I have had IBS for 2 years. I am on permanent ... - IBS Network
I have had IBS for 2 years. I am on permanent Colofac. I have never had a blood test, what would a blood test prove? Thank you.

Sorry, kerrym212, I have mis-led you. When I read other IBS sufferers blogs, they all seem to have had a blood test. My doctor has never offered me a blood test, and I am wondering whether he should have offered me one. I keep wondering why have other IBS sufferers had their blood tests. Hope this clarifies. BTW thanks for your answer.
Normally they would do blood-work in the early stages to eliminate any other possibilities. IBS is usually a diagnosis through excluding all other causes! I have blood taken every six months anyway to keep track of anemia and a few related health problems.
I would definitely have expected you to have had blood/urine/stool tests before you get a diagnosis of IBS, just to be certain there is no other cause for health problems!
Yes, IBS seems to be diagnosed by excluding other diagnoses. Therefore it is reasonable, after so long, to have tests done. A blood test would exclude caeliac disease, thyroid problems and vitamin B deficiencies. I think you should have them, unless you are well controlled on your medication. In this caseyou probably suffer with spasms in your colon.
the blood test rules out any other things such as gall stones and lots of other things that could be wrong ask your doc for a camera procedure that rules out any thing serious i have had them and ultra sounds scans x rays they cannot find any thing wrong yet i am in agony all the time with tummy cramps
My doc did send me to the hospital to rule out cancer about five years ago but the IBS came on about two years ago. He feels it is 'only' IBS. I find it difficult to ask him to give me more tests. However, I shall approach him about a blood test when i go for my next prescription. How do you try to control the tummy cramps? I ask because tummy cramps are one of my main problems.
Hi roonie, after suffering for over 2 years went onto soya milk and lactose free food. Found this a huge help, most unexspected. On coeliac uk advice not doctors or hospital coeliac clinic. So lets hope you find a simple solution for a tricky condition.

Hi osborne,
Thanks a million. I put my self on soya milk about two weeks ago and the cramps have subsided. Problem is, I don't know whether its the twice daily colafac, or the lack of cows milk. This IBS is VERY tricky. Its been great 'talking' to other sufferers, if you know what I mean. I'l give the situation another week or so, and then try and reduce to one tablet a day, then see is the cramps return. Thanks.
In my case its sometimes wind and I take Windeeze tablets which help.
My IBS has changed recently. 15years ago I was always constipated, now its diarrhoea.
I think I got the tests because the symtoms changed.
Ive had long periods with no symtoms but my present problems have lasted 4 months.Im going for some scans next monday ( again to rule out other diagnoses) and then I may have to have a colonoscopy.
PS When I had bowel cramps I found amitripyyline taken at night helped.
Thanks. I will take note and try amitripyline when the cramps return.
Amitripyline had opposite effect on me, 1st night restless also 2nd night so left well alone. Suppose ok if it helps. Still get a bit of discomfort but mostly fine. No mediction taken for it now still on soya and lactose free. Had the odd chocolate piece otherwise keep away from other treats. Apples dont help so a no no.
I'm still on the soya milk and the colofac. You're lucky that you are off the medication. I'l give it another week on full medication and then try reducing. Have you ever eaten fresh figs for the constipation? BTW, I reckon that speaking to you guys is a help. No help anywhere else!
has any one had a ultrasound test ! ! valb thanks, where would you get amittripyline ,is it a pain killer,
hi val, Its a type of antidepressant which if given in a low dose is suppose to help dull pains and let you cope with condition. Its prescribed by doctor. Sometimes advised for migrain headaches, the dose is gradually increased....later decreased to discontinue. it helps some.Yes my ultrasound test was ok, results help guide doctor in your care.
No, never had an ultrasound test. Had a barium test, which I think is to detect any cancer.
i had an ultrasound to basically rule out any other problems, that along with bloodtests that all came back negetive for everything else means i DO have ibs - i stopped taking amittripyline because i couldnt get out of bed whilst using them, knocked me for six! colonoscopy is the next step - dont know what exactly they look for or how they treat it but having to take days off work due to pain & runs & not going out because i cant rely on a toilet nearby is ridiculous