I always feel I need the loo even after I have... - IBS Network
I always feel I need the loo even after I have emptied my bowels. How do I stop myself from straining which then causehaemorrhoids.

i have the same problem, i have to make myself stop straining. when i feel iv'e emptied my bowels . i get up from loo and do something to take my mind off it , and i find that if i need to go again im not putting pressure on. sometimes what im feeling are internal hemorrhoids.
You dont say if you have seen a gastro enterologist.. I think you should be checked out ad a feeling of not emptying your bowel can be symptomatic of other conditions.
I have seen a number of colecterol consultants and have had ct scan and mri.
Walking around feeling as if you've got a lump in your butt even after having a bowel movement is a common enough symptom of IBS. It usually means that you haven't actually quite emptied out although you think you have. When this used to happen to me, I'd use a glycerine (glycerol) suppository which would get rid of what still remained - often only a very small amount, but can still feel uncomfortable as it's usually lingering right at the bottom bit (unintentional pun there!) of the colon. Suppositories are available OTC at any pharmacy.
Try the squatty potty look it up it explains why. It has worked miracles for me,had the same problem
Mine was related to what I ate. Don't get it now that I am on FODMAPS