The British Society of Gastroenterology have u... - IBS Network

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The British Society of Gastroenterology have updated their IBS Guidelines

Fencinggirl profile image
24 Replies

This is the first time the guidelines have been updated since 2007. Would be interested to know everyone's thoughts.

Text can be found here:

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Fencinggirl profile image
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24 Replies
Readmeastory profile image

I just read the article although long I did skip to the constipation more for me no wonder doctors no very little about the illness . But the tablet I was on and helped ease the pain lidocaine doctor has taken me off it . But will be contacting my doctor and asking to be put on it again as only one that seemed to help . But again GP are limited in there knowledge of this illness .but thanks for posting it .I can now tell my doctor about the update 😊

Fencinggirl profile image
Fencinggirl in reply to Readmeastory

Thanks for the reply. I hope you don't mind me asking, but did you GP give a reason for taking you off of lidocaine?

Readmeastory profile image
Readmeastory in reply to Fencinggirl

I ended up with low blood salts and was in hospital for 8days it was the doctor there that took me off it . He never once felt my stomach even when I told him I was in pain . He just kept. Telling me it wad because of my low salts . I asked to be seen by a gastro there but he said we will get your salts up and then get your GP to refer you . So Gp has referred me and waiting on ultra sound as well . But they have taken me of the lidocaine . To take 3laxidos for now . But been in pain and feeling unwell .spoke to go on phone and she said until I see gastro that to stick with the laxido . Sorry so long winded 😀

Fencinggirl profile image
Fencinggirl in reply to Readmeastory

That sucks, I hope things get better for you.

binks profile image

Very interesting. Thank you

ANB80 profile image
ANB80 states that a gluten-free diet is NOT recommended. However, when I switched to a gluten-free diet a couple of years ago my IBS significantly improved. 🤷‍♂️

Fencinggirl profile image
Fencinggirl in reply to ANB80

I don't have an answer for you I'm afraid, a fair amount of the recommendations do not hold true for me either. For instance, the guidelines recommend the low fodmap diet and CBT but I have tried both without any noticeable changes to my symptoms. Glad you have found something that helps you though.

ANB80 profile image
ANB80 in reply to Fencinggirl

The problem is, everyone is different 🤷‍♂️ I am sure there will be some commonality between various people but it seems very difficult to find any one thing causing IBS.

When I switched to a gluten-free diet I also started the low fodmap diet. So combining those 2 diets have significantly improved my IBS.

I think everyone just needs to keep trying different things to find whatever is best suited to them.

Hope you managed to find something that improves you 🤞

Readingnana profile image

Thanks for posting the link. I found this really interesting and reassuring. I am probably typical of many people with IBS, in that I have experienced multiple investigations and high levels of anxiety . I find it difficult to be reassured about my symptoms, even though I am under the care of gastroenterology. Seeing my specific symptoms recognised by the research has eased a lot of my anxiety. The treatment recommendations, specifically bowel directed hypnotherapy are interesting to me. I had considered this, but wasn't sure whether it for clinically researched and effective. I may also pursue a referral for FODMAP advice. Overall I feel reassured and will follow up a few points at my next gastroenterology review. Thank you.

Decgav66 profile image
Decgav66 in reply to Readingnana

Trying hypnotherapy now. Not getting relief

Fencinggirl profile image
Fencinggirl in reply to Readingnana

Glad you found it helpful. I believe there have been a few studies into the efficacy of hypnotherapy for IBS that have had positive results. It is even available on the NHS in a few places, although this is rare. It doesn't work for everyone of course, as many people on this forum can attest. If you are going to go down this route, then the nerva app might be a good start as it is a lot cheaper than going private.

Readingnana profile image
Readingnana in reply to Fencinggirl

Thanks for that info. I'll look into it.

Readmeastory profile image
Readmeastory in reply to Readingnana

I’m going to ask about hypnotherapy as well as it might help .

casares8 profile image

Very interesting, and helpful to see all the guidelines written down, and see what doctors are working with when you go to see them.

bigbunbun3 profile image

Hi thank you for the link. It was very interesting

Zedi39 profile image

Thank you very much for sharing this. Very interesting

Interesting, thanks for posting. I taken a skimmed look, that took me a while as it is so long and complicated- like our guts. I wonder how many GP’s will have time and energy to read and digest.

I’m glad it’s been updated as long overdue. I still think there’s a lot not understood about health and well being. That a lot depends on how well nurtured we are (and parents were) especially from birth. (All of nature needs strong roots and nurturing to survive and thrive).

CBT is helpful for some but not enough for those who have attachment trauma. ( I and many others didn’t/ don’t even fully understand what that is) I’ve seen so many posts where GP’s are saying same things cited as not enough empathy and vague suggestions on diet and even try FODMAP with no referrals given to dietician. Seems to be a bit of a postcode lottery thing too. Hope these guidelines do help sufferers get more help and improved understanding at least.

bookeater profile image

Thank you for posting the link.

BlackIsleGirl profile image

Thank you for posting this. I found the reclassification particular interesting along with better communication, empathy and support as being strongly recommended.

In the last 3.5 years I've been through breast cancer with chemo triggering ibs and the one thing that haunts me is how much I was treated as a piece of meat, both during the cancer treatment and the diagnosis and treatment of ibs. I understand that medical staff need to maintain detachment but that doesn't in my mind excuse it. Empathy and support costs nothing and can make things much easier for the patient.

Fencinggirl profile image
Fencinggirl in reply to BlackIsleGirl

I completely agree. My GP is not the most sympathetic person, and clearly thinks that I am wasting his time when I come to him with my IBS problems. The most that can be said for him is that was willing to refer me, first to a dietitian and then to a gastroenterologist, but this is likely because he didn't want to deal with me.

My gastro was even worse, when I went to the appointment he mansplained (I don't like using this word but it is the only way of accurately describing his level of condescension) what IBS was for a full ten minutes and told me to take laxatives. When I said that I had tried them in the past but they did nothing for me, he shrugged and expected me to get out of his office. My one consolation is that I must have annoyed him by continuing to question him, because he referred to me as "a pleasant young woman" in his letter to my GP, which is apparently consultant speak for "a pain in the arse". Clearly I left an impression


I'm sorry you were treated this way when you had cancer. I would have thought that for something like that doctors would be more sympathetic. I hope you are doing better now.

BlackIsleGirl profile image
BlackIsleGirl in reply to Fencinggirl

I'm fairly sure a few of my letter will say a "pleasent woman" too 😂 I've learned to stand my ground with the medical profession. Good for you for standing up for yourself. Don't be afraid to change your gp if you're not getting the support you need. I went through 4 GPs and 2 surgeries before I got the right help. And to be fair my medical history is quite complicated so I'm either really interesting or a right pain depending on how good the gp is 😂

My current gp is fairly good with the ibs but I've had some shockers and ended up moving surgery because I just wasn't getting the support I needed. One gp told me my ibs symptoms were depression and wanted to refer me to a physiatrist 🙄 I've had depression and I knew it wasn't that.

Physically I'm doing great but I'm still picking up the pieces of the mental damage. I have ptsd from a domestic abuse and medical treatment is a massive trigger for me so lack of communication and empathy really makes things hard for me. However I'm getting the help I need thanks to Maggies Highland so pretty much its all good. Thanks for asking 🙂

Viklou profile image
Viklou in reply to BlackIsleGirl

I've noticed that with consultants, they say either say "it was a pleasure speaking to you" or "pleasant woman" are they just being polite, I've personally found it to be quite a nice attitude to have. I didn't see it as being condescending. I'm Frank and to the point "like help me now because I've been having issues with x, y and z. I feel that what I say he listens too, which makes all the difference

BlackIsleGirl profile image
BlackIsleGirl in reply to Viklou

It's quite possible that you've been lucky enough to find medical professionals who are actually professional Viklou, unfortunately I've met many who aren't.

Fencinggirl profile image
Fencinggirl in reply to Viklou

Considering the context of the conversation I had with this consultant, it was definitely meant as a sleight. I've seen other patients confirm this in other HU forums (particularly in the thyroid forum). Of course, this doesn't mean that the consultants you have seen were being insincere when they have written something similar. But mine definitely was.

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