I am currently recovering from anorexia and I am 16 and still growing and I am freaking out about the bloating and questioning if the bloating will go away and if feeling like i have no energy at all when i do anything is normal during recovery??? And also, is not being able to exercise as much as i used to normal during recovery???
Anorexia recovery : I am currently... - Talk ED (eating d...
Anorexia recovery
Yes all completly normal and yes the bloating does go away try drinking herbal teas to ease the bloating also you shouldn’t really be excersising during recovery unless your doctor says it’s okay but being underweight means you haven’t been comsumjng enough calories and calories are engery to run walk and exercise etc.. so it’s normal not being able to do as much it also takes energy for your body to digest the food you have eaten and when you haven’t that much energy to begin with eating big meals can be draining
Yes bloating normal -along with the mental side of things telling you are full etc - suggest if you like yoghurts try pro-biotics. As to exercise - calories in - exercise = calories burned off - so in recovery you need to reduce exercise - increase calories - so that you can begin to let your body gain weight. Usually as your weight increases and stabilises they do discuss a gradual introduction of some exercise - but let the professionals guide you on this. Good luck with recovery.