was probably undiagnosed, masked by hypo symtoms, but the IBS is a definite new one. Have poor tolerance to wheat (specifically White bread), onions and oily foods.

Mahpootie profile image

Coeliac Disease. Then after 5 years they changed their minds.

parafluie profile image

I AM a person, I HAVE a hypothyroid problem. I am more than a diagnosis, disorder, disease. I AM means this defines me and I am possessive about it.

One wouldn't say "I am diabetes" or "I am cancer" or even "I am a sore throat" because we are separate entitities with hearts and lives and feelings and we look to live with these situations and have fulfilling lives as much as these problems envelope us and are forefront in our minds now.

It's psychologically important for us to have separation from conditions and our brains actually respond differently according to words. And such possessiveness about a problem can actually limit or slow your healing.

So, ladies and gentlemen, distance yourself from saying you ARE a disorder. Claim your healthy body (yes, it is difficult when this thyroid stuff seems to control our bodies and lives for now) and distance your inner being from it.

I have hypothyroidism. I have heart disease. I am happy. I am a mother. I am learning. :-)

fennel profile image

I have adrenal fatigue, and I believe a lot of hypo patients have this but the NHS does not recognise it even though it is stated in the pack of levothyroxine ( I have been told )that it it dangerous to take it if your adrenals are not good. I suffer with arrythmia, and palpitations on occassion but manage to control it with supplements and binned the cocktail of aspirin and beta blockers and statins prescribed. Beta blockers prevent the T4 from converting to T3 in the liver and should not be taken by hypothyroid patients.

AnneSykes profile image
AnneSykes in reply to fennel

So good to read your letter as I have similar problems & would be on Flecainide/ Beta Blockers etc etc if Heart team had there way. My heart is normal but have low adrenals during day - mild Hypertension & take Thyroxime 125 / 150 alt days. What supplements are you on as I too have intermittent arrhythmia & palpitations. Would appreciate any help.

fennel profile image
fennel in reply to AnneSykes

it is a rather extensive list! I take a natural desiccated thyroid medicine called thiroyd, which I have managed to reduce down to half a grain from 2 and a half, I think the diet and suplements have helped with this. I take 2 nutri adrenal extra, I should have been on more but the blood pressure was quite high. For the arrhythmia and palps I take magnesium (don't use it if your kidneys are bad) as a spray and also as magnesium malate, I can tell if I need more or less by how high the blood pressure is, and how tight my muscles feel, I get a 'twang' in my back. I take vitamin C, co-enzyme Q10, probiotics (I make kefir but when I 'm away I take capsules) a multi vit and mineral, vitamin D3 (see the vitamin D council) an oral spray of B12 (I used patches at first to bring up the level to the top end of the range) and iron. (spatone) I had my ferritin checked when I read on a blog that someone found that low ferritin caused arrythmia, and mine was 40 which the GP thought was fine, but I believe it is necessary to get it to around 90. On top of that lot I take whatever else I can by way of short courses, or powders in my kefir smoothie. I try not to eat any grain or sugar and the alternative food is much more nutrient dense. I made my own blood pressure medicine from hawthorne berries and vodka, recipe on youtube, and take a few drops in water or the kefir smoothie regularly. I use himalayan salt for the minerals, it tastes really good. I have tried to come off the nutri adrenal lately but found I could not as yet, but will try again in a few more months as I am improving all the time, it was 2 years ago I was on the coronary care ward when I got arrythmia for the first time. There are some things that can cause arrythmia, one of which is sulphur preservatives, as in dried fruit (meusli). If you research extensively online you will get lots of information. I believe it is lack of nutrients with me, even though I had a fairly good diet compared to most people I still needed more. I have recently bought some enzymes to try out, they are supposed to clear the arteries. I don't think I have a problem with furring up, just thought I would try them out anyway

fennel profile image
fennel in reply to fennel

forgot to mention the fish oil, I take 2 capsules of omega 3 oil.

AnneSykes profile image
AnneSykes in reply to fennel

Phew - a lot to consider & thanks so much for info - what is kefir? I do take Mag Taurine & some of the supplements you mention but need to do more research as you suggested - especially on foods because I often get Arrhythmia after lunch.

fennel profile image
fennel in reply to AnneSykes

could it be that you are sensitive to caffeine, as I am and don't drink tea and coffee any more. it takes 3 weeks for the caffeine to leave the body, so you need at least that long caffeine free if you decide to test it out, and give it up very gradually to avoid withdrawal headaches. Kefir is a way of fermenting milk much like yoghurt only its a bit better. You need a culture, it looks like tiny cauliflower sprigs, and it is put into milk at room temperature for 24 hours, then the kefir is made. You strain it out and re-use the sprigs with fresh milk. I use the resulting yoghurt for a smoothie with a banana and have it for breakfast. Fermented food is very valuable as chlorine kills the friendly bacteria in the gut, and we depend on the friendly bacteria to protect us from pathogens and also to produce nutrients like B12.

A cheap way to get mineral supplements is to make your own home made stock for soups and gravy. I put bones into my crock pot, and a desert spoon of vinegar along with the water and carrots onions and celery. You can put herbs and spices into it too and it is a handy way to use them for health benefits. Brew it up for a couple of days. The quality of bones is important so try to get free range if you can.

If you get problems after your lunch maybe your tummy is a bit too full and it might help to have smaller more frequent meals, as I have found this.

Hope some of the suggestions may help you.

SilkyJ profile image
SilkyJ in reply to fennel

fennel, would you mine sharing where you get your Celtic Sea salt. Much appreciated. SJ

fennel profile image
fennel in reply to SilkyJ

I got some french grey sel de mer, hand harvested sea salt from ile de noirmoutier, by bart. Bought from ocado. I find ocado brilliant for organic veg and fruit as well, and they are doing a £15 discount in my area for first time customers.

I get himalayan pink salt from yourhealthfoodstore, which is local to me but also does online. I actually prefer the taste of the pink salt ,(the pink is iron, and I'm anaemic) but I should think they are both good, and I use both sorts. Both contain a full spectrum of all the minerals.

shaws profile image
shawsAdministrator in reply to AnneSykes

I have no palpitations now that I am on Naturethroid - hypoallergenic dessicated.

fennel profile image

I forgot to mention that I believe I am celiac, but the test was negative. If I eat gluten I swell up and feel dreadful. I am on the paleolithic diet, and find it is very good for keeping well.

thyriodpest profile image

I had 'Sarcoidosis' second stadio from 1998 until 2004... they say its gone now..but has left me with many other problems. Also GERD...


I've just been diagnosed with hypothyroidism and am on day five of Levothyroxine.

My other chronic medical problems are:


Sinus tachycardia

UCTD (Sjogren's disease & ?LE)

Lungs: extrinsic allergic alveolitis and possible underlying Interstitial Lung Disease, still under investigation


Inflammatory alopecia

Vitamin D deficiency (was <6, slowly climbing towards normal on supplements)

shaws profile image
shawsAdministrator in reply to

I, too, had sinus tachycardia but it went when I got meds that suited me. I am having my third bout of alopecia areata and have had two sets of steriod injections for the first two. It worked very well and in May this year one of my friends said 'I have never seen your hair so good' By June, the usual process began and has continued now for three months and, at the moment have very little hair. At least I console myself it is not due to cancer treatment and I am hopeful it will rejuvenate soon.

I am sorry you have so many other autoimmune conditions and hope some of them will improve.

I know I have depression and I do not wish for it to be treated, simple fact is there are side-effects which I would rather do without. I think I might apply to go on Embarrassing Bodies on C4 to address my facial expression. People don't warm to me simply the fact I don't carry the right face.

sisa1975 profile image

had thyroid cancer and now also been diagnosed with vitamin B12 deficiency

Haydn profile image

I have had vitamin B2 deficiecy but not I can only describe myself as a very confused thyroid diagnosis and all I know is that my thyroid is overcative Bu alas it will never get me down and I will always be me as my daughter's would not want me any other way, plus I like the person I am and as long as I have breath in my body I will always campaign for the better lifestyles for everyone

littlemissfun profile image



Gilbert's Disease

MCMC profile image

I was diagnosed with vitamin B12 deficiency (pernicious anemia) approx 3 months after being diagnosed with underactive thyroid

i have problems with IBS, have osteo arthritis in my hip and wrist, the stiffness in the morning seems to be getting worse as I get older, having physio and doing exercise, but I always feel tired in the morning as if I haven't been to bed and always aching.

was diagnosed over 30 years ago with curvature of the spine, had really bad periods up to about 7 years ago when they offered me a endometrial ablation which has helped a lot, now hardly get any period, think I now have the start of the menopause, have been having hot flushes on and off for about a year. still have the cold feet/hands, mostly at winter. never been offered any other diagnoses linked with my hypothyroidism

Marz profile image

Diagnosed with Crohns Disease in 1973 - Hashimotos in 2005.

i have vitiligo, hypothyroid, fibroids, recently diagnosed with asthma and urticaria both started 6 months ago, antibodies tested positive but not sure what kind of thyroid dis i actully have,dr has just raised my levothyroxine up to 75mcg.

waveylines profile image

I have vitiligo in addition to hypothyroidism. i am sensitive to grains etc and become bloated, get stomach cramps, indigestion and acid reflux if I eat them but not been diagnosed with Celiacs ( also eating grains and I put on weight -not eating them helps me to maintain my weight...sorry digressed!)

Totoro profile image

PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome)

Carla-La profile image

@alexandra Me too with the PCOS but also have asthma (life long) psoriasis

(2/3 years ago and restricted to scalp and small areas on my body)

sleepysaoirse profile image

psoriasis, PCOS, IBS, recurring labyrinthitis and Sinusitis, anxiety attacks and depression, that's the stuff I've been diagnosed with. I was born with Lactose intolerance that is now bothering me again (even though the doctor says it couldn't be!) Sensitivity to gluten, exhaustion and painful joints and muscles!

littlemissfun profile image

Posted back in October with Hashi's, Gilbert's and Depression, and now its end of march and I'm adding ME, Vit b12 deficiency (246), Vit D deficiency (27) and degenerative discs in my spine. Its been a really crappy few months!!!

Fed up of feeling bloody awful all the time and docs not being able to do anything and not referring me on to specialists - Can't go to ME clinic apparently till my vit d is treated, can't go to Endo as GP feels they can manage it, Back doc has just left open appt for 6 months and order to exercise to strengthen core (have no time to do this as work and have 3 kids) and b12 they have no idea why i'm deficient as no antibodies found so there plan is just to keep treating for now, bloody mouth ulcers have started up again (thats how i suspected b12 def in first place) and i'm not due top up jab till May! Rant over, just very tired, depressed and fed up with the whole crappy thing

PR4NOW profile image

Thyroid hormone resistance, self diagnosed with Dr. Lowe's website for reference.

nikirushka profile image

I was diagnosed with depression 4 years ago - I know now it was down to my thyroid but at the time I was unaware.

I have also been diagnosed with gastritis and IBS, both based on symptoms only and also years ago.

I may be about to be diagnosed with diverticulitis - but at present this is just the most likely diagnosis (waiting for a referral appointment).

I was diagnosed with depression with psyhcotic features 9yrs ago, and hypomobilty, arthretis, raynaunds about 3 yrs ago

since been diagnosed with hypothyroidism is having ovian cyst and ibs..

PinkNinja profile image

Schizoaffective disorder rather than depression but depression is a major symptom as I have the depressive type. Also arrhythmia, bradycardia and raynauds. I have also been tested for lupus and RA but tests were not conclusive. GP wants to keep testing annually though as he seems to think I may have these conditions. I think thyroid is more likely!

Funnily enough, ALL my other conditions are better controlled when my thyroid is appropriately treated, including my epilepsy, eczema, asthma and allergies, and vertigo (yes, I am falling apart!). Surely this can't be coincidence!

Poltock464 profile image

Just been diagnosed as hypothyroid but I have traced symptoms back through my life and am convinced that it has been with me for possibly 40 years. For the last 15 years or so , when tested, my thyroid levels have been "within the normal range". I have a half sister who is much younger than me and from whom I was estranged for many years but she tells me this week that she has been hypothyroid since she was 26 (now 43) I am 60 I have type 2 diabetes and have been treated for osteoporosis. My menapause started at 34 and anyway I was unable to conceive before that. I think that I have some intolerance to wheat and have to eat the last meal of the day at about 4p.m. because of chronic indigestion at night. My eyes are dry and my voice is hoarse by the end of the day. I have seen a specialist about tunnel carpel syndrome.

I have had re-curring bouts of clinical depression all of my life and was prescribed tranxene for about 15 years because of panic attacks and anxiety. Two years ago I was forced to give up work because of what the doctor described as a psychotic episode that lasted for several months. I was hallucinating and experiencing very frightening feelings of paranoia for which the doctor wanted to prescibe lithium. I resolutely refused but agreed to see a psychiatrist who I have to say was no help whatsoever. This condition subsided after a long convalescence at home and daily sessions of self hypnosis and meditation to quieten my mind. I am stable now but am permanently exhausted and suffer from swollen ankles/feet and aches/pains in the majority of muscles in my body. I am going deaf in both ears and have been prescibed with a hearing aid.

I started medication five days ago - Levothyroxine 25m rising to 75 next week. My TSH is 18 and I have just asked for a printout of the full blood test.

My endrochrinologist tells me that there is no link whatsoever between hypothyroidism and diabetes type 2.

shaws profile image
shawsAdministrator in reply to Poltock464

Dr Lowe has said that people who are undertreated/undiagnosed may well develop diabetes, heart disease or other serious conditions.

Dr S says that many people are diagnosed with psychiatric conditions when it is really the thyroid that is the problem. Your brain has more T3 cells than any other part of the body, although every cell (billions) needs T3 in order for your body to work efficiently.

There is also a connection to depression.

Scarfred profile image
Scarfred in reply to shaws

Could you please tell me who dr s is? I was so ill in 2008 I presented my self at the local A&E. They sectioned me under the MHA(mental health act) then told bipolar, which I knew I wasn't. Due to experience of the illness. 10 days later diagnosed GRaves.

shaws profile image
shawsAdministrator in reply to Scarfred

I will private message.

ladydawny profile image

Many years depression switching with no additional diagnosis

then ME, then ME and fibro

all of the above so really.

hugz Dawnx

ladydawny profile image

Sorry not allowed to have thyroid hormone resistance :P lol sorry hunni, of course you do. It makes me laugh, we can be insulin resistant because it suits the allopaths but not TH resistant.

I suffering from pooling and other problems at the moment due to iron deficiency and other nutrient deficiencies, had panics from hell last week, wanted to die, ah well, thank God they didn't call the Dr they would only have called a shrink.

luv Dawnx

shaws profile image
shawsAdministrator in reply to ladydawny

Are you on sufficient thyroid meds as I thought that when you were on optimum meds that they resolved. Hypothyroidism and panic attacks usually go hand-in-hand with hypo



ladydawny profile image

Hi shaws

if only I were that simple I would have been better 3 years ago. I was on 3 grains when I got restless legs. The GP wsn't overly bothered about my low iron, however what is really under rated is what can happen with deficiencies and low cortisol treatment too.

This went hand in hand with low iron and pooling of the t3 in the blood :O Then advised that t3 would resolve the restless legs and even a small dose of that with the iron pills over a few days together with some stored TH sent me over, I also suffer from low adrenal reserve which really makes it complicated. After refraining from T3 for around 3-4 days I started to calm down. I am still existing many days later at a steady temperature from that TH which was pooled in my blood. Although now I am having bad days due to the strain all this had on my adrenals.

I used to read the bellaonline articles all the time thanks for the links. This is good one.


Never anyone underestimate deficiencies please it could help you immensely. I underestimated them.

luv Dawnx

shaws profile image
shawsAdministrator in reply to ladydawny

I agree, we really don't understand the connection between vitamins and minerals.

ladydawny profile image
ladydawny in reply to shaws

I know shaws, we do see so many of lacking vital nutrients though don't we? Slow gut absorbtionndue to hypo? Medication for reflux or other antid meds? All sorts to consider isn't there? I used to be on a forum with the author of Bella online there years ago he was a great help to many, really reasearched hard. Wonder if he is still writing? He left the forum to do Bella but I cannot find that forum any more now anyhow, nor have I seen anything from Jim for a long time. Hope he is well. Darn I hope all of us get well shaws :)

shaws profile image
shawsAdministrator in reply to ladydawny

I am fortunate at the moment and am well. I am on Naturethroid now. I was on Erfa but after about 4 months I began to get palps again.

I don't know why everyone doesn't get the opportunity on the NHS as it would probably save them a lot of money in the end, what with undertreated/undiagnosed thyroid problems leading to other diseases etc thus causing even more money wasted.

ladydawny profile image

And sorry but when people are having severe thyroid surges statements like this one really get my annoyance levels up

''Learning not to fear anxiety symptoms is an aspect of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and I have information in my articles on this method.''bellaonline.com/articles/ar...

msspjs profile image

Have Dyverticulities plantar faciitis, IBS, Had hystorecyomy Many throat infections. Now been told my Goitre is pressing on my nerves, feel like I'm being strangled and can't get my breath.

shaws profile image
shawsAdministrator in reply to msspjs

It is reported that many women have ops which may have been unnecessary if they had had a thyroid problem diagnosed earlier. It is all down to the TSH being used as a diagnosis and not listening and taking details of people's clinical symptoms.

I hope your goitre problem is solved soon as it sounds awful.

Best wishes

msspjs profile image
msspjs in reply to shaws

Hi Had new test last week my levels are very low again and GP upped my dose to 150 grams a day. Have had bad cold, yet another throat infection, had to take 2 days off work. Going away this week and hoping I will be ok while away. Still waiting for scan on my throat to see if I do have an enlarged Goitre. I will have to admit to not understanding all the T1,2, 3's etc.

shaws profile image
shawsAdministrator in reply to msspjs

I didn't know anything about the thyroid either. The billions of cells in our body need thyroid hormones to operate everything and the technical name for these are shortened to T4, T3, T2 and T2, they also need calcitonin. This is a link

Hope your scan goes well.


Flamey profile image

I have Hypothyroidism, Psoriosis & Psoriatic Arthritis (I think all three are the result of autoimmune reactions). Hoever I did injure my throat about three years before I was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism so I think my Thyroid Gland could have been damaged at that time. For the Hypothyroidism I take 150mcg of Levothyroxine daily but still have many of the original symptoms. In a recent blood test my TSH was below the normal range, the GP was not concerned, but I was, becuase I had also had the results of a full blood count that day, I knew that my FSH was also below the normal range. I was concerbed that the results of two Pituatary hormones were below the range. The GP did not seem concerned though. I rarely get to see the same GP because the practice works on a first come first serve appointment basis, so I just see whoever I can but I then have to explain everything each time and there is little continuity. I also seem to have a wheat or gluten intolerance. I was tested for Coeliacs but I was told that they had lost the results, then they found them but they were negative. I still have extreme bloating & discomfort but no explanation. I also have very dark facial hair growth, that did not responsd to laser hair removal (the beautician advised me to see the GP about it because the growth pattern appeared to be hormone related) all the blood tests were apparently normal & I was just told it is idiopathic so they would not be looking into it further. They said that the blood test for polycystic Ovaries was also negative. I also have fatigue and find it a struggle to get up in the morning because i feel so tired. More recently I have had cystitis/kidney infection type symptoms but no infection. The blood tests and 24hr urine test were ok but a dipstick urine test in the surgery showed a trace of protein but again the GP was not concerned despite my persistent and painful symptoms. I am very tired of having to go back to the GP and asking for further investigations. They seem happy to just leave me as I am and not make further investigations. On the plus side, a friend is training in Reiki so I offered to be a guinea pig and that seems to have helped my bladder issues and joint pain.

digby profile image

diagnosed with depression and fibromyalgia PRIOR to Hypo

boing profile image

I also have palpitations: benign ectopics and other annoying arrythmia.

Scarfred profile image
Scarfred in reply to boing

Me too any answers. Now desperate .

Vonnievisa profile image

Anxiety, panic attacks, depression, getting more severe allergic reactions to potassium now also! Very short of breath la la la .......

dawnc profile image


primary biliary cirrhosis

low vit d

Polaris profile image

I was originally diagnosed with heart problems, high cholesterol and high blood pressure before asking for a thyroid test 13 years ago. I have since been on 150 mcg of levothyroxine (as recommended by Dr Skinner) and at 73 years of age would say I am in better health generally than most people of my age. My cholesterol normalized and blood pressure is much lower but i take a tablet of garlic, hawthorn and olive leaf for good measure. I've also found that I have more energy for walking and gardening since taking selenium and zinc every day.

cec57 profile image

Along with hypothyroidism I have been officially diagnosed as having the following conditions

Low B12 (receiving jabs)




low blood pressure



Hypermobility syndrome (EDS 3) which carries a massive list of symptom, which are to long to list here, though a lot of them are very similar to low thyroid and low B12 symptoms.

antiphospholipid syndrone (APS)

lilliput profile image

CFS and depression

Lettie999 profile image

Hi, additional diagnosis of Undifferentiated Connective Tissue Disease.

Hughes-Comrade profile image

Hughes Syndrome