I started getting really painful attacks over 12 months ago now. A repeating very painful spasmodic sensation which would last for around 12 hours. These attacks would seem to coincide somewhere around my period and I would feel the after effects for a good few days. I've had every gastro check possible and the last step would be to have a lapro to see if it could be endo. I do feel discomfort when I go to the toilet but not during sex and the pain in my abdomen seems to be slightly higher and more central than I would perhaps expect. I'd always brushed it off as a possibility but a few weeks back when I went to the toilet, I passed blood. My thighs do hurt from time to time but usually during my cycle so I think this could be normal. I'm incredibly confused and wanted to hear others experiences. Please help me to understand if I'm going mad. This pain is so debilitating I can't live like this for another year
Can endo feel like IBS? Help! - The Endometriosis...
Can endo feel like IBS? Help!

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I'm also interested if anyone else experiences extreme nausea during an attack. I had an almost debilitating one yesterday. I was nauseous to the point of throwing up due to the pain. I thought I was going to pass out. While all of this was going on I could feel my right ovary throbbing. It was excruciating. After an attack it's all I can do to keep my eyes open. I'm out cold. I don't think it's any coincidence that I'm also "on my period" which has been particularly weird this month. I'm on day four and there is barely any flow. I'm usually full force by now