Amitriptyline can anyone help on this will it ... - IBS Network
Amitriptyline can anyone help on this will it help my Ibs d as been suffering years get fed up want normal life

From what I've read on here, amitriptyline works very well for some people, but has no beneficial effect for others. I think this a very individual thing and you'll have to give it a go before you'll really know.
Yes going to try it thanks for ur response
Have taken it for years has not helped me, take it for sleeping whinned myself down from 100 mg to 30. Makes me to sleepy during the day.
Only taken one tablet so far it making me feel so tired thinking of not taking it again as need my strength for my job
Do I take it for Ibs
I meant do u take it for Ibs
I take 25 mg for my ibs-d it ruined my life these tablets have helped me quite alot i dnt have such bad panic attacks now either since takin them x
Hi thanks how was ur diahorrea affected by tablets did it clear up x
Hi thanks very much for ur reply this is my 2nd week on them I do work on a pharmacy did u have loose stools a lot during week hope u don't mind me asking u x
Thanks have had Ibs for 2 or 3 days hope they r hping only been 10 days so far how long u had ibsd for x
My advice would be that you would be better off finding what causes your IBS - d. I've suffered for years and am now following the Low FODMAP diet - 3 weeks in and feel fabulous with no 'episodes'. I've tried Amitriptyline and it made no difference but gave me a horrid dry mouth.