Hi is excessive burbing a problem for any one
Linda93: Hi is excessive burbing a problem for... - IBS Network
Yes, I awake several times in early hours and burp / belch quite a bit, then usually able to return to sleep. Often belch when I lay down initially, and when feeling stressed or anxious, when over tired, doing strenuous exercise and needing food/ water. Think mine is related to high unconjugulated biliruben- lack of ability to detox easily due to Gilbert’s syndrome ( an inherited condition) and long term stress anxiety. Had lots of investigations done, nothing found. Did have gall bladder removed in emergency key hole surgery 6 years ago which did seem to make belching worse than before. Been bothering me for over 12 years at least. Tried all sorts of things like kefir and probiotics. I eat a careful FODMAP based diet ( do eat dairy as seem to be Ok with it in small amounts). Practise yoga and walk regularly. Keep well hydrated, and mostly make sure I get a good nights sleep as much as possible. Have kept journals and diaries to find links. Which has all helped a little. Am having a upper GI gastroscopy/ endoscopy again soon to check again, as the repeated early morning waking is not helping my energy levels!
I had belching like you wouldn't believe loud forceful burping constantly turned out to be h pylori infection
me! especially when I am nauseous or constipated
Yep. Ive got it too. Mainly starts about 8pm. Start burping and its constant. The only way i get any relief is by going to bed to try to sleep (not very well). But ive started having my dinner at an earlier time (4:30pm) and thinking of trying low carb meals to see if it works. Good luck.