Hi, just found this site, I binge eat to the extremes, waiting for an appointmet with the eating disorder services, I’m just totally miserable and hate myself.
Binge eating : Hi, just found this site... - Talk ED (eating d...
Binge eating
Hi Sharbet, I know how you feel! I've gone from being very restrictive to restricting but then having a massive blow out in the evenings...eating things I'd given up and manage to stay away from for nearly 2 years!
I take laxatives daily-not a massive quantity (between20-30) and even they aren't working as well as they did. I feel bloated and absolutely loathe myself! It's like the world is against me-very dramatic I know but I find it hard to keep 'ticking over' and being okay on the surface-happy, positive face for the children when I feel like I'm slowly dying in the inside!
You have made a very sensible and brave step by making an appointment with the eating disorder services; they will be able to help and guide you and hopefully help you to realise all of the wonderful qualities that I'm sure you have but have just lost sight of. I talk to my GP, don't think he quite gets me but listens!
Take care
I fell like nobody gets me. My laxatives were 65 per day which has caused havoc with my body. I saw the professor last week and now have to start irrigation at home. I’m sitting here now feeling horrible and hating myself I have binged all week again. It’s that old ‘start again on monday’. I am actually a recovering alcoholic so my addiction has gone from alcohol to food. I know what you mean by putting on a brave face. I seem fine to people I hide it well. Thank you for replying I hope you get sorted soon. 😊
Hi dear Sharbet. I also used to binge eat, after my anorexia. As a result of that it turned into a momentary bulimia.
Luckily there is a way to stop it. Even if you get good advice, support and help from the professionals, the first step forward starts from you. You need to get the eating under control and definitely, it's gonna take a while. Slow and steady was the method for me that helped me to get out of it. You need to have mercy on yourself. And on those days when you are weaker and end up eating the whole fridge, go and take a jog, long walk or ride a bike. Anything you like. After your stomach has come down ofc. This will give you a peace of mind that even if you are eating like an animal, at least you are not getting any fatter.
It is also vert important you make a concrete eating plan for yourself from Monday to Sunday. And even this might sound stupid, the more religiously and persistently you do it, the faster and easier the healing from binge eating will come. Eat foods that are healthy but taste good. Eat foods that are light in a way, that you can be eating them so much but your stomach doesn't become too heavy and full. For example vegetables, fruits, berries etc. Pop corn with a little salt is a nice snack to eat and doesn't give you any extra pounds. Peanuts are also a good choice if you like them. They contain a lot of protein and there for will keep your hunger away for a long time. Just try to cut on sweets because they fill your stomach fast, bring your hunger back fast and make you fat which will make you feel more depressed and anxious.
However, the most important thing is that you learn to love yourself and accept yourself the way you are. Eating disorder is not an answer to a more beautiful or attractive body. It is not an answer for losing weight. It is only there to kill, steal and to destroy, just like the devil himself. You also need to sit down to think why you are not happy with yourself and the way you look like. Are you comparing yourself to someone? Are you bullied because of what you look like? What is the foundation of your problem? Eating disorder is just a symptom but you need to find the source.
Take care of yourself and be strong
Sincerely, survivor of anorexia/bulimia