Can anyone tell me what bioglan is and where do you get it? đ
Bioglan ??: Can anyone tell me what bioglan is... - IBS Network
Bioglan ??

Hi. Bioglan is a top of the range probiotic.I take these,they are very good,plus you donât have to keep them in the fridge like you do with a lot of others.Holland & Barrett sell them.Good luck
There a very good probiotic, i use them as they have a few strains of bacteria. Not just one.
Also dont have to b in fridge all time so u can take on holiday
Yes totally agree they are very good also Bioglan do a whole range of foods and supplements - look at their website
Hi thank you for the link to their website, I have had a quick look at the probiotic info. Has any one taken these who has IBS-C ? If so have they had any beneficial results?
I have and found them good - the only thing I would say is that saccromyces boulardi treats diarrohea so I too was a bit iffy about them - however I tried them and found them good but perhaps not as good as one that doesn't contain that strain - I always maintain as long as it has acidophillis in that is a great strain for constipation. I read the reviews on Bioglan on Amazon so would suggest you have a look. But again I will STRESS - we are all different not one size fits all so you have to just give it a go and see how you do - may work brilliant for you but not for others!
A good one I can highly recommend is one from a company called Aliment they do a probiotic:
Take a look it is only ÂŁ7.50 - you got nothing to lose at that price
Hi janetmtt, thank you for your reply. I have tried so many of probiotics over the years even the well known expensive ones, but none of them have helped. I will look into the sites you suggest. Thanks again đ
I too have tried many probiotics and expensive ones. Bioglan been one of them. I now take Metagenics which are expensive. None have made a difference to me. I have Ibs c. The best thing for it is high doses of magnesium citrate or oxide to keep things moving. Probiotics alone will not make a difference. You can take them along with the magnesium. I can recommend some and how best to take it if you like.
You know something - I have a cupboard full of probiotics with and without prebiotics in - I've had the cheap ones, I've had the expensive ones, I've bought from the USA i.e. Custom Probiotics, Gutpro, Metagenics, - you name it I bought it - and I found sometimes the expensive ones gave you more problems than you set out with - Gutpro for children for me had about 50% of its total of Bif Infantis in - yes it unbloated you but it made my boobs huge so stopped it and it also made me very depressed (Alflorex was another that did the same). I had best results with Biokult (can't take otherwise I would as it has L.Casei in - as I have histamine intolerance can't take this strain - but would if I could) Holland and Barrett was good, the Aliment I took for years, Healthspan was very good and the other good ones are the Optibac range - they do a super duper one now with very high count in and I can guarantee that is very good for constipation.
But as I said earlier what suits one doesn't always suit others - trial and error but take a look at some of my suggestions - Optibac have a very good customer service and will answer any questions, Healthspan are also good - in fact their 20 billion probiotic is the same as Optibacs - same ingredients.
I'm trying to stop taking probiotics now because my bloat is still there and I think the probiotic is now making it worse especially with prebiotics in so I avoid those. Someone said to me the other day perhaps the probiotic strains are not suitable for you - a lot of people can't take them for various reasons and also I find a lot of strains really can affect my mood some also make me puffy in the face. I never had half the problems and I don't think my bloat was so bad before I started mucking around with probiotics! And on a health site the other day a therapist said you shouldn't take probiotics all the time - a homeopath also told me the same. Good luck whichever way you go!
I replied to someone elseâs post, but not to you. I too have tried many probiotics and expensive ones. Bioglan been one of them. I now take Metagenics which are expensive. None have made a difference to me. I have Ibs c. The best thing for it is high doses of magnesium citrate or oxide to keep things moving. Probiotics alone will not make a difference. You can take them along with the magnesium. I can recommend some and how best to take it if you like.
Hi Pat1 and Janetmtt, thank you both for your replies. I do some times take 800mg Magnesium Citrate (in tablet form before breakfast) but last time it did not help at all, where as in the past it did. At the moment I am under a Gastroentiologist ( not very helpful to say the least ), I did manage to get a persciption for Prucalopride, but had to pay for it!! So far it has not helped in relieving the constipation, but I do get a stronger urge to go to the toilet. I have just ordered some probiotics from Nutri ( five strain ) they don't contain any Prebiotics, which I try to avoid as my tummy is sensitive to FODMAPS, and such things. I think my IBS is the result of anxiety, but do wonder about, Sibo, Candidia etc, but I have no other physical symptoms, so I guess I am lucky compared to some people. All we can do is keep trying to make ourselves a little more comfortable, not easy when bowel says "no"đ, good to have this site, as it is difficult for other people to understand that our tummies don't work properly. Wishing you both well x
Hi see my further reply. I used to take Prucalopride but now take Linaclotide which is better. I donât take it every day though. Magnesium should be taken on an empty stomach last thing at night preferably and nothing to eat after that. That is how it works for constipation.
You need to take a high amount of magnesium citrate or oxide. About 800 to 1200mg. I have had Ibs c almost my whole life and am now in my fifties. This is the best natural supplement to take for this condition and I have tried many. Even my consultant recommended it. I take it every day. You must take it on an empty stomach just before bed with lots of water. I would start with a high dose initially just to clear you out. Even if it means taking a few capsules. I sometimes take 6 200mg capsules. Capsules are the best not tablets and it has to be citrate or oxide as these are the ones that work for constipation. There is a lot of information about constipation and magnesium on the internet. There is a site called Ibs tales that discusses this. The ones I take are either Now foods Magnesium citrate, Solgar Magnesium Citrate or Life extensions. I get mine from the US on a site called iHerb, but you can get them on Amazon. There are other magnesium oxide products specifically for colon cleansing called Mag 07, Colosan and Oxypowder. They are a bit expensive but are amazing. I use these in between. No cramps no bloating, just relief. You can get these on Amazon as well. Don't suffer any longer. By the way I also follow a low fodmap diet through a dietician but this alone does not help constipation. Let me know how you get on.
Hi Pat1, thank you for all of your advice. I have not tried the Magnesium at night, but will try that. What kind of time do you have your last meal in the evening if you are going to take it? We usually have dinner around 6pm, but I could do it earlier if the results would be more beneficial. I have Solgar Magnesium Citrate tablets, when I order next I will go for capsules. I have been posting on here for years now, I bet people think " there is that bigbunbun3 person again "!!!! I will have to read up on the Linaclotide, it's a while before I see the Consultant next. Does it upset your tummy and disrupt your day? The Prucalopride did only that the first day, which is good. Years ago I tried Oxypower but I did not like the harsh results it gave me, can't win can we? Do you have any thoughts as to why you have IBS-C? I have no idea really, just think the anxiety I have has caused damage to my digestive system. X
The Solgar Magnesium is good. I eat at about 7:30pm and take the magnesium at about 11pm. I stay up late. You could take it at say 10pm. If not, sometimes I take it when I wake up in the middle of the night. I do t mind the effects of Oxypowder as I feel cleaned out and not bloated. The Linaclotide I take in the evening when I get home from work. Not in the morning as indicated as I donât want to be caught short when at work.
I seem to have a disfunctional colon that doesnât work properly. I had all the tests done. I hope your consultant is doing the same. When you have mine or your sort of problem, no amount of fibre or probiotic alone are going to help. You need to take something else and the magnesium is the best. Read up on the internet regarding magnesium and constipation.
By the way I also follow the fodmap diet through a dietician, but this does not help constipation only the bloating.
Hi Pat1, thank you again for the advice. One evening this week I will try the magnesium in the evening. I find the Consultant very blasĂ©. He did do a colonoscopy, and there was nothing wrong that he could see. I don't go back to see him until April, plenty of time to read up about Linaclotide. Take care đ