Hey there,
I was wondering if anyone who's had a laparoscopic hysterectomy could tell me what it was like for them straight after. The main reason I'm asking is this: I live alone and have been advised to arrange for someone to stay with me the first night after the hospital (where they're estimating I'll stay for one night after the operation as I'm fit, otherwise healthy, etc. and they're not expecting any complications), but due to very boring and very last minute circumstances no one I know is available the two nights after the operation. Indeed, depending on when I'm released I may not have anyone to even pick me up. I've been waiting for this surgery for 4 years (during which time I went through 4 formal complaints all of which were upheld - it's been quite a journey!) and can't face it not going ahead now so had decided to just go it along. After all how hard can taking a cab and lying in bed be? Thanks to the endo I'm more than used to dealing with strong pain and I'll have everything I may need set up already within easy reach of the bed, food pre-cooked in the freezer, etc. Surely, it'll be alright, no? What exactly would I even need someone else for? Or does that sound mad? I guess I just wanted to sense check with others but everyone I know who's had hysterectomies is in my mum's generation and had them 20 or 30 years ago when they were full operations (rather than keyhole) and people stayed in hospital much longer afterwards. Thanks already for any advice you may be able to give!