Endoscopic ultrasound : Has anyone had an... - IBS Network

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Endoscopic ultrasound

60 Replies

Has anyone had an endoscopic ultrasound. So frightened

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60 Replies
Jocarj profile image

Yeah, I've had one before about 10 years ago.

It was OK but it did take me a while to get used to it.

The issue is the endoscope incorporates an inflation device so that they can inflate the passage of the device so they can see things and this is a little uncomfortable.

The key thing is you need to relax whilst they are doing it which takes some power of the mind if you are an anxious person normally.

So if you think you are going to struggle, go for a general anesthetic.

in reply to Jocarj

They are going to take a biopsy of my pancreas. How long did it take

Jocarj profile image
Jocarj in reply to

They took a biopsy in my stomach I think to check for H Pylori.

I think the actual procedure took about 20 > 30 minutes with a bit of faffing before and after so probably an hour in total.

You then need to hang around for the local or general to wear off.

I opted for local so it was quicker.

in reply to Jocarj

Was it an ordinary endoscopy or an ultra sound endoscopy. Was it awful

Jocarj profile image
Jocarj in reply to

Mine was a regular endoscopy as they needed to take normal pictures of the inside of the stomach.

So I don't have any direct experience of the ultrasound version but it looks the same, they appear to use an ultrasound probe instead and you end up with those black and white images.

No, wasn't awful at all.

It's just uncomfortable but the sensation is the same throughout really i.e. it doesn't get any worse from what you experience at the start.

In fact the worst that happens is if you don't relax, you get a build up of gas and it makes you burp uncontrollably. Lol.

They will then suggest you relax more and then it's a question of getting your head around the fact it's fine and starting to relax more.

Then you burp less and so it goes on.

It's more just a bit of an odd sensation rather than anything else.

AMerchant profile image
AMerchant in reply to Jocarj

Hi. What was the h pylori test results then? Did you have any gastritis

Jocarj profile image
Jocarj in reply to AMerchant

Mine was negative although I wasn't expecting it to be positive anyway.

Yes, I had pain in the stomach which was inflammation caused by stress and affected the upper area of it ("Antral").

Changing lifestyle factors sorted that.

Viklou profile image

I've had an endoscopic ultrasound. They can't take biopsies with that device but its brilliant at visualizing the ducts to your liver, gallbladder and pancreas. To get biopsies I think they would need to do it via ERCP. You will be sedated so try not to worry. To add it does take a little longer than a normal endoscopy that looks at your stomach and duodenum but not much.

I had it done because my intra and extra hepatic ducts were enlarged from both a conventional ultrasound and MRCP. Plus funky liver tests.

in reply to Viklou

They can do a biopsy with it and and are going to of the pancreas.

Viklou profile image
Viklou in reply to

I stand corrected and wish you well with it. Honestly it's not a bad procedure but does take a little longer than a normal endoscopy. Someone will need to take you and pick you up because you'll be sedated

Jocarj profile image
Jocarj in reply to Viklou

I think my biopsy was done with the same device as I don't remember anything else going in but I could be mistaken and can't quite remember now.

in reply to Jocarj

Did it take an hour. They have found cysts in my pancreas and I am in agony. So doing a biopsy. I think it might be c as I am in so much pain

Jocarj profile image
Jocarj in reply to

Yes, probably about an hour but it went by pretty quickly.

Stressing about the what-ifs won't help you.

It's easier said than done not worrying but benign cysts do occur of course and irritation of the pancreas I understand is quite painful.

If that turns out to be the case, you will have done a lot of worrying for nothing and may have worsened your symptoms unnecessarily which then makes you feel worse now.

As Viklou stated, pancreatic cancer is quite rare.

Being in pain won't help your situation either so you need to try and get a grip on that first and then wait and see what happens.

I had this last week. Was scared to. Turns out was piece of pee. Just a spray in your throat that makes you feel like you swallowed a space hopper for hall hour then the camera test took about a few minutes. There were loads of people in having the same thing that day. Biopsy of stomach that you didn’t feel

in reply to

I think an ultra round one with biopsy is different it can take an hour!

in reply to

That’s a biopsy of pancreas

in reply to

Never heard of a biopsy taken of the pancreas via a endoscopy, maybe I’m wrong

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I’ve just come out of hospital today from ultrasound it took 15 mins last week’s camera took 5 mins including 4 biopsy’s of the stomach

in reply to

Was it an camera ultrasound in your stomach. It can take one hour

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The endoscopy looks for abnormal issues in the stomach, wind pipe etc. I was checked after h pylori. My ultrasound was KUB as a result of kidney stones.

in reply to

This is a kind of endoscopy but is an internal ultrasound. Frightened of the sedation aldo

in reply to

What they doing tests for? What’s been the issues

in reply to

Pains in stomach and found pancreatic cysts. Got to check them to see if cancer. Terrified. Kept being told I had Ibs!

in reply to

Ah ok. Pancreas cysts are quite common in most cases they’re fine and they just monitor them for a while.

in reply to

I don’t think mine are. I am in awful pain, no appetite

Viklou profile image
Viklou in reply to

You really must not stress as this will make your bowel symptoms worse. No appetite and not eating in itself can cause pain. It's a vicious cycle. Not sure when your scope is but I should imagine in the next couple of weeks. Good luck

in reply to Viklou

Thank you. I think it is cancer. Pain is unbearableness.

Viklou profile image
Viklou in reply to

The one thing they say is that pancreatic cancer is quite rare. Plus the fact that nothing has been seen in your bloods is a positive for it being nothing too sinister. The EUS will be able to see it better but cysts are very common. The more you dwell on it the worse you will feel. What are you taking to control your pain. If in a lot of pain and you can't retain any fluids you need to go to hospital. At the minute they may treat you daily as an out patient. I had that happen in May. They didn't want to admit as Covid was rife. I'd be safer at home. Managed to avoid surgery so all good in that respect. They can give you something intravenous which is great stuff but as you're under a consultant it may be better to contact them or the secretary. I must stress again.... The more you worry the worse your symptoms will be.

in reply to Viklou

Wish that was right but it wakes me up in night. They say you are not in pain unless it has spread. Just been for Covid test. Procedure Wednesday. Really don’t think it is going to be good news as pain is unbearable.

Viklou profile image
Viklou in reply to

If it's spread they would of seen more than just a cyst on your pancreas!!!You would maybe have lesions in other areas. Think positive you haven't been diagnosed yet. I have night time pain and toilet issues. Mines still IBS and I'm glad it's nothing sinister. Just deal with stuff when it happens, never think about the if's. Your blood work is clear from what you say. If very sick your blood work wouldn't be normal. How old are you if you don't mind me asking

in reply to Viklou

71. You seem very knowledgeable.

Viklou profile image
Viklou in reply to

A friend of mine had pancreatic cancer, my brother has crohns and did have liver disease PSC until transplant in April 2017. Researched both to help them and also so I understood what they were telling me, and also learned to recognise when things weren't right.

Princesspeach84 profile image

I had one of these without the cannula sedation and just used the throat spray. The throat spray is the worst bit 🤣 But seriously it’s fine, my advice would be to relax, they laid me down on my side, I had oxygen on my nose, listen to instructions they say. It feels really odd not painful just odd. Almost like your head is saying ‘this isn’t right’ also there’s a screen in front of you which shows your gullet 😬 I shut my eyes as I’m such a wuss. When they say they are taking the camera out they do this so slow, afterwards I was nervous sweating but ok 👍 I could go home quicker than those who had the cannula sedation as they have to wait ages for it wear off. Good luck, just remember to relax, mind over matter 😊

in reply to Princesspeach84

Was yours an endoscopic ultra sound because that can take an hour not the standard 5 minute one

Princesspeach84 profile image

Ooh I’m not sure but mine wasn’t 5 mins they was in their ages having a good poke about. I’ve heard of someone who had a thinner camera which went down nose but mine was the thicker one for throat only

in reply to Princesspeach84

It sounds as though yours was just an endoscopy. This is an endoscopic ultrasound and biopsy of pancreatic cyst. Terrified of test and what they are going to find!

Princesspeach84 profile image
Princesspeach84 in reply to

I think I had pylori test with mine but after talking to others who have had endoscopy this maybe routine. Yes that’s awful and I would be anxious too but try to think positive 🤞 have you had ultrasound on pancreas? It’s surprising what they can pick up on those. Good luck 🤞

in reply to Princesspeach84

I had an ultrasound of stomach and was told everything was fine. Still in pain do they did a ct scan and mRI at my insistence and found pancreatic cyst. Now got to have ultrasound internally to take biopsy. It is called endoscopic ultrasound.

Princesspeach84 profile image
Princesspeach84 in reply to

I know someone who has a pancreatic cyst and hers was picked up on ultrasound 👍 good luck with your further tests

Brooking profile image

Morning yes l had one a couple of years ago. I was sedated and never felt a thing so don't worry it will be ok.Janet

in reply to Brooking

Was it an endoscopy which lasts 5 mins or an endoscopic ultrasound which is a camera in your stomach and biopsies.

Brooking profile image
Brooking in reply to

Hi Jasper l have had both but was sedated for the longer test. The good thing was that l got results straight after. Don't worry you will be fine. Try and be positive. Regards

in reply to Brooking

Did you feel anything. Got to wait for results of biopsy.

Viklou profile image

The normal endoscopy is different. This is like Jasper said and internal ultrasound. These do take longer and you need to be sedated for it. I've had both. They told me they couldn't take biopsies with it but alas I've found out off Jasper they can and looked it up. I had a normal endoscopy without sedation no problem. Like I said earlier it's great for detailed visuals of the hepatic ducts, gallbladder and pancreas. Because they've seen something on the MRI they want a better look.

in reply to Viklou

Did you have the endoscopic ultrasound. How long did it take. Nervous about sedation.

Viklou profile image
Viklou in reply to

Yes I have definitely had both because of bile duct problems that were picked up on a normal ultrasound. Mine actually took about 45 minutes not a quick in and out job like with the normal endoscopy. It didn't hurt at all just a little uncomfortable but definitely doesn't hurt. Don't be worried about being sedated as that's the best thing about it. You're away with the fairies. They sedate because they need you as still as possible. All I can say is try and relax, the nurses are used to people being nervous but even though it takes longer it's over before you know it. They will do a report there and then but you will wait a couple of weeks for the biopsy results.

Flycaz profile image

Had pylori test...then ultrasound....then endoscopy. All found to be normal but biopsy taken for stomach polyps... diagnosis was mild gastritis. Prescribed Esomeprazole 40mg for acid reflux. So far symptoms have improved . Good luck but don't give up if you're not satisfied that everything has been done.

Jocarj profile image

What are your concerns with sedation Jasper21?

Have you been sedated before?

I personally love the feeling as it feels like you are very sleepy and allows you to relax without even trying.

The best one is General Anesthetic as it's like going off to sleep without trying.

I can honestly understand why people like MJ and Prince got addicted to these kind of things but ultimately went too far sadly.

in reply to Jocarj

Because it can cause heart and breathing problems.

Jocarj profile image
Jocarj in reply to

Have you been under general or local aesthetic before?

A general, but didn’t like the drifting off. It does say it can cause heart and breathing problems and you have to sign for it. Never had such pain. Getting really morbid!

Gogreensue profile image

Hi Jasper I have an EUS yearly for the last 7 years as I have IPMNs in my pancreas. They will give you sedation, you are given oxygen via a nasal catheter and your oxygen saturation is monitored. It will take about 30 minutes and you hardly be aware it’s happening.Just because you are in severe pain does not mean you have cancer. Pancreatitis ( inflammatio of pancreas) is extremely painful.)

I had half my pancreas removed- tail end- distal pancreatectomy- 6 years ago as one of the cysts was turning malignant. I have 2 cysts left in remaining pancreas so still have yearly MRCP and EUS.

You will be fine xx I am 66

in reply to Gogreensue

Hi thanks. Mine are in the head. I have no appetite, change in bowels, such pain. It’s all the symptoms of c. I think they said it was small on the mri 13mm. I am in intolerable pain. Wakes me at night. Were you. So frightened. Worried about sedation as it can cause problems.. I’m 71. It’s the pain that’s worrying me. Which makes me think it is.

in reply to Gogreensue

Sorry to trouble you. How large were they and did they cause pain? Thank you for replying.

Gogreensue profile image

I didn’t put in my previous post mine were cysts on the pancreas which they found on a CT. they are called IPMNs.

in reply to Gogreensue

Mine is in the head.

Jocarj profile image

If you've had a general before, this should give you confidence that you've been through it before and not had any issues so you can tolerate the anaesthesia without issue.

Anaesthetists do this all day every day so take confidence that they know what they are doing.

Life is full of risk which you cannot mitigate (even staying at home), but the actual risks of absolutely anything happening is pretty low compared to it not happening.

One of the biggest problems you probably face, especially when researching anything to find out what is going on, is you will mostly find information on situations that are happening and are the case.

From Cancer Research UK:

"The estimated lifetime risk of being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer is 1 in 53 (2%) for males, and 1 in 57 (2%) for females born after 1960 in the UK."

Take an average of the two and say 1 in 55.

For arguments sake, instead of the 65,000,000 odd, say there are 55,000,000 people in the country.

That means 1,000,000 people will develop Pancreatic cancer and if they all posted that up somewhere, it would scare a lot of people!

But if 54,000,000 people posted up that they were fine, that's a very large number of people who were, are and will be fine.

There will be statistics for those who have issues under anaesthesia too but similarly, whilst there will be some who develop breathing or heart problems, there will be a hell of a lot more who have no issues, the same as you when you last went under.

It might be helpful to try and get some perspective on risks and not to focus on the much smaller percentages where things aren't good...

CRYSTAL11 profile image

It’s not to bad. Not as invasive as other procedures. You will have lots of wind but some peppermint tea helps that. Don’t worry staff are really good snd will talk you through it

lbzph profile image

Endoscopy make sure they give you enough sedative and you will not remember a thing. I was away with the fairies.

in reply to lbzph

It’s not an ordinary endoscopy it’s an endoscopic ultrasound. Takes up to an hour.

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