Hey! Hello, I'm TPepper and I just wanted to tell you guys my story and I guess ask if anyone else relates.
I have recently been referred to my GP for an eating disorder.
Through my childhood (so for at least 8 years) I have binged. Through my childhood, my weight was awful. At the age of 10, I was obese (at 87kg) and through high school, I reached a point where I was 115 kg. So yeah, my eating was bad. I was obese. I couldn't go three hours without eating. In fact, one hour was difficult. It wasn't great.
I eventually lost a bit of weight. On holiday, a lot of the food was spicy (which I can't stand) so I ate less. I became a lot more active. Also, my binge frequency reduced. I think maybe it was because I became happier. I started off uni at 95 kg.
For the first term, everything changed completely. I ate three meals that were balanced. I only binged once in ten weeks. However, seven weeks in, I found out that I'd lost 10 kg. I was 85 kg - the lightest I'd been in 10 years.
I started back the next term incredibly anxious of gaining weight. I started counting calories and restricting. I had a restriction period of around 4 weeks of like 1200 +/- 200 calories.
Since then, I have lost weight (now, I'm at 77kg) and I am still struggling with food. I have days where I restrict (300 - 1300 calories, averaging at around 900) then binge (1500 - 3000). I literally spend the whole day thinking about food. When I'm restricting, I am either so proud of myself for being 'good' or grumpy thinking about all the food I want to eat. Though I have days where I am able to eat properly.
I was insecure about my weight before - I had people tell me I'd never get married because I was fat and I was picked on and bullied. So losing weight was something that made me feel amazing. However, I don't particularly have an issue with my weight now. I do not want to lose weight because I think I'll look any better. It is more just the case that I want to lose weight because there's a feeling of accomplishment. It's really confusing. I don't know how it is for others?
Currently, I am getting help - I do not want to get worse. I do not want to lose any more weight. I do not want my health to get worse.
Is it just me who goes in restriction-binge-eating normal cycles?
Also, is it just me who restricts during the day, but binge during the evening?
Also, I feel like I'm not ill enough. I do struggle with food and I have for ages, but I mean, I am at a normal weight and the calories I binge and the amount I restrict isn't as severe as others. So I feel like because of this and because of the normal eating days and that I may not get treatment even though I've been referred. I don't know. What does anyone else think?
Sorry for this looooong post. Also, I appreciate it if you have read all of this. Thanks! Have a good day everyone! xx