Sad to hear one to one counselling no longer cost effective for tenovus. Has anyone out there benefitted in the past? What is this ACTive package that's replacing it?
Any one had ACT counselling or One to one - Tenovus
Any one had ACT counselling or One to one

ACTivate your life is about to go live at the end of March (I am about to do the training to deliver it) it is a tailored course based on the principles of ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy) which is currently used by the NHS in wales on a more broad health basis. The cancer specific version has been developed by Professor Neil Frude (clinical psychologist with over 40yrs experience) and is very nearly ready to go live. People do report excellent outcomes after the generic one, so this one should be even more helpful for people affected by cancer. The problem with providing 1:1 counselling, is the shortage of practitioners, and the number of people it is therefore possible to help.
Great to read about ACTivate, i benefited last year from a Tenovus one to one referral as part of the HNA during chemo, it helped me transition through several stages of treatment, recovery and restart. Will follow progress very closely, peer to peer support alone is not enough, we must member that supporters also need support provisions, with safety nets...