Two toned poo colour : Hi all, I hope everyone... - IBS Network

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Two toned poo colour

Macca1utd profile image
3 Replies

Hi all, I hope everyone is doing well.

I have still been suffering with the same pain and discomfort for the past 8 months now, maybe longer. At the moment I feel very constipated, I am not passing much during my toliet trips.

Since not being able to pass much stool, I have noticed that the little stool I do pass is a two toned colour. Some stool is very light to pale brown and some is of normal colour. I was wondering if anybody else on here has or is experiencing the same thing?

I find it very strange because before this started I was having very loose stools along with the bad belly pain and now I'm experiencing this constipation feeling with the same pain but with two toned coloured stools?

Thank you.

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Macca1utd profile image
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3 Replies
stacem1987 profile image

Hi Macca1utd!!

Yes this can be normal for IBS sufferers! There are so many symptoms and a wide range of problems that you can suffer with.

Changes in your diet can cause this to happen, stress, anxiety or even medications that you may be taking for IBS. Has your IBS been formally diagnosed? Have you seen a gastroenterologist? Have you seen your GP about the recent change in bowel habits? Had stool sample analysis? Bloods? Colonoscopy and/or endoscopy?

If the answer is no to any of these then first port of call is your GP. They will make appropriate referrals, get you on medication that may suit you better and do any tests you need.

Any changes should be reported to your gp as they can signify other things but most likely it is indeed that you have mixed IBS rather than strict D or C!

I've had IBS since I was 14 and I'll be 36 next week! They are still performing tests on me and believe that mine is now down to a new disease that also affects your immune system. So you never know really!!

Go see your gp for sure they will help!

Good luck and best wishes

Macca1utd profile image
Macca1utd in reply to stacem1987

Hi stacem1987,

Sorry to hear you have been suffering so long with you're ibs.

Yes I have had a colonoscopy, endoscopy, ct scan, poo samples, blood samples and a ultrasound. All have come back fine, apart from a hiatus hernia which was discovered during my endoscopy.

I have actually been for an abdominal xray today which was ordered by my gastro.

I have had this issue non stop everyday for the past 8 months or so, I cant remember a day pain free to be honest. It's a nightmare!!

I currently taking buscopan but it doesn't seem to be doing much anymore, nor does the colofac. My gastro wants to check my stool samples out and my xray and he said if everything's fine he is going to put me on some amitriptyline.

My anxiety and stress has been sky high over these past 8 months and the two toned poo colour has made me a little more anxious.

I hope you're ibs isn't causing you to much trouble and I hope they get to the bottom of everything for you.

Thanks for you're reply.

stacem1987 profile image
stacem1987 in reply to Macca1utd

Hi Macca

I was on amitriptyline for years but I had an heart attack last year and it conflicts with the medication I now have to take because of that. Its a medication they do use for IBS and it worked for me for a long time along with zapain (a form of cocodamol) and diazapam.

I now have a number of health conditions and a wider range of symptoms after having a hysterectomy. I suffer mixed IBS and always have done. I have bouts of D for prolonged periods then just switch to C for absolutely no reason.

As long as you have been diagnosed and you are in contact with your GP and they are looking into things I wouldn't worry about the two tone stools. I don't think it actually means anything serious. Try and increase your water intake - or clear fluid intake. Start a food/drink and medication diary and include your general mood for that may help you identify some triggers.

I have abdominal pain on a daily basis too, so I can definitely sympathise. It's not nice or easy. Try cutting a single food from your diet and see if that bread for one week and see if that helps then try getting rid of fried food, then spicy foods. Hopefully that may help.

As for the stress and anxiety your gp can refer you to hypnotherapy or will probably recommend pain management clinics or even meditation...I have done them all along with all the tests. Along with seeing dieticians, nutritionalists and sleep specialists.

I'm now being tested for immune system difficiencies, nerve damage and rheumatoid issues due to generalised wide spread pain but the abdominal pain continues even though I've had a total of 9 abdominal surgeries including 3 laproscopies for investigations and a total abdominal hysterectomy and an appendectomy (they almost burst!)

Buscopan does work for me but I do have to take the full 8 per day along with diazapam and slow release morphine to help control the pain. I also take paracetamol 4 times per day to help control my general pain and my abdo pain.

I have been on several medications from peppermint oil, spasmonal, coloflac and numerous others over the years but since my heart attack my ibs has been as bad as ever.

I hope they get you sorted and get it all under control and it doesn't drag on for as long as mine has!!

Good luck!

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