Hello, I am writing to share the concern that I've been having recently for my younger brother.
He is 18, a high-achiever, about to attend a good university and has been on a fitness mission the past year. He's always been 'overweight' (I hate this term but I am using it for lack of a better one).
Recently I have noticed that he is adding 'fast days' to his fitness routine and is exercising excessively, sometimes to the extent that he is in some physical pain.
Tonight I noticed that there was vomit in the bathroom sink. After dinner he usually goes straight to his room so I can only imagine he made himself sick. I've noticed this a few times in the past, but I am away at university a lot so it's difficult to figure out how regularly this happens.
Things aren't (and haven't been) so great in our household for a few years now. We are both young carers and have had to deal w a lot of health-related responsibility early on.
My final point is a question: where do I go from here? Our mum is incredibly supportive, but I am afraid that if I share these concerns with her behind my brothers back this could alienate him further, leading him to hide it more.
TLDR: brother is making himself sick, unsure how to address my concern sensitively & encourage him to seek professional help