Constantly burp after food. Is there anything I can take to help this?
Burping: Constantly burp after food. Is there... - IBS Network

Take small mouthfuls of food and chew until (your jaw aches) it is all churned to pulp and then swallow. Do not drink fizzy drinks at all. The above works because if no air goes in, no air can come out. (Or very little, anyway)
Will try anything please don’t worry
Do you drink fluids before or after meals? If you have a drink within 30 mins after a meal you can water down your gastric juices, giving them less potency to do their work which can create indigestion. I used to get a lot of gas after meals until I learned to have a drink before a meal or at least 30 minutes after a meal. Hope this helps.
Hi does this include wine etc
I'm not sure about that one. I've just found this article which talks about alcohol. It also refutes my theory about
I just found from personal experience that drinking watery liquids straight after a meal used to cause burping. The article says that your body should adapt by producing more gastric juices and enzymes - perhaps in my case (and maybe others) this isn't happening - not sure. With all things with IBS everything is trial and error i.e. make a change and see if you get any improvements.
Don’t have a drink as I have an under active thyroid which often means low stomach acid.
I have had 18 months of this but now know its a hietus hernia causing it.
Avoid foods that stimulate GERD, particularly chocolate.