Finding genuine work from home jobs when you'r... - IBS Network

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Finding genuine work from home jobs when you're crippled with IBS & BSM?

KirstieG profile image
5 Replies

Does anyone out there have any experiences/advice to offer on how to find genuine work from home employment?

I am now virtually housebound having had a successful management career and am struggling to find a job (or contract work) that doesn't involve travelling (or cold calling people to sell PPI and insurance claims - ugh). Employers are reluctant to hire someone they can't see, and agencies just stone wall you all the time.

I'm not 50 yet, and not ready to retire or give up.

I have chronic IBS and BSM which mean I can't get out and about to see people, and have absolutely no hope of travelling to a conventional 'office' job. Though classified as a disability under the Equality Act 2010, IBS is not regarded as a disability by DWP without jumping through every hoop known to man and GP (and lots of luck).

IBS and related conditions are still widely seen by employers as 'trivial' and are greatly misunderstood... its hard (and embarrassing) to explain to potential employers why you can't work in an office... and why should I have to detail the ins and outs of my bowels to complete strangers in order to get a job???!!!!

Does anyone know of any agencies or forums where you don't have to pay to get leads for contract work?

Frustrated, disheartened and broke...

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KirstieG profile image
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5 Replies
rustydog profile image

I can’t be much help I’m afraid but just to say I know where your coming from. I am looking for work but as my symptoms are so hit and miss and unpredictable I am really struggling to find anything. Ideally, I would love something home based but the only thing I can think of is doing something like a virtual assistant but it’s been some time since I worked in an office so I’d need to recap on my skills. Hopefully someone can come on here and help, good luck.

KirstieG profile image
KirstieG in reply to rustydog

Thanks Rusty, best of luck to you too!

'Invisible' illness can be so difficult - I feel I have to justify myself all the time, and people don't get it without endless explanations of why you can and can't do things... even then, they don't really want to know.... it's all a bit taboo. If I was blind, or deaf or in a wheelchair - something they could understand - then there would be no end of opportunity.

I'll just have to keep looking, and hoping.

All the best,

K xx

JH16 profile image
JH16 in reply to KirstieG

Similar to the other poster, I can empathise but not help I’m afraid. I had secured a work from home job but then was made redundant at the start of the year and now can’t find anything...there are a lot of us on here in very similar positions and I can’t help but feel that there must be so many skills and interests between us, we could do something valuable between us if we were able to be in the right environment. Would either of you be interested in talking more about this? Best wishes x

dawnbrady13 profile image

I have had my gall bladder removed, had it done by keyhole surgery. Having it removed was the good part prior to removal chronic pain and vomiting.

katie63 profile image

Hi there.

I totally sympathise with you as I have the same illness.

I feel so isolated and would love to go back to work but unfortunately I do not have any control over my illness apart from my meds which have side effects and control how good or bad my day will be.

That does not mean that I am not capable of doing some work from home and this would be a lifeline to feeling some kind of normality.

I feel people like us are forgotten about and as you said, our illness is greatly misunderstood.

So I feel your pain.

It can also be very lonely too.

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