Stress related IBS? anyone suffer from this?
Stress related IBS: Stress related IBS? anyone... - IBS Network
Stress related IBS

Throughout the years I've suffered from IBS....around 20, stress has proved to be a big attack trigger. Most recent example was earlier this year when my hubby was suddenly diagnosed with retina cancer, within 24 hours my IBS flared and I had one of the worst episodes ever lasting around 6 weeks....I lost over a stone in weight, not the best way to lose weight! 🙄

thanks Poppy, what kind of symptoms have and do you experience?
Hi. Terrible cramps in upper tummy to start with even after a few sips water then colic pains and general pain all over tummy.... terrible diarrhea many times a day, the worse the stress the worse it gets 😒

Is there anyway you can take anything for anxiety and stress? Magnesium citrate powder is excellent for stress, agitation, sleep and anxiety. It is a mineral most of us are deficient in. Also, there is Klonopin, Xanax, Valerian root, Kava kava, Calms forte, etc. I take Seroquel for anxiety, and my cramping stopped. However, I still suffer from IBS-C, where I have lost 100 pounds. Although with the help with a dietician, have gained 4 lbs.
Yes! Started when I was 13 I’m now 17 and getting a mental health assessment (to help with anxiety and other mental health issues). It got to the point where I couldn’t leave my house and I was unable to meet with family and friends.
Hope you can find something that works!
K x
I think many of us can track our IBS back to stress or at minimum it will 100% not help the situation
Yes my IBS is stress related I am only just coping with it mine causes weight issues as well as stomach pain I use buscopan Gail
Yes I most certainly do. Touch wood I have been better since I moved jobs. Had a mini flare up this morning. Went twice fine then went again and was really bad but then that was it. I got worked up by what a family member had said so it could have been that but then again with ibs who knows. However I certainly had mine when it was bad days and weeks on end. Bad every morning it was due to stress. Sometimes I just suddenly need, not bad tummy but I need and it’s urgent
I'm beginning to doubt mine is IBS-going for an abdo scan next week. Yesterday had terrible bloating-i think due to gluten-so have not ate any today and yet after a short walk-the pain i had on and off in my lower right side has come back. It felt like i'd pulled a muscle. I'm really worried about it. Have took to the sofa with a hot water bottle and paracetamol but doesn't seem to be shifting.
I thought it might of been Appendicitis but have just come from urgent care and the advice is keeping taking painkillers, try to relax and not over think and still go for my scan on Tuesday. Helpful. I've managed to eat, take some painkillers and feel a bit better. It's hard not to over think!
Can IBS pain always radiate from one area or move about?
Oh good so not all in my head then?
Yes ibs pain can radiate but everyone is different ibs is a cruel mistress I have heard people having bad breath from ibs my symptoms are appendicitis like symptoms with constipation or diarrhea also pain under my rib cage near my belly button and left and right side and terrible trapped wind which makes it worse I spend about £20 a week on ibs medication
That sounds like what i've been experiencing-this all started after we came back from Honeymoon. About 5years ago, i had a similar kind of experience but i'm sure it was round about when my nan died-all tests again came back negative and after my ultrasound was given the all clear...all my symptoms suddenly went. Maybe it is stress-this year, i have got married, been messed about with our house on the market-but took it off-was involved in a car accident and had someone i used to work with die in a tragic accident so maybe it's a way of it all manifesting-because before the wedding i just tried to put it to the back of mind.
thanks i think once this scan has been done-i'll feel a lot better also
funny though normally i suffer tension head aches and migraines but since this has flared up i haven't had one.
so went for ultrasound scan today and said all is ok